
PPCGeeks (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/index.php)
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-   -   FINAL [ROM] ll* CFay_RHOD_500/400 *ll ll* CEOS 21890 *ll ll*Build 1.5 *ll FINAL (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=88792)

CFay 10-04-2009 10:03 PM

FINAL [ROM] ll* CFay_RHOD_500/400 *ll ll* CEOS 21890 *ll ll*Build 1.5 *ll FINAL

:headbang:Rom is RELEASED! Enjoy!:headbang:


PLEASE Run CFay Provisioning program after flash located in Start-Settings-Connections (THANKS eboelzner!)

I have spent countless hours working on making my rom the best it can possibly

be, so please consider donating.


FINAL- Dure to circumstances out of my control, my rom is now final, I no longer have time to cook or anything, my personal life has gone crazy these days.
Sprint PCS_Telus_Verizon_US Celluar
Please make sure your Device is unlocked first!
Special Thanks to:

Cmonex, Mightymike, Juicy47, Juggalo_X, Scrosler, DCD, Vetvito, Budney + More!


Build 1.5
January XX,2010
[#] Windows Mobile 6.5 CEOS 5.2.21890 (Build 21889.5.0.88_CFay) (Thanks Juicy)
[+] Manila 2.5 Email Tab port(Thanks Mike)
[+] Fixed Remote Desktop
[+] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19203823_30
[+] Message_Enhancement_1_1_19212231_00
[+] NewContactCard_1_0_19203330_00
[+] Notification_Enhancement_2_0_1919_1427
[+] QuickGPS_1_1_19173021_00
[+] TaskManager_2_1_19203822_17
[+] Tweaked XIP (Thanks Deck!)
[+] Tweaked Romhdr for more free memory (Thanks Deck!)
[+] USC 2.01 XIP
[-] Action Screen
[+] Official HTC SMS 2010 bug fix (Thanks Jeff)
[-] Mr X Provisioning
[+] StedySoft Provisioning (THANKS eboelzner)
[-] Grooveshark (not stable enough)

Build 1.4
January 04, 2010
[#] Windows Mobile 6.5 CEOS 5.2.21887 (Build 21887.5.0.68 CFay)VERY Fast
[-] Removed Nue Spin Lock on OEMDrivers
(think its related to hard reset problem)
[-]Removed Debugger reference (Increased Speed!)
[+] New enhanced AudioPara3
[+] Leo Opera Loading Wallpaper
[+] Groovefish_3_2_CFay
[+] 3G Taskbar Icon (Thanks Mike!)
[#] Changed Pagepool to 12
[#] Optimized Cache
[-] Removed Opera from Task Manager Exclusive List
[+] Leo Boot Screen
[+] Voice Command
[+] Leo Background in Manila
[+] Action_Screen_WWE
[-] Cleaned out unnecessary cabs from previous builds
[+] Increased first boot up time

Build 1.3
December 19,2009
[#] Windows Mobile 6.6 CEOS 5.2.21869 (Build 21869.5.0.68 CFay)
[#] Fixed Lockscreen
[#] Fixed Verizon Keyboard Bug
[#] Fixed Sprint Keyboard Bug
[+] Bing_4_6_9179_1
[+] Rhodium Wallpapers
[+] CFC Compressed Manila
[+] MS_MyPhone 01_05_2410_CFay

Build 1.2
November 28, 2009
[+] Newest USC Rom base now included
[+] New Spinlocked OEMDrivers/XIP
[+] Added Performance tweaks
[+] Sprint TV NOW WORKS!
[+] Fixed hour and 2 minute bug with flip clock on Manila
[#] Youtube on Internet Screen
[+] Fixed Tethering Detection
[+] 5 Row Landscape Start Menu
[+] Added CFAY to the System-About Screen
[#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_21
[#] aGPS_Confirmation_1_0_19201925_01
[#] CMInternetSharing_1_1_5_1
[#] IME_Engine_Western_2_1_19202626_00
[#] IME_EzInput_Western_2_1_19202530_00
[#] IME_Tutorial_1_0_19201622_00
[#] Jugalo_X_Carrier_Cabs --- THANKS!
[#] Manila_2_1_19202217_5
[#] MRX_Provision_1.0 --- Thanks Jugalo X/JMZ!
[#] Album_3_0_19202431_0
[#] AudioBooster_2_2_19174121_1
[#] AudioManager_Eng_1_7_19202329_h
[#] Calculator_1_0_19201830_01
[#] CommManager_2_9_19_0
[#] ContactUtilityEngine_1_0_19182924_0000
[#] DShow_2_0_19191728_01
[#] FacebookEngine_1_0_19184127_00
[#] FullScreenPlayer_1_6_19173924_00
[#] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19192729_30
[#] HTCFramework_1_1_19191322_00
[#] HTCMessage_1_07_281_2
[#] LockScreenAppLauncher_1_0_1918_3827
[#] MediaToolkit_1_0_19202431_00
[#] MenuEnhancement_1_0_19201730_00
[#] mHubVO_1_77_090723_X0
[#] NewContactCard_1_0_19202620_00
[+] MS_Astraware_Boardgames_1_06_0_0
[+] MS_Astraware_Common_1_0_0_2
[+] MS_Astraware_Sudoku_1_43_0_0
[#] SensorSDK_4_0_19191432_00
[#] SMSInboxThreading_1_37_0_0
[#] Teeter_1_6_19192931_00
[#] YouTube_2_6_19194025_00

Build 1.1
November 08, 2009
[#] Windows Mobile 6.5 CEOS 5.2.21874 (Build 21874.5.0.68 CFay)
[+] JMZ Provisioning 1.0 Alpha
[+] Provisioning cabs (Thanks Mightymike!)
[#] Unlocked all camera modes
[#] Made Opera now have 5 tabs
[#] Tweaked Opera Cache/Speed
[#] Tweaked System Cache/Speed
[#] Tweaked Screen Sensitivity
[#] Fixed Voice Command
[#] Fixed SetSysTimeZone Error
[+] CMInternet Sharing from Leo
MORE to come!

CFay WM6.5 Initial Release Build 1.0
November 02, 2009

[#] Windows Mobile 6.5 CEOS 5.2.21867 (Build 21867.5.0.68 CFay)
(Thanks jerpelea!)
[+] Made Custom RUU with task 32
[#] Working ## number codes in Phone
[#] NueSpinlocked drivers for fast performance
[+] HTC Sense_2_1_19192832
[+] HTC Leo Theme
[+] EZinput 2.1
[+] MS_MyPhone 01_05_2128_0401 (Thanks Juggalo!)
[+] Added in Internet Sharing tweaks
[+] SQM_dummy
[+] Leo Wallpapers
[#] AdobePDF_2_5_1_0_378273_01B
[#] AdvancedNetwork_1_0_10_3
[#] aGPSConfirmation_1_0_19183131_02
[#] Album_3_0_19181324_0
[#] AppServiceMsg_1_12_0_0
[#] App_Service_1_70_0_0
[#] Arcsoft_MMS_Sprint_5_0_94_128c
[#] AudioBooster_2_2_19174121_0
[#] AudioManager_Eng_1_7_19181424_h
[#] BluetoothSetting_2_11_1_0
[#] BootLauncher_1_0_19152530_1
[#] ButtonSetting_3_17_0_2
[#] Calculator_1_0_19172021_00
[#] Camera_6_17_35696_0
[#] CDMA_RSSI_PPC_1_28_0_0
[#] CFAY_1_00
[#] ClearStorage_1_40_0_3
[#] CM_Guardian_Service_1_20_0_0
[#] CommManager_2_9_11_0
[#] ConcurrenceMgr_1_5_19142726_00
[#] ConnectionSetup_3_1_19181321_00
[#] ContactUtilityEngine_1_0_19161527_0000
[#] DataDisconnect_1_14_0_0
[#] DataRoamGuard_1_20_0_1
[#] DeviceInfo_1_39_0_2
[#] DialerMenuExt_1_11_0_1
[#] DMRouter_2_48_0_0
[#] DRMMiddleware_1_5_19142824_00
[#] DShow_2_0_19171226_00
[#] EnableNitz_1_10_0_1
[#] EPST_4_67_0_0
[#] FacebookEngine_1_0_19172627_00
[#] FieldTrial_4_23_0_1
[#] Field_T_e_s_t_2_19_0_0
[#] FolderViewer_1_0_18221231_1
[#] Fuart_1_14_0_1
[#] FullScreenPlayer_1_6_19152225_00
[#] GMM_Customized_1_0_0_0
[#] GoogleLocationService_1_0_1_15
[#] GPS_GMM_3_2_116_0
[#] GSensorCalibrator_1_1_18212730_4
[#] HACSetting_1_0_2_1
[#] HTCAnimation_1_3_5_0
[#] HTCApplication_1_14_1_0
[#] HTCFontLink_1_0_19132133_1
[#] HTCFramework_1_1_19172531_00
[#] HTCGeoService_1_0_19182831_00
[#] HTCMessage_1_07_281_1
[#] HTCScroll_2_0_19153028_1
[#] HTCSense_2_1_19192832
[#] HTCSettings_1_4_3_0
[#] HTCStartUp_1_7_0_0
[#] HTCUtil_4_12_0_2
[#] HTC_EmailSetupWizard_2_0_19174123_30
[#] IME_Engine_Western_2_1_19174129_00
[#] IME_EzInput_Western_2_1_19174126_00
[#] initProv_2_57_0_1
[#] InvokeSIMMgr_1_12_0_1
[#] LaunchDMRouter_1_10_0_1
[#] LockScreenAppLauncher_1_0_1917_2626
[#] LockStreamDRM_1_2_081216_O9_05
[#] LongPressEndKey_1_2_19143124_00
[#] MediaToolkit_1_0_19181324_00
[#] MenuEnhancement_1_0_19174130_01
[#] Message_Enhancement_1_1_19161820_02
[#] mHubVO_1_75_090515_X0
[#] MicrophoneAGC_0_91_0_6
[#] ModeSwitchMsg_1_23_0_2
[#] ModeSwitchRIL_1_10_0_0
[#] MP3Trimmer_1_2_19171125_2
[#] MS_MyPhone 01_05_2128_0401
[#] Mute_1_1_2_0
[#] MyCPL_3_13_0_6
[#] NewContactCard_1_0_19163924_00
[#] Notification_Enhancement_2_0_1917_1130
[#] Opera_Browser_9_50_17658_0
[#] PhoneCanvas_5_27_0_0
[#] Phonecanvas_MASD_3_40_1917_3832
[#] PhoneExt_Service_2_46_0_0
[#] PhoneSetting_1_34_0_1
[#] PictureEnhancement_1_50_19171326_00
[#] PKG_1_1_0_0
[#] PowerOffWarning_2_12_0_0
[#] Power_2_26_0_0
[#] Power_Service_2_23_0_3
[#] ProgressMenuExt_1_11_0_0
[#] QuickGPS_1_01_19153726_05
[#] RandomAccess_4_1_19163625_0
[#] Redial_1_3_0_0
[#] ResourceProxy_1_0_19162229_00
[#] Rhodium_W_Arcsoft_MMS_Sprint_WVGA
[#] RingtonePlugin_1_0_19143328_00
[#] RSSHub_2_1_1_1091_03
[#] RunCC_1_1_6_0
[#] SensorSDK_4_0_19163322_01
[#] SetVoiceOnlyUI_1_10_0_0
[#] SharedModules_1_01_19143331_03
[#] ShowPhoneNo_1_21_0_0
[#] SignatureReplace_1_2_0_0
[#] SIMSecurity_1_14_0_0
[#] SIM_MGR_6_72_0_0
[#] SlidingSound_1_2_3_0
[#] SMSInboxThreading_1_36_0_0
[#] SMSRetry_Service_1_17_0_1
[#] STK_Service_4_91_0_0
[#] STK_UIPPC_4_69_0_2
[#] STK_Worldphone_Reg_1_0_0_0
[#] StorageLow_1_0_0_2
[#] StreamingMedia_3_1_19181332_00
[#] StreamingSrcFilter_2_7_19143024_00
[#] TaskManager_2_1_19181423_17
[#] Teeter_1_6_19163530_00
[#] TouchOptions_1_0_19171631_00
[#] TVOutPopUp_1_2_19142724_0
[#] TVOutSetting_2_14_0_1
[#] USBToPCPopUp_2_2_19143124_0
[#] USBtoPC_1_25_0_0
[#] USSD_Service_4_34_0_1
[#] VoiceRecorder_1_10_19171120_1
[#] VolumeControl_2_1_19163532_0
[#] Wi-FiWizard_1_8_0_0
[#] WiFiSettings_1_2_4_0
[#] WLANSettings_2_6_4_0
[#] YouTube_2_6_19174121_00
[#] zlibce_m_1_2_3_0
[#] Disable Customer Feed Back
[#] Disable Error Reporting
[#] Image_Copy_In_IE
[#] Increased_Font_Cache
[#] Increased_Tcpip_Cache
[#] Notification_Queue_Fix
[#] SDKCerts
[#] SMS_Sent_Notifications
[#] SYS_SecurityOff
[-] Transcriber
[-] Welcome Center
[-] Carrier Bloatware
[-] Carrier reg edits
[-] Business Card Reader
[-] Jetcet Print
[-] Jetcet Presentation
More to come.

CFay 10-04-2009 10:04 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5.1 Rom

Carrier Specific Fixes:
Please note, Sprint MMS is installed by default.
Stock Carrier Bloatware:
Sprint NFL Mobile
Sprint OzIM
Sprint Nascar
Sprint Navigation

IF you use these files, PLEASE give me credit/thanks and dont claim them as your own. In order to download these files, you MUST have the proper license to do so.

CFay 10-04-2009 10:04 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5.1 Rom
Helpful hints/bugs:
  • First and foremost, hard reset your device after you flash my rom, this prevents many bugs.
  • Sync your Facebook FIRST in Manila before you add in contacts.
  • If a Youtube cache folder is on your memory card, delete this as it will cause issues.
  • For My Location, run quick GPS first then update.
  • Last, if you find more bugs, please post them in my thread and I will get to them as soon as possible!

CFay 10-11-2009 12:41 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

MightyMike 10-19-2009 08:16 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom
In anticipation of HSPL release, all threads have been opened for discussion / chef preparation of first page :)

Enjoy everyone!

animez 10-21-2009 12:10 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom
Chalk this up to a noob question, but I notice you list HTC Sense 2.1blah in this rom. I assume this is different then manilla 2.1, right? Or is HTC just calling TF3D Sense now? I though Sense had the two curved softbuttons, or is that just an Android thang?

I iz confuzzled...:dontknow:

CFay 10-21-2009 04:34 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

Originally Posted by animez (Post 1251374)
Chalk this up to a noob question, but I notice you list HTC Sense 2.1blah in this rom. I assume this is different then manilla 2.1, right? Or is HTC just calling TF3D Sense now? I though Sense had the two curved softbuttons, or is that just an Android thang?

I iz confuzzled...:dontknow:

HTC SenceUI is the Android Version. HTC Sense is what theyre calling manila now.

redd214 10-21-2009 04:38 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom

Originally Posted by animez (Post 1251374)
Chalk this up to a noob question, but I notice you list HTC Sense 2.1blah in this rom. I assume this is different then manilla 2.1, right? Or is HTC just calling TF3D Sense now? I though Sense had the two curved softbuttons, or is that just an Android thang?

I iz confuzzled...:dontknow:

further explaination

TRUELIGHT 10-21-2009 04:42 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom
every body running around:spin::spin: telling us what there Rom's have, and what there Rom's don't have,:banghead: But No Updates from CFay? (is it a surprise) your's is the one I am watching with the most anticipation.=D>:headbang: UPDATE CFay PLEASE!!!!!!:notworthy:

CFay 10-21-2009 05:17 PM

Re: [ROM] CFay Windows Mobile 6.5 Rom
My rom is done, waiting for unlocker release :)

All the packages I have in my rom are listed above.

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