Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
SPL = Secondary Program Loader
IMO, Android is turning into what WM used to be... - "MindFrost82"
Originally Posted by shaggylive Patience - a minor form of despair disguised as a virtue. Ambrose Bierce |
Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
you need to do the steps in order. step 1 can be skipped if you have HardSPL already. anyway, you know that now, lol (sorry). as for firewall, just disable it temporarily. oh and a simple solution to get out of bootloader without hard reset is running the (separate, public) HardSPL package in MANUAL MODE (this doesn't need internet either), and flash. or you can even flash a splashscreen only NBH, that works from SD card.
Main device: Athena (x7500)
Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones. Donations To cmonex |
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
so does this mean you can fash the verizon radio on the sprint TP2 and bypass the whole need for a patched radio?
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
no, sadly verizon radio has the same protections compiled in for sprint branded devices. i.e. it will flash but US networks won't be enabled |
Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
thanks for the clarification, I know people have reported just needing the unlock code and being fine even in the US so I was curious.
Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
if they didn't send a donation BEFORE the hardspl/simunlocker release, they should just use the purchase form on our site, much better option as it's an automated system. if they sent one AFTER, and it's already sent, not just planned, and it's a significant amount that's also ok, then you can contact us with your request at http://support.htc-unlocks.com |
Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
that is only true for verizon and telus phones, not sprint. sprint has this extra blockout code. |
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Re: RhodiumW/Sprint/Verizon/Telus Touch Pro 2 CID/Security/SIM Unlocker
I took my pro2 to my buddy's metropcs shop, and he could not do a metroflash for it on houdini. everything is unlocked, hardspl'ed, sim unlocked, and mightyrom flashed.
although houdini doesn't support metroflashing this model yet, my buddy put a call into houdini, and they said it should flash just like a pro1. does anyone know why houdini could not see the phone when connected via usb? activesync ran. connected, and sync'ed when the usb was connected. |