Originally Posted by jaydowser
whether the new arcsoft that was just posted is similar to my old reliable "imnuts" archsoft cab. that's what i want to know...
Oh ok got you then yes it does use the standard messaging client and it is threaded as well. It works great every time and I have had no issues sending or receiving mms messages. I just click on the message from the HTC messaging tab and then just click the little envelope and win native
messaging opens up the pic. So for me it works just fine. I like sms chat myself but their licensing was my issue. I have no problem paying for good software but not over and over and at the time I installed it they would not allow it to transfer to other devices but 3 times not like my other paid software which I have purchased. Such as ewallet which I have transferred many times because it was licensed to me the person not any one phone.I have it on my IPOD, TP2 and my desktop and all in sync and only purchased it one time and have installed it many times. But that is just my thing but the chat software is definitely a nice piece of software. Hope I answered your question