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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2010, 07:07 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Originally Posted by kvictor017 View Post
i don't seem to get mms to work. I downloaded the verizon cab and i'm able to send mail to myself but can't receive from someone else. I tried several times. This last time the download button greys out and i see the downloading icon, but it goes away and comes back and never downloads. Any ideas? Please?

are you using the carrier your phone was made for or are you sec. unlocked? if your using your carrier, go to mms options and make sure the verizon settings are set as your default
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 12:01 AM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Originally Posted by kvictor017 View Post
i don't seem to get mms to work. I downloaded the verizon cab and i'm able to send mail to myself but can't receive from someone else. I tried several times. This last time the download button greys out and i see the downloading icon, but it goes away and comes back and never downloads. Any ideas? Please?
Did you not read the instructions on the first post for verizon customers. You run the provisioning for verizon, then you install the attached cab.(first page)
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 02:16 AM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

I'm used to using Mighty or Mr. X, and this is my first 23563 trial. So far (~2 hrs.) it has been very responsive. Thank you very much for your time, efforts, and hard work.
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 07-13-2010, 02:28 AM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Originally Posted by Powerverter View Post
I'm used to using Mighty or Mr. X, and this is my first 23563 trial. So far (~2 hrs.) it has been very responsive. Thank you very much for your time, efforts, and hard work.
Sometimes new roms deliver innovative results, it is always a good practice to try different ones.
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 07:37 AM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

can you please list what programs are included in this rom?

Thank you
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2010, 11:41 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Originally Posted by luzboss View Post
hey. This question doesnt pertain to the newly released roms but was hoping someone could maybe shed some light... i just flashed to 5_4 squeaky several nights ago and i absolutely love it. Im going to be sticking with this for a while if it keeps doin what its doing? I had the previous 5_3 clean and arcsoft kept freezing every 5-10 messages wich required a soft reset to fix. Couldnt handle that so i flashed. Lol anyway, squeaky so far is running smooth and no freezing and seems quite fast. I was playing with settings and noticed there were several "themes" under home settings (i thought squeaky wasnt supposed to have themes...????) and i tried them out and love the black flamerise theme. It looks so good to me. But the only thing that bugs is the color of the highlight in messaging. Its a black backround with white text but when your in a message and click on a particular part of that message, it highlights it in a very light color. Not white but damn close which makes the text almost dissapear. Its not a huge deal but it would be nice if the highlighted color could be another color, preferably blue since that would go with the rest of the theme. Is there any way to change this? Im assuming it would be some sort of reg tweak such as changing a number or two which i have no problem with doing. If anybody has any info on this that would be awesome!!! Thanks :d

i attached a screen shot of what im talking about. I noticed its easier to read the looking at the screen shot on the computer but it is very difficult on the phone.

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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Originally Posted by Luzboss View Post
Unfortunately, that is just a drawback to the blackflamerise.tsk. I personally don't get too much into skinning or creating .tsk files so don't know a whole lot about it. Sorry.
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Exactly how lite should I go with sqweaky? I need you guys to give me input. Facebook tab? Utilities to keep or drop? Help me out. Do you want it bone stock like NRG's lite ROM?(not even sure I could do that ) Help me out here people. This is your ROM, let's work together to make it fly!
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 12:55 AM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Originally Posted by xpressyourcell View Post
Exactly how lite should I go with sqweaky? I need you guys to give me input. Facebook tab? Utilities to keep or drop? Help me out. Do you want it bone stock like NRG's lite ROM?(not even sure I could do that ) Help me out here people. This is your ROM, let's work together to make it fly!

u know, everybody has their own personal preference and im sure thats why your asking so you can get an average or something like that. but me personally, i like to have NOTHING apps wise on a rom. to me i want only what im going to use on my phone. no need for anything else taking up space if its never going to be used and i thank people like you and the other chefs who make a rom like this possible. i have no problem installing my own cabs and apps to make the phone exactly the way i want. my previous phone was a tilt 1 and i put Bare WM 6.5 23071 by Witschey on it (first rom ever flashed btw) and it worked flawlessly once everything was set up and there was not a damn thing on it except what i installed.

what im getting at is if your gonna make it a bare rom, make it a bare rom. anything can be put on anytime if so desired. unless there is a reason you keep certain apps on??? is there? im not a chef so i dont know what is all involved. but when i DL'd your last squeaky, i thought i was getting nothing but to my suprise there was still quite a few programs installed, even themes which i thought werent supposed to be there. which is not a problem, just thought i was getting a barebones. but if you do decide to go with even less, i will be one of the first to download. but i guess if i would request anything that would be beneficial to everyone would be any tweak programs i.e. advanced config, hd tweak, bsb tweaks.... i have all three lol hope that helps any.

btw, there a lot of us who dont use facebook or things like that so its useless to have those utilitles on our phones. that is more of a personal app i would think...
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2010, 01:57 PM
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Re: [ROM]7/7/10 XYC Clean/Sqweaky Clean -(21901)(23563)(2012.14)(2012.12)-

Just wondering if this is CFC 'd? Or is it possible to get it CFC 'd?
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