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  #3641 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 09:34 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Originally Posted by kash23 View Post
How about adding Sprint TV to the screen tabs?
why not just add them to the shortcuts on homescreen?
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  #3642 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 09:38 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
that would be me, and i still havent 4gotten bout the .reg uploads. i'm still working of sum as i was having trouble w/ sum of the reg. sticking using xda_uc also. so the last 3 days i been finding more and figuring out what really works and what not but i have to hard reset and import manually for comfirmation of which ones do work.

as for mms: if you just imported the sms.htc .reg file then you will have to also go into that same string to delete the old. when you import it, it doesnt delete/rename the other but justs adds another string. so delete the old 1 and there is a .reg edit you'll have to make to be able to edit the server settings [hklm\software\arcsoft\arcsoft mms ua\config\ui] enable serveredit= dword 1. for raising the limit i dont have it on my phone but i know its in this thread

hope that helps
you know what, the sms.htc reg did apply via xda_uc and it did rename it, i just checked the external accounts and i dont have an sms one, just sms.htc sweeeet. found the serveredit one. resetting now (btw mms works out of the box on sprint just by installing that zennyee disable thing cab, maybe that removed the sms reg??)

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  #3643 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 09:53 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6!!!!!!

jk juicy take your time playa can't wait for the drop though!!!

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  #3644 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 10:02 PM
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Angry Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
damn i dunno what keeps doing this but i missed 3 calls today cuz my phone hasnt been ringing or vibrating. when i go check my sounds its still set to ring & vib and a ringtone is selected, but when i go choose another ringtone i hear nothing, i cant hear any ringtones when choosing! i click ok then i get this message

if i soft reset itll start working like normal, will ring, and allow me to choose a different ringer with a preview but something breaks randomly during the day and i wont know when until i see ive missed a call. has this happened to anyone? gotta be something i installed, if no r6 tonight i feel a hard reset is due soon tonight
Originally Posted by davidetkin511 View Post
i had that problem, do you have landscape manila 2.5? if you do uninstall it and everything will go back to normal
Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
no landscape this flash
Originally Posted by davidetkin511 View Post
if you didnt install the landscape manila thing then try these steps:
1) turn off phone
2) remove battery
3) remove sim card
4) put back battery and turn on
5) repeat steps 1 and 2
6) put in sim card and battery and turn phone on

that should fix it. i dont know why it does but it has worked for me and my friends with tp2 who have had this problem. it seems common
ok wtf,wtf,wtf..... i went to MR yesterday, didnt have this problem, flashed back to juicy tonite, loaded up my cabs in the night, used my phone like normal today and again it started silencing my ringer and text message sounds (however reminders still make sound and so does the little ding when changing the volume up and down), i tried your method with removing the sim card, power on, shut down, insert sim and same thing, itll work fine after a softreset anyway but something triggers it later and kills my ringer, when i go and check my sounds and notifications i cant preview my ringer or hear it ring or when i get a text cant hear the sound....

...the only app ive been using all day is opera 10....do u think its messing it up? is anyone else using opera 10? has anyone else had missed calls cuz no ring? i didnt even install the ring & vib fix this time around cuz i thought that could be causing it, what is it?

btw, i was looking in my /windows/startup, what is PKG? and do we need delwmptemp?
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  #3645 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 10:37 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

So I've tried and tried to flash this ROM. I've unlocked. Can someone give me a very detail step by step process. I've previously flashed Mighty's, but how do I flash this 7z file? I just don't understand and have searched to find solution. Nothing. Please help
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  #3646 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 10:45 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
ok wtf,wtf,wtf..... i went to MR yesterday, didnt have this problem, flashed back to juicy tonite, loaded up my cabs in the night, used my phone like normal today and again it started silencing my ringer and text message sounds (however reminders still make sound and so does the little ding when changing the volume up and down), i tried your method with removing the sim card, power on, shut down, insert sim and same thing, itll work fine after a softreset anyway but something triggers it later and kills my ringer, when i go and check my sounds and notifications i cant preview my ringer or hear it ring or when i get a text cant hear the sound....

...the only app ive been using all day is opera 10....do u think its messing it up? is anyone else using opera 10? has anyone else had missed calls cuz no ring? i didnt even install the ring & vib fix this time around cuz i thought that could be causing it, what is it?

btw, i was looking in my /windows/startup, what is PKG? and do we need delwmptemp?
i used opera 10 on this rom with no ringer issues or call issues of anykind.
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  #3647 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 11:01 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Originally Posted by QMeli907 View Post
So I've tried and tried to flash this ROM. I've unlocked. Can someone give me a very detail step by step process. I've previously flashed Mighty's, but how do I flash this 7z file? I just don't understand and have searched to find solution. Nothing. Please help
You have to extract the .7z file with an archive manager like Winrar. Then, get an activesync connection with your pc and run the customRUU which will be in the folder you get when you extract.
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  #3648 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Originally Posted by QMeli907 View Post
So I've tried and tried to flash this ROM. I've unlocked. Can someone give me a very detail step by step process. I've previously flashed Mighty's, but how do I flash this 7z file? I just don't understand and have searched to find solution. Nothing. Please help
Get WinRAR from www.rarlab.com. Install Winrar....extract the 7z file by right clicking on it and choosing "Extract to...." Open the folder that it created... and double click the RUU app. Hope this helps.
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  #3649 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 11:20 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

Originally Posted by richardrk View Post
Get WinRAR from www.rarlab.com. Install Winrar....extract the 7z file by right clicking on it and choosing "Extract to...." Open the folder that it created... and double click the RUU app. Hope this helps.
In the process right now. Hope this works! Thanks!
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  #3650 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2009, 12:08 AM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]

I can confirm ring issues on a bunch of conditions.
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