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ffkip911 01-18-2011 07:40 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
2 Attachment(s)
My s2u2 screen saver

ffkip911 01-18-2011 07:46 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by GIZELLE (Post 2039649)
Didn't explain that in ur original post.

Ok then, any of the guys out there to assist with this since I'm not able to. He's trying to re arrange the home screen tabs with the method previously posted and is not working. At present, he's not using cht.

Vin, Recursion, Darren, Maxx ffkpi911 that can assist.:)

I think the way to solve this (if Maxx's cab didn't do it for you) is to ask Vin to make it selectable just as all the other tabs. Otherwise, it sounds like quite the hack job---of course, one easy way around it is to install CHT2 (yes, i know it takes a little mem---but the added flexibility makes it worth it)

GIZELLE 01-18-2011 07:46 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by ffkip911 (Post 2039459)
I use built in task manager from SPB--i don't see any other need to put duplicate programs on

+1 on that.

Edit- huntnyc, 2 different applications to do the same might conflict and create stress for the phone not being able to read either one.:)

ffkip911 01-18-2011 07:47 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by GIZELLE (Post 2039649)
Didn't explain that in ur original post.

Ok then, any of the guys out there to assist with this since I'm not able to. He's trying to re arrange the home screen tabs with the method previously posted and is not working. At present, he's not using cht.

Vin, Recursion, Darren, Maxx ffkpi911 that can assist.:)

I think the way to solve this (if Maxx's cab didn't do it for you) is to ask Vin to make programs tab selectable just as all the other tabs. Otherwise, it sounds like quite the hack job---of course, one easy way around it is to install CHT2 (yes, i know it takes a little mem---but the added flexibility makes it worth it)

ffkip911 01-18-2011 07:54 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
3 Attachment(s)
to spruce up your sms
you should already have certs and threaded email...but install all 3 to be sure

huntnyc 01-18-2011 08:04 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
I like defualt SPB Task manager but still miss being able to dismiss programs by hitting X button. Running MMTaskMangar alongside SPB now and no problems. Still does not close out some programs on X button tap but does close out more than SPB.


ffkip911 01-18-2011 08:27 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)
alright guys and gals--flashing Vin's 12.8.10 clean. I won't be much help with neo/pluto or cht, but I can help with core issues---will be running spb so I can help with those issues if they arise

126 free mem at fresh flash
106 free after installing spb, mskip, s2u2, s2p, ucweb, and random other tweaks

btw, the newest mskip has a froyo theme

Maxx134 01-18-2011 09:53 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by enzyme (Post 2039449)
I was wondering if there is a pluto or neo build that would allow me to manually select bodies of text in wm messaging rather than the whole thing.
Similar or like the way text selection is done on NRG 6.5.x roms.
Preferably titanium / no sense because I use SPB MS. Thanks.

When using native WinMo texting it should not matter that you are on SPb, but not shure about 6.5.x,
Sooo as a test press and hold on text area, and
A pop-up should come up, that says "make selection"
You should then be able to setect any selection by dragging over it.
Then click and hold to select copy.


Originally Posted by anonymity (Post 2039473)
I can rearrange them as long as I don't move the position of the 'Programs' tab. It has to remain in it's default 2nd position....
I've noticed some hang-ups with it recently too. I've actually had to hard reset it a couple of times.

This is unheard of to me.
It is my suspicion that an installed cab is the culprit.
It can be any, if it was for a gsm device.
Please give us clues as to what problem you had leading to situation,
where you had to make a "hard reset"

Have you installed a taskbar?
I have been looking at a few and noticed it is easy to get a wrong one...
I am currently making one using Vinn's dll as a base,
Because I don't trust them anymore,
after my testing showed some new ones gave me lag.

ffkip911 01-18-2011 10:24 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by Maxx134 (Post 2039808)
When using native WinMo texting it should not matter that you are on SPb, but not shure about 6.5.x,
Sooo as a test press and hold on text area, and
A pop-up should come up, that says "make selection"
You should then be able to setect any selection by dragging over it.
Then click and hold to select copy.

This is unheard of to me.
It is my suspicion that an installed cab is the culprit.
It can be any, if it was for a gsm device.
Please give us clues as to what problem you had leading to situation,
where you had to make a "hard reset"

Have you installed a taskbar?
I have been looking at a few and noticed it is easy to get a wrong one...
I am currently making one using Vinn's dll as a base,
Because I don't trust them anymore,
after my testing showed some new ones gave me lag.

any way to special request an all black one??? (I know there's not a lot of requests for all black--no color) if you're in the cab making neighborhood

most of the pic's ive posted have my current all black taskbar that I'm on--I really don't have any issues with them, but if messing with the taskbars, thought I'd throw it out there.

Recursion 01-18-2011 10:29 PM

Re: Jan.03.VINdows ROMs (Neo All in One update Radio 2.37 WV)

Originally Posted by Maxx134 (Post 2039181)
Hmm ok thats because I changed order of the program tab.
make it the ninth on list and cab should work.

I just changed the "enable" in registry from 1 to zero in:
check each follder number and the "programs " tab listed and inside is the "enable" key to set to zero.

Bizzare...this didn't work on latest pluto. Probably user error, feeling a little stupid with lack of sleep.

Originally Posted by Maxx134 (Post 2039200)
Here is new cab that will disable the last tab , whatever you set it to on tab order list, in "customize" settings..
Any tab that you dont want to see will dissapear if it is the last one 14th on tab order list...:silent::silent:

This one worked perfectly. Thanks, bro.

Originally Posted by anonymity (Post 2039473)
Okay, so with regards to an earlier post of mine where I claimed I was having trouble rearranging homescreen tabs in the Dec.29.Pluto ROM; I figured out a way around this. I can rearrange them as long as I don't move the position of the 'Programs' tab. It has to remain in it's default 2nd position, then the other tabs can be moved around behind it. I don't use this tab very much, just a little, so it would have been nice to still have it but have it a little later on so I can quickly get to the tabs that I use more frequently. Oh well, it's still one of the best ROMs. Although I've noticed some hang-ups with it recently too. I've actually had to hard reset it a couple of times.

Totally insane, man. I always re-arrange tabs, and never noticed this. Just tried it & can't replicate this problem. Unless of course I am stupid from lack of sleep.


Originally Posted by ffkip911 (Post 2039656)
I think the way to solve this (if Maxx's cab didn't do it for you) is to ask Vin to make it selectable just as all the other tabs. Otherwise, it sounds like quite the hack job---of course, one easy way around it is to install CHT2 (yes, i know it takes a little mem---but the added flexibility makes it worth it)

I think was asked & answered before. Vin said no. Not sure what the deal was, maybe something to do with how it was cooked in?

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