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  #3771 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2012, 12:00 PM
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Re: <> 11-2-2010 <> Medium Hill ROM's <>

Originally Posted by dibbson View Post
First off, I am surprised to see people still using this ROM and am humbled by that fact as well. I apologize for the lack of development, but to be honest, I think we all know why (not that the winmo platform is bad, I think it is still a very functional OS for a mobile phone). Since winmo, i have had phones of all types from Android to iOS to WinPho and they all have there pros and cons. I have often thought of producing a limited run of winmo ROMs. Mostly barebones, but it would be hard with PPCK being down. I am aware of their situation and have talked with a couple of the members through email and irc, and unfortunately it will stay down. So,.... I would have to start over with a new base/kitchen which would mean a completely different feel to the ROMs. Anyways, I am rambling. I thank you all again for using this ROM, and hope that it stays in use. I would say keep your fingers crossed for me playing around with another ROM (as I still have my 2 TP2's actually) but the lack of my old kitchen is a downer for sure. I will try to reply as I can, but time is short for me as of late. Best regards to everyone, dibbson

Thanks for the nice words John, and good to hear from you.

The threaded look is controlled by CSS in the messaging files, (going on memory here) but I think I remember a package that would change the messaging to threaded, but don't hold me to that. I would have to g-search that to find it. But... I will try and take a look at some old files on some old HDs that I have laying around and try and find something, but do give me some time on that.
the threaded SMS MMS is controlled by changing a few registry entries . I have cabs set up from my kitchen if you would tell me which carrier you are on @migz1134 I can then get them to you . give @dibbson a break
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  #3772 (permalink)  
Old 01-06-2012, 05:41 PM
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Re: <> 11-2-2010 <> Medium Hill ROM's <>

Originally Posted by elesbb View Post
the threaded SMS MMS is controlled by changing a few registry entries . I have cabs set up from my kitchen if you would tell me which carrier you are on @migz1134 I can then get them to you . give @dibbson a break
I am using sprint.. but just so you know i already tried modifying the registry setting for threaded and for some reason it doesn't work.. hopefully Ur cab works...
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  #3773 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2013, 01:56 PM
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Re: <> 11-2-2010 <> Medium Hill ROM's <>

Thanks for giving the CAB out @elesbb, I was just swamped last year and to be honest, I had some trouble locating my old files. Reconfigured all of my systems last year and all my old PPCKitchen files are on some hard drive somewhere in a stack of about 20 old HDs, lolz. Thanks again.

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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro 2 > CDMA TP2 Development

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