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  #9801 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 11:57 AM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

I know this was an issue when I had the 2/1 rom and I think there was a fix.. BUT now on the 6/20 its doing it again.. My Back light timer is resetting to 10 seconds even though I set it to one or two minutes.. its only the one that says when on battery DIM AFTER X seconds.. I had it set to one minute and its back to 10 seconds.. I reset it and it stays for a while then back to 10 seconds.. how to fix?
  #9802 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 12:53 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

I jsut put in the 06/20/10 Mighty Rom version. Looks great. one question though does anyone have a fix or cab to correct for the boot up image or lock page image. I have some weird pastel of white, green and red. Rather have the older version Mightyrom.
  #9803 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 01:01 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

damn thanks for the theme. u should really consider including leo sense.
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  #9804 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 01:11 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

fixed it. It was under Personalize Wallpaper.
  #9805 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

None of your theme links work. Here and on your site.
  #9806 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 03:48 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Ok, WTH. Now the link to theme I want works. May have clicked and older link. Was going to mightyrom site. Now they do not, unless changed.
  #9807 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 04:27 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

I read through the thread and saw people are reporting issues with Facebook Picture Synching with Outlook Contacts. i just put in MR 6.2 and am having the same issue.

When I link a contact on the phone, the phone keeps the picture but Outlook does not. I get some weird text in the notes of the contact. like

<HTCData><!-- Please do not modify -->
  #9808 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 07:04 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Is there anyone here that stopped using Full Force for a more up to date 6.5.x rom? I've tried Vin's but dont really like the glass icons, So i'm currently running Energy's Standard Reference and it's running pretty well. Are there any other recommendations of close to stock feel ROMs that people are playing with or maybe switching between?
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  #9809 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 09:54 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by kern417 View Post
Is there anyone here that stopped using Full Force for a more up to date 6.5.x rom? I've tried Vin's but dont really like the glass icons, So i'm currently running Energy's Standard Reference and it's running pretty well. Are there any other recommendations of close to stock feel ROMs that people are playing with or maybe switching between?
Full Force is still the Most stock 6.5.X Rom around.
Stock and Rooted

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  #9810 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2010, 10:34 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by djqwikcut View Post
Does anyone know what is going on with SENSE and the facebook contacts sync? I look in the windows\fbcontacts folder and all of the contacts photos from facebook are THERE. BUT none of them SHOW in the sense contact tab or in the facebook TAB or anything.. If I go to a contact and edit it and lick the photo icon to select a photo, I can then see the facebook photo but as soon as I save the contact, the photo is not there and you just have the silhouette of a person.. Any ideas? I thought deleting all the photos from the fbcontacts folder would re-link them but it didnt...


I just tried creating a new contact, then I linked it to facebook (since it didnt do it automatically).. Photo didnt come up... then went into the contact, edited it.. Clicked to select photo... I see the choice for FACEBOOK PROFILE AND I scan see the photo.... I select that and the photo, see it in the contacts, click DONE and the photo doesnt save into my contacts... any ideas??

ALSO when you link the contact, on the left of the name where the photo should be, all you get is the silhouette and not the photo.. I really wonder if there is an issue with FACEBOOK and SENSE
There was an issue with HTC sense and facebook a week or two ago. Under Settings->Data Services, log out of facebook and log back in. Your contact photos should start syncing soon after.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2 > CDMA TP2 Development

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MMS stopped working after installing Mighty Rom - SprintUsers.com Post #0 Refback 10-06-2010 12:35 AM

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