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-   -   [ROM] Plutonium,Neodium,Titanium [21916,28244] (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=106231)

vin255764 01-14-2010 04:50 AM

[ROM] Plutonium,Neodium,Titanium [21916,28244]
CAB to initiate WM LockScreen from Sense Quick Link is HERE

Plutonium=WM 6.5.X
Neodium=WM 6.5

Cookie aka CHT
A mod that is included which works with the home page of Manilla Builds. It allows users to have 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 quicklinks. It also can remove calender add/remove call history... show more appointments and etc. it can slow down manilla a bit, but it's almost unnoticeable. original thread here

Means no carrier's settings.Data should work out of box. All you need is your fave Arcsoft MMS.cab.

VERIZON-check THIS post
SPRINT Provisioning cab HERE

Im NOT using Sprint Phone Canvas anymore.VZW Canvas has bigger buttons.Updated dialers can be found HERE

Bugs,fixes,cabs and everything you need will be in POST #2

Phone must be unlocked.



================================================== ====

Jan.03.Neodium+Radio 2.37.WV UPDATE HERE
================================================== ====


Dec.29.10 Plutonium ROM UPDATES HERE






Dec.08.10.NAKED Neodium (no Sense no Titanium no HTC canvas) MIRROR1 ; MIRROR2

vin255764 01-14-2010 04:51 AM

Re: SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Titanium ROM (No Sense UI)
Sense TABs
-All 4 tabs in 1 cab available HERE
-Document Explorer tab from HTC Leo CAB
-Sprint TV&Navi Tabs and apps here
-Footprints tab from HTC Leo CAB
-Dark Ninja Desire taskbar for Plutonium HERE
-Gadgett taskbar for Neodium and Plutonium here
-Battery 1-% driver,fast charge HERE
-Updated BiboBrian Taskbar here
================================================== =================================
-S2W theme remixes by Young_DC here.
-Sense Mods_v_1_1_4 updated 06/02/10 cab
-Custom fonts
-Icons and iconchanger here
-Full and tested Dusk theme here
-Tested GTX theme here (also check oVi's theme here and fixed Taskbar here)
-Glossy Black Theme here
-Clear Slider cab
-Sense UI 2.5 tweaks here.More here and here
-Sense UI 2.5 16 quick links
-Sense UI 2.5 flat black slider here
-Sense UI 2.5 remove top curtain and more here
-Add Snooze options for alarm here
-Devotion dialer in colours,Bling dialer and more updated 06/02/10 thread

SPRINT Arcsoft MMS cabs:

-Arcsoft with 5Mb (recommended) sending limit here
-Threaded and classic MMS cabs

- To set SD Card as a default check here

How's your battery?Read here

To change first splash image-here
Restoring Text Messages with PIM Backup READ
-4 Icons per row in start menu.Install this or this
-Opera cabs
-Tweak-Opera Default here
-Problems with GrooveFish?Look here
-Battery Monitor cab
-Sprint TV cab
-MP3 Trimmer cab
-Telenav 5.5.42 from T-Mobile HD2 cab is here
-Telenav 5.5.24 from god knows where cab (the difference is in voice commanding)
-Roaming switch here
-TellMe from samsung cab

Big thanks to:

Darren.wlsn1(PPC 411)
Matt and NCX Designs
Mighty Mike (htc icons)
Mr_X (speedup tweaks)
Psyco_Maniac (cool wallpaper)
S2W and Young_DC
and this community.

vin255764 01-23-2010 11:22 AM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA
Seems like I solved the task manager problem.
Messaging and footprints are known issues,I just wanted to warn noobs that its no 100% yet.

kaos 01-23-2010 12:21 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1511138)
Seems like I solved the task manager problem.
Messaging and footprints are known issues,I just wanted to warn noobs that its no 100% yet.

just flashed so far so good. but how do we set owners info? its not there. is there a reg edit? does anyone know?

darren.wlsn1 01-23-2010 01:29 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA

Originally Posted by kaos (Post 1511208)
just flashed so far so good. but how do we set owners info? its not there. is there a reg edit? does anyone know?

theres a cab that works, lemme find it.

kaos 01-23-2010 02:18 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 (Post 1511274)
theres a cab that works, lemme find it.

you are the man!

its perfect now.

i found 2 bugs . 1 i fixed.
when setting up mail account if you select other then use a msn or hotmail. it gives a wlclauncher error. i installed windows live off market place rebooted it is fixed.

2nd one i found is when syncing contacts to facebook. like photo. i had to do it twice to get it to stick.

darren.wlsn1 01-23-2010 04:32 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA

Originally Posted by kaos (Post 1511334)
you are the man!

its perfect now.

i found 2 bugs . 1 i fixed.
when setting up mail account if you select other then use a msn or hotmail. it gives a wlclauncher error. i installed windows live off market place rebooted it is fixed.

2nd one i found is when syncing contacts to facebook. like photo. i had to do it twice to get it to stick.

na, juicy is the man, thank him. lol
windows live isnt on some roms but as you see its a easy fix, glad your good.

InsomniacJedi 01-23-2010 05:32 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA
Love the ROM! Getting awesome battery life out of it. Also, it is the only 2.5 ROM I've found to be really stable. All the other ones I've tried had bugs I couldn't get over, but yours seems to be working great!

One bug I saw was a small graphical one. When you have a new e-mail message, the right slider that let's you switch the accounts tends to have the round green bubble that shows the number broken. It is half there and half not. That's the only thing I've found so far!

Thanks again!

vin255764 01-23-2010 05:42 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA

Originally Posted by InsomniacJedi (Post 1511617)
Love the ROM! Getting awesome battery life out of it. Also, it is the only 2.5 ROM I've found to be really stable. All the other ones I've tried had bugs I couldn't get over, but yours seems to be working great!

One bug I saw was a small graphical one. When you have a new e-mail message, the right slider that let's you switch the accounts tends to have the round green bubble that shows the number broken. It is half there and half not. That's the only thing I've found so far!

Thanks again!

Yes,I see it too.Must be 2.1 messaging..

hotspace 01-23-2010 05:48 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA
So far so good. Stable. Flashed extremely fast and set itself up quick too. MMS sent fine. However...I can't receive MMS. SMS was fine both ways.

vin255764 01-23-2010 11:22 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA

Originally Posted by kaos (Post 1512061)
ya i am using the 2.82 max with this working good.the only real issue i have now is the music tab. when it launches it freezes the device. but could be a 2.5 thing. i have like 12gb of music. it sinked after awhile on 2.1 . idk about 2.5


Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1512100)
Audiosearcher probably gone crazy trying to scan 12Gb lol.
Try to increase mem
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\C onfig]
"Request_Memory"=dword:00300000 (default)

600000 could be too much.Maybe 450000???
Let me know if it works.Im about to upload v2 with all those tinny fixes

hotspace 01-23-2010 11:48 PM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA
Vin...when are you giving your rom a name?? It's got to be something special....like
"Nd Rom" or "Neodymium ROM series" or "Au ROM" or "Gold ROM series" ???

darren.wlsn1 01-24-2010 12:02 AM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA
well im not a big fan of 2.5 because of past issues on other roms but i have a tp2 thats been stock for 2dys and seems this rom is getting good reviews so im game for a testdrive.

vin255764 01-24-2010 12:06 AM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA
I'll stick with Neodium (most hazard) lol.After the feedback Neodium ROM V1 is about to be ready

darren.wlsn1 01-24-2010 12:42 AM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA
dl done and gonna flash now, any mms/sms edits ect i need to do after flash? figured i would ask so after flash the question will be yes or no. lol

vin255764 01-24-2010 12:53 AM

Re: 01/21/10 SPRINT WM6.5 SYS 21889 Sense UI 2.5 BETA

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 (Post 1512311)
dl done and gonna flash now, any mms/sms edits ect i need to do after flash? figured i would ask so after flash the question will be yes or no. lol

no edits,maybe update profile just in case...(in system)

wchamblee 01-24-2010 01:15 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
tight work. Its about time we on sprint got some ROM LUV. MMS is good, send and recieve. Thanks

vin255764 01-24-2010 01:32 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
1 Attachment(s)
First post updated.
For those who already flashed my beta-no need to flash this one.There is only few minor fixes.
I'm not a skinner,so I simply erased part of the frame.

darren.wlsn1 01-24-2010 01:32 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
well i guess the hype is true very nice work op, mms outa the box. guess im gonna load this baby up now. very well done rom. anybody else have a screenshot in there temp folder? lol i never took any ss yet, its of a ppcg screen?

anand525 01-24-2010 01:41 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1512414)
First post updated.
For those who already flashed my beta-no need to flash this one.There is only few minor fixes.

vin what did u fix? the four items that were on the bug list before? how about the messaging client issue where facebook online album was broken? if so, i'll prob reflash to v1.

jutaejrtouch 01-24-2010 01:41 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1512414)
First post updated.
For those who already flashed my beta-no need to flash this one.There is only few minor fixes.
I'm not a skinner,so I simply erased part of the frame.

Glad i read this...just flashed the beta yesterday....no issues!!!! sweeeet rom:headbang:

anand525 01-24-2010 01:50 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1512414)
First post updated.
For those who already flashed my beta-no need to flash this one.There is only few minor fixes.
I'm not a skinner,so I simply erased part of the frame.

what manila file had the frame? i havent flashed v1 yet but maybe i'll go back and mod it myself too or clean it up differently. let me know. tnx.

imtjnotu 01-24-2010 01:52 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
ill flash and try for u...

solarflarex 01-24-2010 02:01 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
The file is corrupt. Tried downloading several times and it will not extract.

Straitup27 01-24-2010 02:08 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
rom looks great and looking forward to a generic version after you get all the kinks worked out,till then is there any way you could pointme to the slider your using in the screen shot,that looks to cool,congrats on the rom :)

vin255764 01-24-2010 02:31 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by num5kull27 (Post 1512483)
rom looks great and looking forward to a generic version after you get all the kinks worked out,till then is there any way you could pointme to the slider your using in the screen shot,that looks to cool,congrats on the rom :)

I made it...well,had to extract and resize them from s2w theme

nicweezy 01-24-2010 02:38 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by solarflarex (Post 1512465)
The file is corrupt. Tried downloading several times and it will not extract.

im getting the same thing

Straitup27 01-24-2010 02:38 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1512528)
I made it...well,had to extract and resize them from s2w theme

well i think you did a AWESOME job!!! caught my attn. as soon as the shots popped up,THANKS!!

vickydj1974 01-24-2010 03:00 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
The file is corrupt. Tried downloading several times

vin255764 01-24-2010 03:07 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
ahhh I hate mediafire lol
will reupload it

vin255764 01-24-2010 03:12 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by anand525 (Post 1512441)
what manila file had the frame? i havent flashed v1 yet but maybe i'll go back and mod it myself too or clean it up differently. let me know. tnx.

here is that file with extracted modded image

darren.wlsn1 01-24-2010 03:24 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
ive flashed tons of roms and use same tasbar setup on all and now im getting the sim card icon, how do i ditch that butt-ugly thing? man i hope theres a way cause im anal about my tb.

nicweezy 01-24-2010 03:42 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
damn you mediafire!?!

vin255764 01-24-2010 03:46 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 (Post 1512618)
ive flashed tons of roms and use same tasbar setup on all and now im getting the sim card icon, how do i ditch that butt-ugly thing? man i hope theres a way cause im anal about my tb.

shellres,cdma_rssi,hts volume,phcan dlls should be fine...
I baked Leo notification enhancements,must be 1 of notify dlls...

darren.wlsn1 01-24-2010 03:53 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1512659)
shellres,cdma_rssi,hts volume,phcan dlls should be fine...
I baked Leo notification enhancements,must be 1 of notify dlls...

5$ question, whats the fix?

vin255764 01-24-2010 03:57 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 (Post 1512671)
5$ question, whats the fix?

Only God and Tsowen knows that lol

darren.wlsn1 01-24-2010 04:05 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)

Originally Posted by vin255764 (Post 1512682)
Only God and Tsowen knows that lol

guess every other chef knows too then? ill snoop around before i leave the rom, i really like it.

vin255764 01-24-2010 04:40 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
I stopped modding taskbars long time ago,they are battery drainers
While Im waiting for new sys leaks I'll play with taskbar
Which taskbar set is most popular rightnow?

darren.wlsn1 01-24-2010 11:33 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
op, i dont want a tb, i want to know how to remove that sim card icon thsts showing, i never see it on other roms.

itster 01-24-2010 11:49 AM

Re: 01/24/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V1 is up! (SYS 21889 Sense UI 25)
Just want to confirm (before i flash) that sprint cannot detect using the tp2 as a wifi router. This is an important function for me because i run a pc repair service and use this function daily


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