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  #921 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

I skewed the results I dl'd all three LOL!

Now for the report. I flashed 23xxx glass version. Task 29, flash, provision, restore cookie settings...

Good news: As usual phone, sms, mms worked after provisioning. Caller ID is back.

Bad news: So is the camera out of memory error. No programs running, reset, same thing. To late to try another flash tonight. Can anyone confirm?

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
2 to 1 ration in downoads for dusk vs glass icon rom. Really thought more would like the glass.
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  #922 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:06 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Me too... camera error.
edit: I did get camera to function after running the "clean ram" program.
Originally Posted by suntopper View Post

Bad news: So is the camera out of memory error. No programs running, reset, same thing. To late to try another flash tonight. Can anyone confirm?

Last edited by Jim8181; 06-15-2010 at 12:11 AM.
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  #923 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:49 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by Jim8181 View Post
Me too... camera error.
edit: I did get camera to function after running the "clean ram" program.

+1 on camera error. tried clean ram didnt help sill error.
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  #924 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 12:56 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
I skewed the results I dl'd all three LOL!

Now for the report. I flashed 23xxx glass version. Task 29, flash, provision, restore cookie settings...

Good news: As usual phone, sms, mms worked after provisioning. Caller ID is back.

Bad news: So is the camera out of memory error. No programs running, reset, same thing. To late to try another flash tonight. Can anyone confirm?
I can second that... I have about 40meg free and camera won't run! I get the same error..
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  #925 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 05:01 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Hello, I have read about two thirds of this posting and I am very impressed with the loyalty to Timber Wolf. I am also amazed at the amount of time Timber Wolf spends listening to all of your comments and really tries hard to add them to his next ROM.

This is why I would like to find out if this ROM will run on a Samsung Omnia (Verizon)(WM 6.1) with WQVGA versus the HTC TP2's QVGA? So far what I have researched is that back ground pics might have to be modified to look correct on the smaller screen and icon locations may have to be corrected. The reason I say "might have to be" is because I found this program called WVGAFIX4 (XDA Forum by: by Cotulla) and he claims it will allow you to run different resolutions on your phone.

I am not sure what other info you will require to better answer my question just let me know and I will do my best to get back to you.

Thank you in advance for all of your help.

P.S. I know I would be the non HTC guy, black sheep of the post, but when I find something that sounds so cool and usable who cares.
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  #926 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 06:38 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
Bad news: So is the camera out of memory error. No programs running, reset, same thing. To late to try another flash tonight. Can anyone confirm?
Camera is working on my device (verizon). I flashed to stock then dl the glass rom did a restore and only problem I've notice is on call history, can't select all to delete.
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  #927 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 08:40 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

All problems noted and I will start working on the issues now. I did check on a fresh boot the camera with opera,file exl., facebook,total commander, registryedit,bubblebreaker and one more game that can't remember before I released this rom. Camera was fine. Didn't even use my phone last night and it was at 45mb this morning. Off to the lab I go to find what the @#$! is wrong. At least now I know to start looking at the dialer 1st. When I edit the 8 files in the two dll's to change from green to blue, one dll will grow .75mb in size. Should not be the problem, but last dialer I used had the same dll's files as dinik's phone canvas. If anybody is on in the next few hour please try this for me. On a fresh boot run several programs and see if you get the camera error.
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  #928 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 09:01 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Just finished with a fresh boot and running all the programs stated above and the camera works. My first thought on the subject we have a memory leak problem, it's not the dialer this time. Question for everyone, when you use clean ram, do you select the basic purge. Or do you select the 3rd option (Level 3 - Fundamental Purge). For a quick fix try this option and report back if it works . Please post what programs you post flash install. Very important for me to know, since this is the only way to see if there is anything in common.
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  #929 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 09:08 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Just finished with a fresh boot and running all the programs stated above and the camera works. My first thought on the subject we have a memory leak problem, it's not the dialer this time. Question for everyone, when you use clean ram, do you select the basic purge. Or do you select the 3rd option (Level 3 - Fundamental Purge). For a quick fix try this option and report back if it works . Please post what programs you post flash install. Very important for me to know, since this is the only way to see if there is anything in common.
I can get the camera issue consistently if I run Word then try the camera, even after a fresh boot.
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  #930 (permalink)  
Old 06-15-2010, 09:15 AM
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Re: 6/14/10 V9.4.1 Dinik Glass Icons/CHT1.8/7 Color Themes,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by dnvm View Post
Hello, I have read about two thirds of this posting and I am very impressed with the loyalty to Timber Wolf. I am also amazed at the amount of time Timber Wolf spends listening to all of your comments and really tries hard to add them to his next ROM.

This is why I would like to find out if this ROM will run on a Samsung Omnia (Verizon)(WM 6.1) with WQVGA versus the HTC TP2's QVGA? So far what I have researched is that back ground pics might have to be modified to look correct on the smaller screen and icon locations may have to be corrected. The reason I say "might have to be" is because I found this program called WVGAFIX4 (XDA Forum by: by Cotulla) and he claims it will allow you to run different resolutions on your phone.

I am not sure what other info you will require to better answer my question just let me know and I will do my best to get back to you.

Thank you in advance for all of your help.

P.S. I know I would be the non HTC guy, black sheep of the post, but when I find something that sounds so cool and usable who cares.
Thanks for you comment and yes I do have some loyal users! Many thanks to them,

To answer your question, yes it could be made to run on your device but not without building with different support files. All of the oem's and some of support file is the sys on not the same for the Omnia. I don't think it would work, maybe you can find TP2 cheap since alot of people are dumping their phone and making the move move the Android 4G.

Update for all Users: Just ran all the programs again, then without stopping them from running with QM I ran clean ram level 3 and recovered 24mb's of ram. The quick fix works, so use it till I find out more.
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