12-03-2009, 10:45 PM
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Re: [ROM] [11/28/09] Juicy Rhodium_W R5 (21882) [SENSE UI] [XDA_UC]
Originally Posted by t0mmyr
ok wtf,wtf,wtf..... i went to MR yesterday, didnt have this problem, flashed back to juicy tonite, loaded up my cabs in the night, used my phone like normal today and again it started silencing my ringer and text message sounds (however reminders still make sound and so does the little ding when changing the volume up and down), i tried your method with removing the sim card, power on, shut down, insert sim and same thing, itll work fine after a softreset anyway but something triggers it later and kills my ringer, when i go and check my sounds and notifications i cant preview my ringer or hear it ring or when i get a text cant hear the sound....
...the only app ive been using all day is opera 10....do u think its messing it up? is anyone else using opera 10? has anyone else had missed calls cuz no ring? i didnt even install the ring & vib fix this time around cuz i thought that could be causing it, what is it?
btw, i was looking in my /windows/startup, what is PKG? and do we need delwmptemp?
i used opera 10 on this rom with no ringer issues or call issues of anykind.