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  #621 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

Downloading now, will flash once my battery is above 50%!

What lock screen does this ROM have?
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  #622 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2010, 04:28 PM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

Originally Posted by Viper786 View Post
Downloading now, will flash once my battery is above 50%!

What lock screen does this ROM have?
Same thing as V14. So you might have to install the patch to disable it, and enable WM default.
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  #623 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

I'm fairly new to flashing and maybe don't quite understand why GPS works on some and not on others.

I had about a month or two ago HTC Pro. After trying a few, I used NFSFAN and GPS worked lovely. Lost the phone and was heart broken. Bought an HTC Pro 2 flashed it with this ROM and the GPS doesn't find any signals.

I'm with Telus, I unlocked the phone but not the radio. I understand clear sky, not indoors, blah blah. Is there something I'm missing?


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  #624 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 06:39 PM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

Originally Posted by theonyxguy View Post
I'm fairly new to flashing and maybe don't quite understand why GPS works on some and not on others.

I had about a month or two ago HTC Pro. After trying a few, I used NFSFAN and GPS worked lovely. Lost the phone and was heart broken. Bought an HTC Pro 2 flashed it with this ROM and the GPS doesn't find any signals.

I'm with Telus, I unlocked the phone but not the radio. I understand clear sky, not indoors, blah blah. Is there something I'm missing?


Did you download fix using QuickGPS? It is a must in order for it to find signals these days....
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  #625 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 06:46 PM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

I don't know about a fix, but I did open up Quick GPS and did a download of whatever it downloads. It expires in less than 7 days.

Should I be downloading a carrier cab or something? I read those are just for data and I'm getting email and stuff just fine.
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  #626 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 06:51 PM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

Originally Posted by theonyxguy View Post
I don't know about a fix, but I did open up Quick GPS and did a download of whatever it downloads. It expires in less than 7 days.

Should I be downloading a carrier cab or something? I read those are just for data and I'm getting email and stuff just fine.
Yes after downloading QuickGPS, see if GPS works.

You dont need to install the carrier cab. But, if you insist, it is in the ROM under Utilities>Provisioning, you can install it from there.

Just make sure your MMS Connection setting is picked as Telus under MMS options.

If everything works fine now, then dont install anything!
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  #627 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

I've tried the QuickGPS, I've tried the Provision Cab, and they both didn't work. I've flashed about 3 times trying various things.

I did get it to work with a different cab, but I don't know how long it lasts. The first time I did it, I lost the signal after a while. I'm unable to uninstall it so I had Flashed to remove it.

So I used NFSFAN Telus Provisioning.cab as this was especially made for the gps to work on the HTC Pro with his rom. I tried it as a long shot but it worked (sort of). I'm hoping it will last this time.

Do you know why I'd have to do this? Should it work fine with this rom on the HTC Pro 2 without doing any harm? Would there be a better solution that I should use?

Thanks for the help on this I don't mean to be a pain. The GPS is important to me. Besides that, I've only ran your rom for about a day and it runs smooth. I like it so far. I had one other trouble with it, approx 25% of the right side of the screen was showing up on the left for some reason. I rebooted and it showed fine after that. I'll try it for a few days and see how it goes, that's usually when I start having trouble with others.

Thanks again.

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  #628 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 11:11 PM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

Originally Posted by theonyxguy View Post
I've tried the QuickGPS, I've tried the Provision Cab, and they both didn't work. I've flashed about 3 times trying various things.

I did get it to work with a different cab, but I don't know how long it lasts. The first time I did it, I lost the signal after a while. I'm unable to uninstall it so I had Flashed to remove it.

So I used NFSFAN Telus Provisioning.cab as this was especially made for the gps to work on the HTC Pro with his rom. I tried it as a long shot but it worked (sort of). I'm hoping it will last this time.

Do you know why I'd have to do this? Should it work fine with this rom on the HTC Pro 2 without doing any harm? Would there be a better solution that I should use?

Thanks for the help on this I don't mean to be a pain. The GPS is important to me. Besides that, I've only ran your rom for about a day and it runs smooth. I like it so far. I had one other trouble with it, approx 25% of the right side of the screen was showing up on the left for some reason. I rebooted and it showed fine after that. I'll try it for a few days and see how it goes, that's usually when I start having trouble with others.

Thanks again.

That nfs cab seems to enhance agps settings for telus. If it works...then keep using it...do let me know how it goes in a few days...
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  #629 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

could u please cab up the original folder icons sometime,i have the alluminum set of folder icons u cabd up a while ago and i like the alluminum folder icon set but would like the ability to switch back to the original folder icons on V15.Im downloading V15 now and am going to flash it tonight.Ill let u know what i think after using it a cpl days,V14s gonna be hard to beat.Thanks again for the new rom release.Look forward to using it.
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  #630 (permalink)  
Old 07-04-2010, 12:27 AM
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Re: BharS 5.2.23125|PROJ_BS|Sense2.5|GENERIC|XDA_UC|02-Jul|V15|Co0kie|Black

thanks, without it google maps keeps saying 'Seeking GPS Satellites (0)'. I will touch base in a couple of days.

But any idea how I would change the keyboard mapping? My symbols are laid out differently and I can't find a solution online.

Thanks again in advance
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