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  #1071 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 01:41 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

Originally Posted by zimmy6996 View Post
Originally Posted by twe90kid View Post
nope. running provisioning won't work... because your phone gets set as tmobilehd2.
and i didn't link you because swype team doesn't like file being distributed.

So let me just get this right ... if you try to install the above mentioned Swype 3.9, it will hose V6? I haven't installed it yet, and I'm interested to try it out, but if it going to break everything, then I'll leave it alone.
yes, it does hose the data and the email accounts on it. (after you restart your phone). if you don't restart your phone after install, everything works

Sprint Fair and Flex 500mins - unlimited; text, data, N&W@6pm (perks) - Sprint Pick 3, Unl Incoming Mins
ROMS: Vin. Pluto. (M2.5), Mighty (M2.5), Energy (M2.5)
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  #1072 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

hey vin... any change you might drop a visual kitchen from your roms? the latest v7 is freaking sick!!!
mogul, touch, touch pro, touch pro 2, Curve, Pre, Tour, Hero, Moment, Bold, Evo, Shift... what's next up for grabs?

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  #1073 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

Originally Posted by tr0s View Post
hey vin... any change you might drop a visual kitchen from your roms? the latest v7 is freaking sick!!!
i doubt it he doesnt use visual last i knew. i think he uses ppckitchen

Sprint EVO 3D Rom:Kaos Hybrid 4.20 V8 Radio: 0.97 Storage Card: Micro 32GB SDHC

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  #1074 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 04:54 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

damn... had my hopes up.
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  #1075 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 05:22 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

Originally Posted by ravip_27 View Post
Originally Posted by youngpro83 View Post
Originally Posted by alohanela View Post
Originally Posted by youngpro83 View Post
Sorry ROM creator but Rapid share is a big turn off. Im not paying to download and Im tired of having to wait 2 min. Its been 17 minutes and it still wont let me download......oh well....its on to the next one!
Howdy young one! Good to see you in this neighborhood. I was checking out the ROM you mentioned in one of the MightyROM posts and found a link to NEODIUM. I am flashing as we speak, and all is going well so far. The chef has done a great job at creating a ROM for Sprint users.

Don't let the delivery method dissuade you from trying the ROM. I think this is worth a shot. As a loyal Mighty flasher, I would never have found this option if it weren't for you!!
Haha well your welcome. I will def give this another shot. I am currently using Chris Sprint Lovers right now and am loving it. No sleep of death issues. No data issues. Nothing....(so far). I really like the 2.5 series but I hate having to do fixes and this and that to make this work and that work so I will def give this a shot again. As the person said earlier.....patience.

Edit: This whole rapidshare thing is just nuts. Wait 2 minutes...............upgrade to premium............no slots available.....upgrade to premium.......blah blah blah.......I guess I will have to try when I have more time. I was just hoping to flash before I had to go into work. New ROM+work shift=time consumption which = fast shifts. Anyways here I go again.
From the 1st page Just go to the link that points to the V6 Plus. You will find the V7 beta there too. Don't need to go thru Rapidhsare
Haha man where were you at this morning!! Damn you did it. NO wait!! Thanks broham!!
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  #1076 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 07:53 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

Im using PPCK plus final touches Im doing in temp folder right before extreloc.Even if I upload v7 core,there is no way to reproduce the same v7.
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  #1077 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 08:12 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

Added 1 more screenshot for fun on first page.Its on T-MoUS prepaid SIM
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  #1078 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 09:45 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
Added 1 more screenshot for fun on first page.Its on T-MoUS prepaid SIM
how to use t-mobile sim in touch pro 2 ?
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  #1079 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 10:31 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

ALright you guys so I have been running this ROM for about 4 hours solid. REally abusing it and I have to say other than the battery life this ROM is really nice!I solute you Vin for a job well done. I guess I will do some tweaks to see if I cant prolong the battery life on here, but other than that. THis sh*t is butter man!! My new signature ROM for now. I did have a question tho. NOt concerning the ROM in general, but has anyone been having trouble connecting to the Market place?? For some strange reason it takes really long to connect.

Edit: Okay so I did some experimenting and this is what I did. I used MM's Blackout theme being that I couldnt find an all black theme for 2.5 that looks as good as MM blackout. And it actually worked. Except the icons at the bottom of TF3D did not change. Everything else turned black. Even the dialer. I absolutely love it. I really am not a fan of the mulitcolor tabs and all that but I can deal with that until someone comes along and creates a good theme. Also the blue satin r3born looks really good on here too. Does not conflict with anything. And I thought I read that someone could not get coreplayer to work?? Well it works for me. Just wanted to share that with you guys. Also how is the radio changes on with this ROM?? Im asking because I usually use MM but since the sleep of death plague has been lurking through his ROMs I decided to find something else. I noticed that when changing the radios with his ROM my data and everything goes haywire. NOt sure if its the ROM or what but others have not reported any issues so I was just curious. I used VW 2.33 and it sucked my battery dry but the reception was great. 1.88.00 on verizon was my favorite. The 2.33 is the one that I was using when I first experienced my sleep of death. After that my phone has been not acting right with any ROM other than.........YOu got it...this one. So how has changing the radio effected any of you? Just curious because I dont want to flash my radio and mess up a good thing because my phone is back to its old self again after flashing to this ROM.

Last edited by youngpro83; 02-20-2010 at 10:52 PM.
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  #1080 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2010, 11:22 PM
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Re: 02/18/10 SPRINT NEODIUM_V.7-Beta (Sense 2012) SYS 21891

Battery life on V6 rocks.
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