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  #9901 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2011, 10:20 PM
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Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Hi, new user to these ROM's. I'm loving the speed, memory, and battery life. I ran Neo for a week or so, then decided to switch to Pluto today. My only question is about the volume control. Is this the normal for Pluto? I tried a couple cabs in the paperclip but couldn't find one that changed it to the colored bars, which I'd like to have back.

Edit, I think I figured it out. My taskbar probably didn't work for 6.5.x. I installed another and got it back. I didn't realize the taskbar changed the volume control.
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Last edited by buddywiser; 01-22-2011 at 10:44 PM.
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  #9902 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2011, 10:41 PM
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Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
We all dissapointed with WM shipped goodies.
I can tell you that iOS updates is not "real" updates.All they do is keep fighting with Cydia lol.The value of iPhone higher if it wasnt updated to 4.2 or 4.3.I have iphonish friends here and in russia....
I used to be a WM follower,but not anymore lol

Hi vin:
Yes, the iphone jailbreaking can be difficult depending on the update version, so I am more inclined on going with Android phones. In any case, of all the custom ROMs that I loaded on my Sprint TP2, I found yours to be the most elegantly designed one. Everything was well organized and the icons looked elegant. You have good taste. I wish Microsoft and HTC had hired your services when when wm6 had a chance to succeed in the face of the iphone revolution. It is their loss, not yours. But I know you helped the community a lot with your hard work.

As for the disappearing or freezing dialer issue on your TP2 ROM for Sprint, I can tell you that every custom ROM that I installed before trying out your ROM had similar problem as I noted in my last post. Yes, I did a task29 before loading the custom ROMs, and I loaded your ROM more than once and did re-installation of stock ROM first and then a task29 before each installation of your ROM. I think the trouble may be a memory stability issue with wm6.5.x. I also noticed that in all custom ROMs including yours, ResProxy and SQM upload (Software Quality Management upload) has been disabled from the registry keys. Although removing them does free up 10-15% RAM on TP2, it may also contribute to some of the disappearing or freezing of the phone when a phone call comes through as I described in my original post.

I recommend removing Sip changer, nueBattery and Tarkim's Keyboard Controller from your ROM because the resources that they take up may cause instability issues when someone is in a fringe area that requires the phones radio to switch back and forth between Roaming and Home signals. This problem happened to me repeatedly when I installed the latter two programs on stock ROMs of TP and TP2. The devices then slow and no soft reset will solve the problem.

Anyway, maybe I will just buy an EVO like you did when the prices go down on it in Ebay, and I will tryout your ROMs for that device. It has better hardware and better RAM management that Widows CE based wm6 phones. I will follow your thread for EVO rom.

Oh, and despite the unfair criticism of my last post by some other people in this thread, please don't in any way think that I am complaining about your TP2 ROMs. I was only reporting what I experienced and why I decided to go back to the stock ROM and ultimately why I want to divorce myself from Microsoft phones. The problem is not your ROMs. The problem is Microsoft's incompetence, which guys like you try to fix. Thanks for all your hard work. And thanks for sharing your custom EVO ROMs with the community. Good luck to you.
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  #9903 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2011, 11:27 PM
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Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Touched Pro 2 View Post
Hold on a segundo, por favor. You're barking up the wrong tree here, chief. I'm not really a "regular", but I will speak on this.
Why don't you stop trying talking like a battle-ax.

You hate microsoft so much that you not only bought a touch pro, but you went ahead and bought a tp2 also. That'll show those monopolists!
I gave Microsoft a final chance because they were coming up with wm6.5 on TP2, but they disappointed many people with its inadequacies.

You complain about all the apps on the custom roms. Guess what? There is bloat on the stock roms too. You don't like arkswitch? Turn it off. That's what I do. Replace it with an app that doesn't consume so much ram. Do something. Neither Vin, nor your carrier or Microsoft should have to hold your hand when you operate your phone.
The apps are build into the ROM, which means they can't be removed from the Windows folder. They were taking RAM and ROM memory, and TP2 is limited with memory and plenty of apps like HTC YouTube and HTC Album want to cache on the device memory too. So soon enough, the device runs out of storage memory and you will stop receiving SMS, etc. Less stuff loaded on the ROM, means more device storage for seeing some Flash movies in PIE, and Flash caches only on device storage. And not everything can be turned off, e.g., nuebattery, Keyboard Controller, etc. If you like, I can hold your hand and guide your finger to each of the folders that the apps cache to. Or are you intelligent enough to do it yourself?

I have used a few roms and a few different rom builds from Vin. I have only had dialer problems once. I couldn't get the dialer to come up at all and I had no signal. It could have been a bad flash...probably user error of some sort. Guess what happened? I reflashed and no more dialer problems. You having problems with lag from apps that are just on your phone, but not running? Reflash. I don't see how apps that are just on your phone and not running can slow your phone down, but I don't know everything about roms.
I did re-flash and I did a task29 before each flash too. Maybe you got YOUR dialer problem the first time you flashed the custom ROM because you didn't even know about task29 and why you need to do task29 before flashing? So now why don't you stop barking the wrong tree, and search for task29.

Vin has worked hard on these roms. I'm not jock riding. It's just a fact. If everyone could do it, they would. If it was so easy to correct problems and put your signature style and making themes and all of that, people would be coming out with different builds everyday. It takes time to get things right...and I can't really complain. I mean, he's taking that time and releasing these roms to us for free. Yet you're complaining about it? If you don't like a custom rom, go to another one...or go to stock. Don't complain about a gift.
you are not a good reader. I was only describing my experiences. There are no complaints on free stuff. So instead of jock riding, try a donkey.

Please don't disrespect Vin, hijack his thread, and blog about the history of mobile phones. Nobody wants to be bothered with it. You want an "eye-toy", go get one. Don't come here and tell us to "divorce" anything. If you never used another custom rom, no one would have known or cared. You decided to share your "expert opinion" with us. Thanks....really. That's the problem with people nowadays. They're all spoiled and self-important and instead of doing things for themselves, they whine about it like anybody cares. Please don't let the door hit you in the butt.
You are good at pontificating. But be careful not to slip on your spam . Anyway your rude attitude does not impress me. It only shows that you are a .

My replies are in green.

Last edited by Shahriar5252; 01-22-2011 at 11:33 PM.
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  #9904 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2011, 11:51 PM
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Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by GIZELLE View Post
Verify sounds and notifications settings.
haha very funny but That was not the problem .. thanks .. I solved with a re flash.. I think This rom is the best for tp2.. Thanks a lot
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  #9905 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2011, 11:53 PM
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Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Shahriar5252 View Post
My replies are in green.
So, what the hell is this?

First off, you come into this thread with your all holy roller, my shit don't stink attitude and blast away in a wordy, cry-baby, know-it-all manner that WinMo sucks & knocking the best TP2 ROM out...and it rocks.
-> You got what you asked for: cracks from others, and a response by Vin.

Next, you reply trying to save face. You started off okay, but then your true colors came through.

Now this? Now you decide to start blasting away...trying to somehow justify that first crappy post because you know how to represent 69 in binary or something? Look it, if you're so damn bright, re-write the phkn OS & post it for everyone; if not, at least learn how to write so your posts won't be construed as disrespectful, pompous, and/or irritating...because your initial post could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

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  #9906 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2011, 11:55 PM
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Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
Hey dude, you forget most of us have also loaded most all other top roms.
Yet this is the first time I hear of most problems you have,
(which usually to me means "user-error")

Amongst all the misleading dis-information of apps, lack of knowledge,
and out right bashing of the best roms in the TP2 threads, (especially singling out the best, Vinn's..)
I will try to be as nice as Vinn was, and actually help you with some advice..

You are only right about one thing.
You cannot handle WinMo, or any smartphone for that matter.

And you would probably be safe with only the most idiot proof of "smart-?-phones",
that any true geek would would hate because of it's controlling dumbness.

So go get an iphone and don't look back,
Not even to Win7 because that can be hacked as well.
Don't pick any phone that can be "modded",
because you obviously show you have a distaste for learning & making a phone better.

If that doesn't pan out, get a old Samsung Instinct
I think the HTC and Microsoft Windows Mobile programmers were full of idiots like you. Instead of trying to deal with the problems, they would say: customer doesn't know how to handle it or that customers have too much complaints or that everybody wants something different.

I now how to work my way around too many problems on wm6 devices. My complaints are not geared at vin's ROMs. I think vin is a cool guy for trying to fix all the problems or make up for all the deficiencies that Microsoft and HTC didn't. That's why Window Mobile is out of business.

And no. I would never consider wm7 or any other locked down phone. I will consider an iphone only if the dev team has a nice jailbreak for the specific software version loaded on it and only when it comes to sprint. As for now I will considering Android phones. Vin has one too. Then again, maybe you are a Microsoft employee and hate me for the loss of your mobile business?

Contrary to what you promised in your post, you failed to be civil in your criticism of my post. Instead you decided to use mockery and had a nasty tone. So shut up and stop being rude.

Last edited by Shahriar5252; 01-23-2011 at 12:26 AM.
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  #9907 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2011, 11:56 PM
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Smile Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by buddywiser View Post
Hi, new user to these ROM's. I'm loving the speed, memory, and battery life. I ran Neo for a week or so, then decided to switch to Pluto today. My only question is about the volume control. Is this the normal for Pluto? I tried a couple cabs in the paperclip but couldn't find one that changed it to the colored bars, which I'd like to have back.

Edit, I think I figured it out. My taskbar probably didn't work for 6.5.x. I installed another and got it back. I didn't realize the taskbar changed the volume control.
+1, only once got volume issue and found the way. Thank you for stopping by.
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  #9908 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 12:05 AM
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Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Shahriar5252 View Post
I think the HTC and Microsoft Windows Mobile programmers were full of idiots like you.
Contrary to what you promised in your post, you failed to be civil in your criticism of my post. Instead you decided to use mockery and had a nasty tone. So shut up and stop being rude.
So, I suppose you're somehow justified in continuing to act like an ass?

Your last post could suck a softball through a garden hose.
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  #9909 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 12:12 AM
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Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Recursion View Post
So, what the hell is this?

First off, you come into this thread with your all holy roller, my shit don't stink attitude and blast away in a wordy, cry-baby, know-it-all manner that WinMo sucks & knocking the best TP2 ROM out...and it rocks.
-> You got what you asked for: cracks from others, and a response by Vin.

Next, you reply trying to save face. You started off okay, but then your true colors came through.

Now this? Now you decide to start blasting away...trying to somehow justify that first crappy post because you know how to represent 69 in binary or something? Look it, if you're so damn bright, re-write the phkn OS & post it for everyone; if not, at least learn how to write so your posts won't be construed as disrespectful, pompous, and/or irritating...because your initial post could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
No, people that like to use mockery or bad language are in need of saving face. You are one of them. I used no such language in my first post. Some people in this thread just don't know how to have a civil conversation. Describing my experiences with custom ROMs is not complaining. In fact, that what these threads are for. Maybe this is an exclusively social thread for you, but in all the other many threads that I have started or commented, people like to bring up issues with their devices. Others that know how to solve the problem, just answer the issue at hand. Sorry to crash in your party. Next time try Facebook.
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  #9910 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2011, 12:18 AM
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Re: divorce yourselves from Microsoft Mobile operating systerms, HTC, and custom ROMs

Originally Posted by Recursion View Post
So, I suppose you're somehow justified in continuing to act like an ass?

Your last post could suck a softball through a garden hose.
Try to be nice in your comments, and I will be nice in my replies. I did not begin the rude talk. And try that garden hose on yourself to cool off.
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