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Old 10-04-2009, 10:03 PM
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FINAL [ROM] ll* CFay_RHOD_500/400 *ll ll* CEOS 21890 *ll ll*Build 1.5 *ll FINAL

Rom is RELEASED! Enjoy!


PLEASE Run CFay Provisioning program after flash located in Start-Settings-Connections (THANKS eboelzner!)

I have spent countless hours working on making my rom the best it can possibly

be, so please consider donating.

FINAL- Dure to circumstances out of my control, my rom is now final, I no longer have time to cook or anything, my personal life has gone crazy these days. Compatibility: Sprint PCS_Telus_Verizon_US Celluar +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please make sure your Device is unlocked first! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Special Thanks to:
Cmonex, Mightymike, Juicy47, Juggalo_X, Scrosler, DCD, Vetvito, Budney + More!
Build 1.5 January XX,2010 [#] Windows Mobile 6.5 CEOS 5.2.21890 (Build 21889.5.0.88_CFay) (Thanks Juicy) [+] Manila 2.5 Email Tab port(Thanks Mike) [+] Fixed Remote Desktop [+] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19203823_30 [+] Message_Enhancement_1_1_19212231_00 [+] NewContactCard_1_0_19203330_00 [+] Notification_Enhancement_2_0_1919_1427 [+] QuickGPS_1_1_19173021_00 [+] TaskManager_2_1_19203822_17 [+] Tweaked XIP (Thanks Deck!) [+] Tweaked Romhdr for more free memory (Thanks Deck!) [+] USC 2.01 XIP [-] Action Screen [+] Official HTC SMS 2010 bug fix (Thanks Jeff) [-] Mr X Provisioning [+] StedySoft Provisioning (THANKS eboelzner) [-] Grooveshark (not stable enough)
Build 1.4 January 04, 2010 [#] Windows Mobile 6.5 CEOS 5.2.21887 (Build 21887.5.0.68 CFay)VERY Fast [-] Removed Nue Spin Lock on OEMDrivers (think its related to hard reset problem) [-]Removed Debugger reference (Increased Speed!) [+] New enhanced AudioPara3 [+] Leo Opera Loading Wallpaper [+] Groovefish_3_2_CFay [+] 3G Taskbar Icon (Thanks Mike!) [#] Changed Pagepool to 12 [#] Optimized Cache [-] Removed Opera from Task Manager Exclusive List [+] Leo Boot Screen [+] Voice Command [+] Leo Background in Manila [+] Action_Screen_WWE [-] Cleaned out unnecessary cabs from previous builds [+] Increased first boot up time
Build 1.3 December 19,2009 [#] Windows Mobile 6.6 CEOS 5.2.21869 (Build 21869.5.0.68 CFay) [#] Fixed Lockscreen [#] Fixed Verizon Keyboard Bug [#] Fixed Sprint Keyboard Bug [+] Bing_4_6_9179_1 [+] Rhodium Wallpapers [+] CFC Compressed Manila [+] MS_MyPhone 01_05_2410_CFay
Build 1.2 November 28, 2009 [+] Newest USC Rom base now included [+] New Spinlocked OEMDrivers/XIP [+] Added Performance tweaks [+] Sprint TV NOW WORKS! [+] Fixed hour and 2 minute bug with flip clock on Manila [#] Youtube on Internet Screen [+] Fixed Tethering Detection [+] 5 Row Landscape Start Menu [+] Added CFAY to the System-About Screen [#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_21 [#] aGPS_Confirmation_1_0_19201925_01 [#] CMInternetSharing_1_1_5_1 [#] IME_Engine_Western_2_1_19202626_00 [#] IME_EzInput_Western_2_1_19202530_00 [#] IME_Tutorial_1_0_19201622_00 [#] Jugalo_X_Carrier_Cabs --- THANKS! [#] Manila_2_1_19202217_5 [#] MRX_Provision_1.0 --- Thanks Jugalo X/JMZ! [#] Album_3_0_19202431_0 [#] AudioBooster_2_2_19174121_1 [#] AudioManager_Eng_1_7_19202329_h [#] Calculator_1_0_19201830_01 [#] CommManager_2_9_19_0 [#] ContactUtilityEngine_1_0_19182924_0000 [#] DShow_2_0_19191728_01 [#] FacebookEngine_1_0_19184127_00 [#] FullScreenPlayer_1_6_19173924_00 [#] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19192729_30 [#] HTCFramework_1_1_19191322_00 [#] HTCMessage_1_07_281_2 [#] LockScreenAppLauncher_1_0_1918_3827 [#] MediaToolkit_1_0_19202431_00 [#] MenuEnhancement_1_0_19201730_00 [#] mHubVO_1_77_090723_X0 [#] NewContactCard_1_0_19202620_00 [+] MS_Astraware_Boardgames_1_06_0_0 [+] MS_Astraware_Common_1_0_0_2 [+] MS_Astraware_Sudoku_1_43_0_0 [#] SensorSDK_4_0_19191432_00 [#] SMSInboxThreading_1_37_0_0 [#] Teeter_1_6_19192931_00 [#] YouTube_2_6_19194025_00
Build 1.1 November 08, 2009 [#] Windows Mobile 6.5 CEOS 5.2.21874 (Build 21874.5.0.68 CFay) [+] JMZ Provisioning 1.0 Alpha [+] Provisioning cabs (Thanks Mightymike!) [#] Unlocked all camera modes [#] Made Opera now have 5 tabs [#] Tweaked Opera Cache/Speed [#] Tweaked System Cache/Speed [#] Tweaked Screen Sensitivity [#] Fixed Voice Command [#] Fixed SetSysTimeZone Error [+] CMInternet Sharing from Leo MORE to come!
CFay WM6.5 Initial Release Build 1.0 November 02, 2009 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[#] Windows Mobile 6.5 CEOS 5.2.21867 (Build 21867.5.0.68 CFay) (Thanks jerpelea!) [+] Made Custom RUU with task 32 [#]WORKING Sprint MMS [#] Working ## number codes in Phone [#] NueSpinlocked drivers for fast performance [+] HTC Sense_2_1_19192832 [+] HTC Leo Theme [+] EZinput 2.1 [+] MS_MyPhone 01_05_2128_0401 (Thanks Juggalo!) [+] Added in Internet Sharing tweaks [+] SQM_dummy [+] Leo Wallpapers [#] AdobePDF_2_5_1_0_378273_01B [#] AdvancedNetwork_1_0_10_3 [#] aGPSConfirmation_1_0_19183131_02 [#] Album_3_0_19181324_0 [#] AppServiceMsg_1_12_0_0 [#] App_Service_1_70_0_0 [#] Arcsoft_MMS_Sprint_5_0_94_128c [#] AudioBooster_2_2_19174121_0 [#] AudioManager_Eng_1_7_19181424_h [#] BluetoothSetting_2_11_1_0 [#] BootLauncher_1_0_19152530_1 [#] ButtonSetting_3_17_0_2 [#] Calculator_1_0_19172021_00 [#] Camera_6_17_35696_0 [#] CDMA_RSSI_PPC_1_28_0_0 [#] CFAY_1_00 [#] ClearStorage_1_40_0_3 [#] CM_Guardian_Service_1_20_0_0 [#] CommManager_2_9_11_0 [#] ConcurrenceMgr_1_5_19142726_00 [#] ConnectionSetup_3_1_19181321_00 [#] ContactUtilityEngine_1_0_19161527_0000 [#] DataDisconnect_1_14_0_0 [#] DataRoamGuard_1_20_0_1 [#] DeviceInfo_1_39_0_2 [#] DialerMenuExt_1_11_0_1 [#] DMRouter_2_48_0_0 [#] DRMMiddleware_1_5_19142824_00 [#] DShow_2_0_19171226_00 [#] EnableNitz_1_10_0_1 [#] EPST_4_67_0_0 [#] FacebookEngine_1_0_19172627_00 [#] FieldTrial_4_23_0_1 [#] Field_T_e_s_t_2_19_0_0 [#] FolderViewer_1_0_18221231_1 [#] Fuart_1_14_0_1 [#] FullScreenPlayer_1_6_19152225_00 [#] GMM_Customized_1_0_0_0 [#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_15 [#] GPS_GMM_3_2_116_0 [#] GSensorCalibrator_1_1_18212730_4 [#] HACSetting_1_0_2_1 [#] HTCAnimation_1_3_5_0 [#] HTCApplication_1_14_1_0 [#] HTCFontLink_1_0_19132133_1 [#] HTCFramework_1_1_19172531_00 [#] HTCGeoService_1_0_19182831_00 [#] HTCMessage_1_07_281_1 [#] HTCScroll_2_0_19153028_1 [#] HTCSense_2_1_19192832 [#] HTCSettings_1_4_3_0 [#] HTCStartUp_1_7_0_0 [#] HTCUtil_4_12_0_2 [#] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19174123_30 [#] IME_Engine_Western_2_1_19174129_00 [#] IME_EzInput_Western_2_1_19174126_00 [#] initProv_2_57_0_1 [#] InvokeSIMMgr_1_12_0_1 [#] LaunchDMRouter_1_10_0_1 [#] LockScreenAppLauncher_1_0_1917_2626 [#] LockStreamDRM_1_2_081216_O9_05 [#] LongPressEndKey_1_2_19143124_00 [#] MediaToolkit_1_0_19181324_00 [#] MenuEnhancement_1_0_19174130_01 [#] Message_Enhancement_1_1_19161820_02 [#] mHubVO_1_75_090515_X0 [#] MicrophoneAGC_0_91_0_6 [#] ModeSwitchMsg_1_23_0_2 [#] ModeSwitchRIL_1_10_0_0 [#] MP3Trimmer_1_2_19171125_2 [#] MS_MyPhone 01_05_2128_0401 [#] Mute_1_1_2_0 [#] MyCPL_3_13_0_6 [#] NewContactCard_1_0_19163924_00 [#] Notification_Enhancement_2_0_1917_1130 [#] Opera_Browser_9_50_17658_0 [#] PhoneCanvas_5_27_0_0 [#] Phonecanvas_MASD_3_40_1917_3832 [#] PhoneExt_Service_2_46_0_0 [#] PhoneSetting_1_34_0_1 [#] PictureEnhancement_1_50_19171326_00 [#] PKG_1_1_0_0 [#] PowerOffWarning_2_12_0_0 [#] Power_2_26_0_0 [#] Power_Service_2_23_0_3 [#] ProgressMenuExt_1_11_0_0 [#] QuickGPS_1_01_19153726_05 [#] RandomAccess_4_1_19163625_0 [#] Redial_1_3_0_0 [#] ResourceProxy_1_0_19162229_00 [#] Rhodium_W_Arcsoft_MMS_Sprint_WVGA [#] RingtonePlugin_1_0_19143328_00 [#] RSSHub_2_1_1_1091_03 [#] RunCC_1_1_6_0 [#] SensorSDK_4_0_19163322_01 [#] SetVoiceOnlyUI_1_10_0_0 [#] SharedModules_1_01_19143331_03 [#] ShowPhoneNo_1_21_0_0 [#] SignatureReplace_1_2_0_0 [#] SIMSecurity_1_14_0_0 [#] SIM_MGR_6_72_0_0 [#] SlidingSound_1_2_3_0 [#] SMSInboxThreading_1_36_0_0 [#] SMSRetry_Service_1_17_0_1 [#] STK_Service_4_91_0_0 [#] STK_UIPPC_4_69_0_2 [#] STK_Worldphone_Reg_1_0_0_0 [#] StorageLow_1_0_0_2 [#] StreamingMedia_3_1_19181332_00 [#] StreamingSrcFilter_2_7_19143024_00 [#] TaskManager_2_1_19181423_17 [#] Teeter_1_6_19163530_00 [#] TouchOptions_1_0_19171631_00 [#] TVOutPopUp_1_2_19142724_0 [#] TVOutSetting_2_14_0_1 [#] USBToPCPopUp_2_2_19143124_0 [#] USBtoPC_1_25_0_0 [#] USSD_Service_4_34_0_1 [#] VoiceRecorder_1_10_19171120_1 [#] VolumeControl_2_1_19163532_0 [#] Wi-FiWizard_1_8_0_0 [#] WiFiSettings_1_2_4_0 [#] WLANSettings_2_6_4_0 [#] YouTube_2_6_19174121_00 [#] zlibce_m_1_2_3_0 [#] Disable Customer Feed Back [#] Disable Error Reporting [#] Image_Copy_In_IE [#] Increased_Font_Cache [#] Increased_Tcpip_Cache [#] Notification_Queue_Fix [#] SDKCerts [#] SMS_Sent_Notifications [#] SYS_SecurityOff [-] Transcriber [-] Welcome Center [-] Carrier Bloatware [-] Carrier reg edits [-] Business Card Reader [-] Jetcet Print [-] Jetcet Presentation More to come.
If you enjoy my work: thank me =D>

CFay TP2 Port ROM! Check it out!
Changed my name from fayfay392 to CFay!

Last edited by CFay; 03-07-2010 at 03:02 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2009, 10:04 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5.1 Rom

Carrier Specific Fixes:
Please note, Sprint MMS is installed by default.
Stock Carrier Bloatware:
Sprint NFL Mobile
Sprint OzIM
Sprint Nascar
Sprint Navigation

IF you use these files, PLEASE give me credit/thanks and dont claim them as your own. In order to download these files, you MUST have the proper license to do so.

Last edited by CFay; 01-04-2010 at 02:34 PM. Reason: Added Screen Shots
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2009, 10:04 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5.1 Rom

Helpful hints/bugs:
  • First and foremost, hard reset your device after you flash my rom, this prevents many bugs.
  • Sync your Facebook FIRST in Manila before you add in contacts.
  • If a Youtube cache folder is on your memory card, delete this as it will cause issues.
  • For My Location, run quick GPS first then update.
  • Last, if you find more bugs, please post them in my thread and I will get to them as soon as possible!

Last edited by CFay; 10-11-2009 at 12:41 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-11-2009, 12:41 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2009, 08:16 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

In anticipation of HSPL release, all threads have been opened for discussion / chef preparation of first page

Enjoy everyone!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2009, 12:10 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

Chalk this up to a noob question, but I notice you list HTC Sense 2.1blah in this rom. I assume this is different then manilla 2.1, right? Or is HTC just calling TF3D Sense now? I though Sense had the two curved softbuttons, or is that just an Android thang?

I iz confuzzled...

Last edited by animez; 10-21-2009 at 12:12 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2009, 04:34 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

Originally Posted by animez View Post
Chalk this up to a noob question, but I notice you list HTC Sense 2.1blah in this rom. I assume this is different then manilla 2.1, right? Or is HTC just calling TF3D Sense now? I though Sense had the two curved softbuttons, or is that just an Android thang?

I iz confuzzled...
HTC SenceUI is the Android Version. HTC Sense is what theyre calling manila now.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2009, 04:38 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

Originally Posted by animez View Post
Chalk this up to a noob question, but I notice you list HTC Sense 2.1blah in this rom. I assume this is different then manilla 2.1, right? Or is HTC just calling TF3D Sense now? I though Sense had the two curved softbuttons, or is that just an Android thang?

I iz confuzzled...
further explaination
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2009, 04:42 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

every body running around telling us what there Rom's have, and what there Rom's don't have, But No Updates from CFay? (is it a surprise) your's is the one I am watching with the most anticipation. UPDATE CFay PLEASE!!!!!!
Everybody's got plans... until they get HIT!
Mike Tyson
(Hope This Helps) If in anyway this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking:
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2009, 05:17 PM
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Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

My rom is done, waiting for unlocker release

All the packages I have in my rom are listed above.
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