Originally Posted by lemeiux1
wow you were pretty close to getting an EVO! But just so you know this isnt really the place for this as it has nothing to do with Vin's ROM
Wow....Um seems like we got a noobie to this thread. LOL.
Originally Posted by bobbyblack
My post here has nothing to do with Vinn's ROM, this is a coomunity that talk's just about anything SON. Stick around and learn you something. ![sign3](http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/images/smilies/sign5.gif)
+1 I totally agree.
Originally Posted by lemeiux1
wow you post your awesome experience with CS in a thread in the TP2 upgrades section, namely in a thread about Vin's ROM (read the title genious) I was being nice to point out to you that this prob belongs in THE GENERAL TOUCH PRO 2 SECTION, but I dont know anything right? wow
To chime in young FlashHoppah. This thread is open to all comments. We all communicate about all sorts amongst each other in this thread. If someone feels like sharing an experience they had with Sprint, Verizon, or any carrier for that matter. We like to listen and share advice. Just because it has nothing to do with the ROM in particular, doesnt mean someone isnt interested or listening. Just look at how many times Bblacks comment got thanked compared to yours. The community speaks for themselves Young laddy. FYI none of those thanks belong to me.....yet.