Originally Posted by xpressyourcell
Exactly how lite should I go with sqweaky? I need you guys to give me input. Facebook tab? Utilities to keep or drop? Help me out. Do you want it bone stock like NRG's lite ROM?(not even sure I could do that  ) Help me out here people. This is your ROM, let's work together to make it fly!
u know, everybody has their own personal preference and im sure thats why your asking so you can get an average or something like that. but me personally, i like to have NOTHING apps wise on a rom. to me i want only what im going to use on my phone. no need for anything else taking up space if its never going to be used and i thank people like you and the other chefs who make a rom like this possible. i have no problem installing my own cabs and apps to make the phone exactly the way i want. my previous phone was a tilt 1 and i put Bare WM 6.5 23071 by Witschey on it (first rom ever flashed btw) and it worked flawlessly once everything was set up and there was not a damn thing on it except what i installed.
what im getting at is if your gonna make it a bare rom, make it a bare rom. anything can be put on anytime if so desired. unless there is a reason you keep certain apps on??? is there? im not a chef so i dont know what is all involved. but when i DL'd your last squeaky, i thought i was getting nothing but to my suprise there was still quite a few programs installed, even themes which i thought werent supposed to be there. which is not a problem, just thought i was getting a barebones. but if you do decide to go with even less, i will be one of the first to download.

but i guess if i would request anything that would be beneficial to everyone would be any tweak programs i.e. advanced config, hd tweak, bsb tweaks.... i have all three lol hope that helps any.
btw, there a lot of us who dont use facebook or things like that so its useless to have those utilitles on our phones. that is more of a personal app i would think...