Re: [ROM] [8.30.10] INFERNO 21911 [Sense 2018|CHT 1.8.5]
I'm not having any issues with the rom so far. Tomorrow at work it will get a full work out.
Last time I rode a $2 ho, I completely lost my phone. (and car keys, wallet, car, and pride ) |
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Re: [ROM] [8.30.10] INFERNO 21911 [Sense 2018|CHT 1.8.5]
The issue with the locks screen is back with 1.4.3, it was fixed on 1.4.2 Thank you! |
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Re: [ROM] [8.30.10] INFERNO 21911 [Sense 2018|CHT 1.8.5]
lmao yep so that means I still come out a winner this time
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Re: [ROM] [8.30.10] INFERNO 21911 [Sense 2018|CHT 1.8.5]
Well I'm positive what it is now so I'll whip you up a ROM without the dll I'm using on 1.4's lockscreen. Sorry, I just happen to like sliding it down instead of left or right. Seems easier with my big fumbly fingers.
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Re: [ROM] [8.30.10] INFERNO 21911 [Sense 2018|CHT 1.8.5]
Prox..... try the attached file and let me know if it fixes the issue. If it works that is far easier than you flashing again.
Make sure to soft reset if it doesn't force you too!!! EVERYONE ELSE: This file is meant for a specific issue Proxhack is having with an additional app he uses which has security requirements. If your lockscreen isn't giving you application issues, then don't install the attached file. |
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Re: [ROM] [8.30.10] INFERNO 21911 [Sense 2018|CHT 1.8.5]
Once again thank you! |
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Re: [ROM] [8.30.10] INFERNO 21911 [Sense 2018|CHT 1.8.5]
Thank you very much indeed
I like the slide down - just wish it was as smooth as horizontal
-The whole pleasure of marriage is that it is a perpetual crisis — GK Chesterton |
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Re: [ROM] [8.30.10] INFERNO 21911 [Sense 2018|CHT 1.8.5]
for the 6.5.x fans.... read 1st post before flashing |
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