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  #3211 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2011, 11:17 PM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

This looks great sharkie... phone is charged and ready for flashing. Thanks for still updating your ROM even though it's not your primary device any more.
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  #3212 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 12:40 AM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Looks awesome Sharkie! Too good not too flash. Downloading now.
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  #3213 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 08:27 AM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Don't be shy with any feed back anyone may have. I'd like to hear some thoughts on things. Does CHT being cooked in make the ROM any less stable in anyone's opinion?

I'm not going to put out a 6.5 of SharkieROM -X- unless someone asks for it. So if you want a 6.5 version, let me know...

Does anyone really use the Facebook Tab? It works half ass most of the time. This is not a shot at Meltwater (the creator of the tab), it's just because WM is getting old and HTC and/or Facebook don't feel like keeping us up to date with new software. So it's outdated and doesn't work like it should. I was thinking about removing the Facebook Tab from this version of the ROM. What do you think? Would it be missed?

I also found out that I won't be able to switch phones as easily as I was lead to believe I could by the person I spoke to at Sprint. Come to find out that because one phone is an Evo and one is a WM phone I have to change my plan everytime I switch phones. That in and of itself is not a huge deal, but I see my billing getting all screwy if I start changing plans every week or so. So, I'm going to switch back to my Evo at some point this week and stay with that for the most part.

I know that may sound like bad news to some, but it's not really. It's actually good news! Since I won't be using the TP2 as my daily phone, I'll be able to make this ROM even more tailored to request I get from you guys. So don't hesitate to speak your mind and throw out ideas and things you'd like to see.
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  #3214 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 09:15 AM
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Re: 4-23-11★Added SharkieROM -X-★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

I'm going to be putting together 21690 and 29019 CE ROMs this afternoon and I'll be removing the other CE ROMs when I post these new ones. So, if you want 'em go ahead and get 'em. Today will be the last day they are up!

The new builds will be built as 5.0 versions.
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  #3215 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 10:21 AM
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Re: 3-26-11★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

never had much luck with the facebook tab, even facebook im has issues everynow and then. i dont know if you ever messed around with the weather tab with panels and the gps tab that tells your speed, pretty sure they run on 6.5. i have always wanted to try to cook them into a rom, but never figured out how to for sure. if you want to give it a shot, you can try it. would be badass if it worked. thanks
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  #3216 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 10:25 AM
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Re: 4-23-11★Added SharkieROM -X-★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Thanks for the Facebook feedback.

Can you save me some time and post up some links to both of those threads? I'm always down to try something new!
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  #3217 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 11:17 AM
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Re: 4-23-11★Added SharkieROM -X-★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

I thank you Sharkie for everything you have done. You have made my TP2 MUCH more usable. From the sounds of your posts, it is going to be tough for you to continue your development efforts compared to months past. I find CHT running on my phone is just way too sluggish. I know others don't but it may due to the large number of emails, calendar entries, and contacts I have. Without the ability to remove, I will be hanging out on your v5. My contract is up in August and I know v5 will keep me happy until then we I can switch phones. Regarding your question about FB, I only access via Opera. Never liked the app or tab. Thanks again Sharkie for all the hours and hours you have spent on your ROM's.
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  #3218 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 11:41 AM
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Re: 4-23-11★Added SharkieROM -X-★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

[THE] RadarWeather v1.0 - advanced weather tab for TF3D - WVGA - xda-developers, this is the older one. i have seen a newer weather panel for sense, but the creators have said it can be really laggy and this is the gps tab [24/08/10][TAB][Manila 2.5]Manila GPS tracker (version 3) - xda-developers
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  #3219 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 11:41 AM
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Re: 4-23-11★Added SharkieROM -X-★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

I was thinking about you and will put out a CHT-Less v.X for you and whomever else doesn't want to run CHT, let me know if you if you like the look and I'll make one.

It will not be hard to continue developement. I will only be unable to test data, but beta testers can do that. Data is only a small percentage of the ROM as a whole, and usually aware of what might influence anything in that arena. Also I'm not exactly sure that there is not a way to switch phones without changing plans. I plan on talking more with Sprint about this. The problem is the $10 a month extra for the EVO 4G whatever they want to call it charge. When I switch back to WM I keep the same plan minus the 10. I wouldn't mind just keeping the $10 no matter which phone I was on and that would mean I wouldn't have to change plans everytime. We'll see...

I'm taking it slow with the EVO. I need to run the stock ROM for a least a month or so before I think about messing too heavily in an Android kitchen. Android is very different and I've much to learn, but as it stands right now THIS is my passion. To be honest the EVO is a great phone, so much so that I really don't feel the need to cook for it as of yet. I've rooted it and such cuz you have to in order to put certain apps on it. I've also already got a kitchen going, but it's more so I could dump Android ROMs to use some of the images for THIS ROM. Sense looks more sophisticated and elegant, despite being less customizable. I'd like to bring that look to WM Sense which I think is by far a better UI.

Anyway, sorry for going off on a tangent.

My 'SharkieROM' kitchen is bunked. Not sure what happened. Anywho, I'm going to put out 29019 and 21690 on the version X.

And again, slthomas, if you like the look of version X and would like a CHT-less version, let me know. It's no trouble...
Originally Posted by dave71981 View Post
[THE] RadarWeather v1.0 - advanced weather tab for TF3D - WVGA - xda-developers, this is the older one. i have seen a newer weather panel for sense, but the creators have said it can be really laggy and this is the gps tab [24/08/10][TAB][Manila 2.5]Manila GPS tracker (version 3) - xda-developers
Thank you sir!
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  #3220 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2011, 11:55 AM
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Re: 4-23-11★Added SharkieROM -X-★SharkieROM v5.0★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Thanks Sharkie. I am still running v4 so a bit behind these past few weeks. I don't want to be the only one so if others want a non-CHT - I will give it a spin. Don't put it high on your priority list. For now, I plan on upgrading to v5 in the next week or so.

Thanks for your thoughts on further development for WM. I figured you would be moving on to Android - doesn't sound like it for now.
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