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  #271 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2010, 06:48 PM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Version 8 Timberwolf available in 1st post. Enjoy!

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  #272 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2010, 08:42 PM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

You don't happen to have a cab of the HTC calculator? I like having the scientific calculator in landscape mode.

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  #273 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2010, 09:52 PM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
Yes! Downloaded and checked for errrors. No such thing! Am flashing now! Will edit with feedback.

Thanks jstine!

Flash Log (everything works like normal!)

update utility still says v7
customizing windows screen looked like a menu (new splashscreen?)
carrier provisioning on initial boot
select verizon, installed to main memory and rebooted
booted looking OK
clear memory
menu came up during "customizing windows" again but immediately went off
no provisioning this time
soft reset (using q-menu)
It may have been q-menu screen that popped up during "customizing windows" screen.
carrier provisioning "verizon", main memory, etc.
phone, mms, sms, work no issues.
Another great rom jstine

Edit: Appears that office is loaded twice. Anyway there are two icons for each office program when I'm assigning the quicklinks.
Just a mistake on my fart, I mean part. Brain fart that is.
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  #274 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2010, 09:54 PM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
You don't happen to have a cab of the HTC calculator? I like having the scientific calculator in landscape mode.

No, as can see that's were I am having problems with. The HTC calc was giving me problems.
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  #275 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
Yes! Downloaded and checked for errrors. No such thing! Am flashing now! Will edit with feedback.

Thanks jstine!

Flash Log (everything works like normal!)

update utility still says v7
customizing windows screen looked like a menu (new splashscreen?)
carrier provisioning on initial boot
select verizon, installed to main memory and rebooted
booted looking OK
clear memory
menu came up during "customizing windows" again but immediately went off
no provisioning this time
soft reset (using q-menu)
It may have been q-menu screen that popped up during "customizing windows" screen.
carrier provisioning "verizon", main memory, etc.
phone, mms, sms, work no issues.
Another great rom jstine

Edit: Appears that office is loaded twice. Anyway there are two icons for each office program when I'm assigning the quicklinks.
Not loaded twice, just two sets of pointer's. Will be working on getting rid the ones in the start meu. Having trouble find the lnk (shortcuts) in the new sys. Working on the tsk file, for now you may still have some black background with white text. Next release that will be gone. Installed new Chainfire 2.0 video driver. The rom does appear to be quicker from what I see. Been using this build for the past week. The only time the rom froze was when I selected to end all task in Qmenu.

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 05-08-2010 at 11:37 PM.
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  #276 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2010, 10:09 PM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus


I'm not sure if this is related to just me but when I go into options on q-menu and turn off the "Q" on the taskbar, I lose the finger friendly menu for q-menu. I'm going to do the flash dance totally (with task 29) and see if that helps. It's not a big deal as I don't use a task manager that much but I thought I'd pass it on. The rom does seem a bit faster but time will tell.

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  #277 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

I found a cab. Installed and works (so far). I apologize for asking before searching.

I also finished the flash dance and am still experiencing the loss of the touch friendly menu in q-menu when I disable the task bar icon.

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
You don't happen to have a cab of the HTC calculator? I like having the scientific calculator in landscape mode.

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  #278 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2010, 05:59 AM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus

Originally Posted by suntopper View Post
I found a cab. Installed and works (so far). I apologize for asking before searching.

I also finished the flash dance and am still experiencing the loss of the touch friendly menu in q-menu when I disable the task bar icon.
Thanks Suntopper, my mind was so focused on getting the rom finished I didn't think about finding a new cab. Have done so and it will be in the next version.
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  #279 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2010, 09:38 AM
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Re: NEW 5/9/10 V8 WM6.5.5 23563 with CHT- Dusk Organized Menus


If its not to much work do you think it would be possible to make a cab to turn your start menu and clock red to match the rest of this theme forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1740222

I would really appreciate it!
Please PM me if you have a sero plan to sell with 1000 mins or more

Last edited by ModmyPPC; 05-09-2010 at 09:42 AM.
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  #280 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2010, 10:19 AM
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Thumbs up Alarm On/Off not working, but still LOVE the ROM

The alarm on/off Indicator on the home screen is always in the off position, even though I set alarms.
Haven't played with this ROM much, since I loaded it last night, but I sure LOVE the looks of it and mostly, the SPEED!!!
Excellent work Timberwolf!
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