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  #391 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 10:19 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Beejis View Post
If I create my own oem from a cab, where do I put it? Sorry if it is a dumb question but every time I have been cooking from this kitchen it never shows up...
THen you need to convert it into an EXT and put it in EXT\Shared\Packages
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  #392 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 10:25 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by welrope View Post
Yeah, my first source was da_g. 23562 sucked, and 23563, i know for sure, was just an edited 23562. Phone itself acted strange, would wake up for a text message but wouldn't download it for 5 mins/ Phone would randomly go into airplane mode, yada yada. They posted several different things over at xda, aimed to help the sys. Mainly moving the commctl.dll from an older build, using da_g's patched shell32 and other items. Shouldn't have to do all that. Lastly, it seems like 23560 i got was 1000% better than either 62 or 63. So now, after gong backwards to 23560, i am getting 23563 in a .dio 1 week after it has been released. I will do a file compare on da_g's release, the release at htcpedia, and the one im gankin now and see if there is any difference.

May have just been a personal problem for me, and i usually like the 235xx line.
I always find it funny when people get SOD with a certain build. Then I dump the .dio myself from the same source and I never get SOD. It is soo strange.

Side Note: Normally I cook at work on the slow a$$ computer and it takes like 10 mins. I just built a ROM here on my home PC and it took a minute. I think I need to drag my home computer to work everyday lol.
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  #393 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 10:28 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by TMartin View Post
THen you need to convert it into an EXT and put it in EXT\Shared\Packages
Thanks, I searched with google and I found the answer too.
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  #394 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 10:37 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Beejis View Post
If I create my own oem from a cab, where do I put it? Sorry if it is a dumb question but every time I have been cooking from this kitchen it never shows up...
most of them work fine going in the ext/shared folder

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  #395 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

prob retard question but whats the main diff's between iceys Calk kitchen and indagrooves sprint 6.5 21901 tp2 kitch?....i notice indagrooves kitch had a bunch more components that i coulnt even figure out what they where thus making it a bit confusing
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  #396 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by ahuskins View Post
You know it's funny how different builds perform differently for different folks. That's different isn't it.
But seriously, Cooked a 23562 which was buggy and at the time 23563 was what everyone seemed to be going to so I cooked up a 23563 which was the one Welrope pulled and it ran perfectly for me. Everyone started raving about 23560 being so fast so I switched it up and it has been a big lazy dog for me. Slow, glitchy, just plain no good. Won't get up of the porch for nothin.

Point being you keep trying them out till something sticks. Kinda like 28014 did back in the day. Wait, that was only like 3 months ago. Ugh.

Welrope - I have you to thank for re-igniting the fire in the stove.

Thanks bro!!
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  #397 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 11:17 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Are you using a special build of Calks VK that you have changed sometime in app.reg or any *.dat files. Did you edit any of the *.RGU files? And are you using the new OEM's that was posted in Calk's Thread?

Also barring the ringtone issue I had the phone freeze on every flash.
I also did a build with it rom with sys that came with the download and with my own custom sys. With new OEM's and with the old ones from Calk's VK.

Where is your Kitchen posted?

Thanks for all you help
Yes, yes, and yes. I dumped my stuff, but the sys are for calk's kitchen. I know that the 236xx series has been download @ 125 times and there are even some chefs that have production roms in this flavor, and this is the first i have heard of it... If you download calk's last kitchen or smizniths kichen and drop in my sys, it will work...
I don't have my kitchen posted as even with 7zip it is over 1GB. I can take a look at one of your build logs and see what may be happening. I'm curious now!

Has anyone else had the issue of no sounds when using the 236xx?

Last edited by welrope; 04-23-2010 at 11:31 PM.
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  #398 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 11:19 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by nrfitchett4 View Post
dude, you are my freaking hero!!! how I managed to miss that I don't know. so basically I can switch out icons in that base_dp1_192 with my own and it should change them?
do they have to be the same size? (i've been using the 256 ones...
Thanks!! Not exactly, but the same dpi looks good.
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  #399 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 11:21 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by smiznith View Post
dude that is awesome but seriously dont do the extra work for me..lol i dont even play with all the sys so you would be wasting time.. i do greatly appreciate it though.. im fond of the 216xx and 219xx builds...lol
No problem, i will do just them lines then. (if that makes sense)
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  #400 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 11:22 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by TMartin View Post
I always find it funny when people get SOD with a certain build. Then I dump the .dio myself from the same source and I never get SOD. It is soo strange.

Side Note: Normally I cook at work on the slow a$$ computer and it takes like 10 mins. I just built a ROM here on my home PC and it took a minute. I think I need to drag my home computer to work everyday lol.
I love the .dio! Also, the new 23563 is awesome! amazing how it works sometimes!
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