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  #1271 (permalink)  
Old 10-18-2010, 11:46 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by busydocmom View Post
Loving the ROM. Having an odd problem for about a week. My weather will not update. Neither the auto location nor the set locations. Get the connection update error. Not aware of any weather update problems and it used to work? Any one else with this problem. ? Everything else works fine, GPS, Internet, Twitter, Facebook?? Odd. Any ideas on how to fix it.
That is very odd indeed. Unfortunately I don't have an immediate answer for you, but I will look around and see what I can come up with. Thanks for letting me know you've been running the ROM
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  #1272 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2010, 02:50 AM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by busydocmom View Post
Loving the ROM. Having an odd problem for about a week. My weather will not update. Neither the auto location nor the set locations. Get the connection update error. Not aware of any weather update problems and it used to work? Any one else with this problem. ? Everything else works fine, GPS, Internet, Twitter, Facebook?? Odd. Any ideas on how to fix it.
this has happened to me twice in the past year and believe me when i say i tried EVERYTHING trying to fix this even as far as having the phone replaced,i mean everything gps related and all worked flawlessly but i couldn't get weather to save my life,i finally found the issue on my end was carrier related as they were doing something with the towers,when it happened the 2nd time after calling verizon and they confirmed work being done in my coverage area i decided to just wait and after they were done it was fixed and working perfect,just wait it out a few days and see what happens,took bout a week both times i encountered this issue

@Sharkie Hell yeah brother congrats on hitting the 5000 rep. mark had to push you to 5005 lol

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  #1273 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2010, 08:22 AM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[21681\21916][Sense2019]

I will try that. I got so frustrated last night I deleted all my locations and finally the auto location would update but not any of the inputted locations. So at least I have some weather. Awfully frustrating. But loving Sharkies ROM. Thanks for the answer.
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  #1274 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[23563\21916][Sense2019]

Nice work Sharkie! Good to see you're still active and cooking
I'd totally try the rom if I had a TP2, haha.
HTC Touch Pro: raidzero 23569 kitchen custom rom [LatROM], sense 2.5.2016, 16mb pp

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  #1275 (permalink)  
Old 10-19-2010, 04:24 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[23563\21916][Sense2019]

Just switched to try your Sharkie 6.5 (v2.0) rom on my Sprint Touch Pro2, I'm loving the experience so far, and I thought I'd share my observations (bear in mind that my preferences tend toward stock layouts)....

1) Rom seems very fast!

2) The extra ring tone sound bytes are AWESOME! (though the ringtones folder has a bunch of redundant ringtones are are already in the rom that can be deleted)

3) Unfortunatley when I go to settings-personal-buttons there is not a way to set a long press of the end key to lock the phone (it appears the only way to do so is via the start menu)

4) I love the facebook icon on the sense slider for each contact, but I think I prefer the stock phone icon for call history (instead of the TP2 image)

5) the notification icons on the slider bar have a transparent background which makes it difficult to see the number of new texts / emails (the stock green background usually looks nice)

6) The I appreciate that many of the 'extras' were set as cabs so I could uninstall many of them, and that you offered a stock clock replacement cab. The only graphical quirk is that I'd prefer the stock icons on the top menu. Any chance of a cab to replace those with the stock?

7) The SIP / soft keyboard works well, but I'd prefer a stock option (cab?) to have the stock look.

just a small detail and really no big deal, the carrier name is missing from the top left of the clock (I think this has been mentioned earlier)

9) not sure if it is possible with this version of Sense, but an option to remove the RSS widget would also be wonderful

10) the vertical arrow for the task manager is missing (though tapping where it should be does work)

11) the Sharkie405 spash screen is cool, but my taste would be for a stock windows phone splash instead.

12) The home soft key for contacts goes to the windows shell contact manager not to the sense contacts (maybe there is a registry key somewhere that would change that)

13) great work with all the custom icons for the many programs and the sense tab links!

Now that I write all this, maybe I should learn how to cook my own rom
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  #1276 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 08:32 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[23563\21916][Sense2019]

heeeelllllllllooooooooooooooo..... hears an echo
It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less
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  #1277 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 09:01 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[23563\21916][Sense2019]

Still here... still tickering... still working... nothing new to report...
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  #1278 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 07:30 AM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[23563\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Still here... still tickering... still working... nothing new to report...
good to hear,im a avid thread follower myself,can't wait for the newest release,i jumped back to 1.3,it's a great rom!!
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  #1279 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 07:14 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[23563\21916][Sense2019]

Just as an FYI.

I was running v2.0 of the rom. On Tuesday of this week I was running CoPilot (a gps software package) and lost satellite fix. This was after 2+ hours of successful navigation. I soft reset multiple times and was not able to regain the sat fix. I also tried google maps and once again was not able to get sats. I even went as far as as re-downloading satellites in Quick GPS but once again NO GO.

Finally I went back to v1.3 of your rom and gps has been OK since Tuesday night.

Thanks for all of your work on the rom
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  #1280 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: Update[10-12-10]★SharkieROM v2.1★Generic\Sprint[23563\21916][Sense2019]

Originally Posted by Lat View Post
Nice work Sharkie! Good to see you're still active and cooking
I'd totally try the rom if I had a TP2, haha.
What's up man!! Sorry, I must have missed your post! It's good to see you again. How are things in Android land?

Originally Posted by mizzourob View Post
Just switched to try your Sharkie 6.5 (v2.0) rom on my Sprint Touch Pro2, I'm loving the experience so far, and I thought I'd share my observations (bear in mind that my preferences tend toward stock layouts)....

1) Rom seems very fast!

2) The extra ring tone sound bytes are AWESOME! (though the ringtones folder has a bunch of redundant ringtones are are already in the rom that can be deleted)

3) Unfortunatley when I go to settings-personal-buttons there is not a way to set a long press of the end key to lock the phone (it appears the only way to do so is via the start menu)

4) I love the facebook icon on the sense slider for each contact, but I think I prefer the stock phone icon for call history (instead of the TP2 image)

5) the notification icons on the slider bar have a transparent background which makes it difficult to see the number of new texts / emails (the stock green background usually looks nice)

6) The I appreciate that many of the 'extras' were set as cabs so I could uninstall many of them, and that you offered a stock clock replacement cab. The only graphical quirk is that I'd prefer the stock icons on the top menu. Any chance of a cab to replace those with the stock?

7) The SIP / soft keyboard works well, but I'd prefer a stock option (cab?) to have the stock look.

just a small detail and really no big deal, the carrier name is missing from the top left of the clock (I think this has been mentioned earlier)

9) not sure if it is possible with this version of Sense, but an option to remove the RSS widget would also be wonderful

10) the vertical arrow for the task manager is missing (though tapping where it should be does work)

11) the Sharkie405 spash screen is cool, but my taste would be for a stock windows phone splash instead.

12) The home soft key for contacts goes to the windows shell contact manager not to the sense contacts (maybe there is a registry key somewhere that would change that)

13) great work with all the custom icons for the many programs and the sense tab links!

Now that I write all this, maybe I should learn how to cook my own rom
1) Thank you!

2) Thanks for pointing this out! No need to be cooking in the same stuff twice.

3) Looking into this...

4) I'm not 100% pleased with my TP2 call history icon either, not sure where I'll go with that...

5) Sorry, I like the clear bubble look

6) Are you talking about the top taskbar icons? If so, I love the ones I'm using. I'm not sure about a cab to revert to stock, but I may see about installing them as a cab in the future so they can be removed is one so chooses.

7) Installing the SIP skin as a cab at boot is also a possibility here for future releases...

8 )Yes, the carrier name not showing is fixed already so future release will have this.

9) An option to remove the RSS widget already exists in \Cabs\CHT v1.8.5. It's the MobileUnderground.Info Remove RSS feed something or other cab.

10) I noticed this and meant to look into it and just forgot. Will be looked into for future releases.

11) Stock splash screen? Yuck! You can change this yourself ya' know... Name your .gif "animated" and drop it in your \Windows directory.

12) I'm not sure off of the top of my head how to do that. I can't say that I'd want to really. I like using WM Contacts which is why I have it set as the LSK.

13) Thank you!

Yes, you should learn to cook! It's the only way to get the ROM that's absolutely perfect for you!
Originally Posted by Straitup27 View Post
good to hear,im a avid thread follower myself,can't wait for the newest release,i jumped back to 1.3,it's a great rom!!
Yeah, v1.3 is a better more stable ROM. That's one reason I'm taking my time right now. I want the next one to be better than v1.3 in all aspects.

Originally Posted by daytona283 View Post
Just as an FYI.

I was running v2.0 of the rom. On Tuesday of this week I was running CoPilot (a gps software package) and lost satellite fix. This was after 2+ hours of successful navigation. I soft reset multiple times and was not able to regain the sat fix. I also tried google maps and once again was not able to get sats. I even went as far as as re-downloading satellites in Quick GPS but once again NO GO.

Finally I went back to v1.3 of your rom and gps has been OK since Tuesday night.

Thanks for all of your work on the rom
I think a couple of other people have mentioned GPS issues. While I still have not had any issues, this area clearly warrants more attention, so more attention it shall have. Thanks for letting me know.

Last edited by Sharkie405; 10-23-2010 at 10:31 AM.
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