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  #141 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 04:39 AM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Yes the thread has been a little quite lately. XYC has been crazy buisy with other things but we have been beta testing an updated Clean and Squeaky Clean roms. XYC is still around just not as much as he used to be. Hang in there guys its comming. I think everyone is going to like this fresh new look!

Last edited by mcluvntheboss; 09-14-2010 at 04:43 AM.
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  #142 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 11:09 AM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Luzboss, it was your cab that got it working for me. It sends a little slow sometimes, but works 100% for me. Thanks so much for the information...now I just have to figure out the napster thing. The funny thing is, if I change the usb connection settings to read like a flash drive, napser will find it but not transfer subscription music to it- only paid songs. It has to be something about the ability to work with DRM being taken out in the rom. WMP recognizes the phone and the storage card, but will not transfer any DRM song to it.
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  #143 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

oh ok then. damn.. i was hoping to see another solution. oh well. but if you would like to use internet sharing check the thread. i updated it with another cab that will allow it to work.

sorry i cant help but good luck with your question
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  #144 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Anyone??? I have to either get this issue fixed or switch back to stock...someone please tell me you know what's up with this...it seems to be a problem with all custom roms!
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  #145 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2010, 01:40 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Hmmmm, looks like this ROM needs updating. I got alot a work to do! LOL!
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  #146 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2010, 12:53 AM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

hey xyc. ive been using the latest squeaky since you posted it on my unlocked sprint with att. i love it. and because of the arcsoft version you use, i am able to get full data and mms but i have a couple questions.

1) as you stated in post 1, all your new roms are cooked with sense 2.5 i like it and thought it was pretty cool at first but the phone is just too slow to handle the bloat smoothly and its now starting to get annoying. are you gonna be making a new one with an optional 2.1? if not, do you have any old squeaky versions with 2.1 that i can try out that uses the current arcsoft version your using? which leads me to my next question

2) if you dont have any old ones, do you know of another similar BARE rom by someone else with 2.1 that i can try? and if it uses a different arcsoft, is it possible to install your version on the phone that i can make as the default???

im just trying to make the phone work a lil more smoothly while keeping the phone able to utilize mms and data. will downgrading to 2.1 achieve this? ifnot its ok. just trying to see my options. i love your work and i thank you for it. any input on this is appreciated.
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  #147 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Seems like I got upgraded just in time then! Read through your thread and I'm gonna try out one of your Clean 23x versions to get a taste of what ye do.

Going back a bit ye said what ye should have on your Sqweaky clean, I agree with the few people that answered, having a pure bare-bones is really nice sometimes, something that when it boots up it has literally only the things it needs to run, nothing more (that would include Manilla/Sense if ye -really- wanted a bare-bones)
Current Builds-
Diamond: LITE O.A.T
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