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  #9891 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2010, 06:24 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.3521/19.916; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)

Originally Posted by Mattw79
It was already disabled, along with the setting for "out of coverage alert" and I have the "data roam guard" set to allow roaming and "never ask". Any other ideas? I had the issue a while back, then went to a different rom for a short time with no such warnings, now I'm back to this rom and so is the warning.
I also have this issue on Verizon. Very annoying. Been digging through the registry looking for it. If I find anything, I'll let you know.
  #9892 (permalink)  
Old 08-20-2010, 08:19 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Mighty Mike,

What file do I edit to remove wep key from the wifi router? I am trying to tether to an android tablet and need to have not wep key enabled.

  #9893 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 04:13 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by insight3fl View Post
Mighty Mike,

What file do I edit to remove wep key from the wifi router? I am trying to tether to an android tablet and need to have not wep key enabled.

Download the free WMwifirouter program, it has that option while setting up a connection. You don't have to edit anything since it's an option in the program itself.
  #9894 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

I realize this is the wrong area to ask this question..I have a TP2 that has the MightyRom installed and all the goodies....Great upgrades... My TP2 is working flawlessly .. I have a friend he is just getting into the 'Smart Phone' era..unfortunately he is unable to upgrade with a discount at this time...he is able to purchase a refurbished HTC Touch Diamond from Verizon...my question> I would like to upgrade his phone with the best available Roms..etc when he gets it.....not having spent anytime looking at the forums on Diamonds..what would everyone suggest? Thank You in advance....
  #9895 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Legmce View Post
I realize this is the wrong area to ask this question..I have a TP2 that has the MightyRom installed and all the goodies....Great upgrades... My TP2 is working flawlessly .. I have a friend he is just getting into the 'Smart Phone' era..unfortunately he is unable to upgrade with a discount at this time...he is able to purchase a refurbished HTC Touch Diamond from Verizon...my question> I would like to upgrade his phone with the best available Roms..etc when he gets it.....not having spent anytime looking at the forums on Diamonds..what would everyone suggest? Thank You in advance....
Yeah not really the place to ask...but Mighty has some Diamond ROMS on his website...and if Mighty made them I am sure it's going to be top of the line...
  #9896 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 03:25 PM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.3521/19.916; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)

TJ what's up man. Been a while huh? I check in a few times a day, but while I still find my TP2 meets my needs for now, there just isn't too much to chat about huh? Hopefully things I'll see you in the WP7 thread in a few months. I'm nervous because I'm hearing VZW isn't going to have a WM7 device at launch. I believe they are pretty much favoring Android it seems. Oh well...we'll see.

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  #9897 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 03:45 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by Legmce View Post
I realize this is the wrong area to ask this question..I have a TP2 that has the MightyRom installed and all the goodies....Great upgrades... My TP2 is working flawlessly .. I have a friend he is just getting into the 'Smart Phone' era..unfortunately he is unable to upgrade with a discount at this time...he is able to purchase a refurbished HTC Touch Diamond from Verizon...my question> I would like to upgrade his phone with the best available Roms..etc when he gets it.....not having spent anytime looking at the forums on Diamonds..what would everyone suggest? Thank You in advance....
there is no unlocker for the verizon diamond, so your buddy is SOL.

Last edited by razorloves; 08-22-2010 at 11:26 AM.
  #9898 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2010, 05:47 PM
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Exclamation Verizon out of data coverage area warnings

Matthew, do the warnings you are getting say something like"You are currently connected to a voice only network and you cannot send text or receive data" ??

If so, I suggest you go to the thread entitled "
VERIZON users on Custom Rom's - annoying voice-only network notification??" They have a few fixes for this issue there.

If that addresses your problem, I suggest (as I always do) that you thank Razorloves, since he was the one who pointed me to that thread.

Originally Posted by Mattw79 View Post
This is a great rom, nice work and thanks. I have tries several other roms, and this is the only one I get warnings popping up that I am out of a data coverage area. When I dismiss them, they continue to come back until I move to a better area. I have been through the phone settings to verify all the roam alerts and what not are off. Any ideas where I might be able to disable this warning? I'm with Verizon, and I did set that in the carrier provisioning. Thanks for the help.
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  #9899 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 10:14 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

i have a strange problem: the phone stopped keeping a record of dialed / received or missed calls 2 days ago. When i get a missed call I click the notification and i only find record of calls from 2 days ago.
I am using latest mighty rom on sprint TP2
  #9900 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2010, 06:26 PM
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Happy Birthday Mike!
(If I helped you out in any way, please don't forget to hit the "THANKS" button).
Verizon Touch Pro 2
Running MightyROM 5-1-2010 Special Edition
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MMS stopped working after installing Mighty Rom - SprintUsers.com Post #0 Refback 10-06-2010 12:35 AM

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