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  #291 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 06:32 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Testing new 28014 SYS, looks great speed-wise, if battery life is decent I'll post a new ROM tomorrow evening. Lite ROM is getting closer, still working some dependencies out...

thanks for hitting the thanks button!
Sprint Touch Pro on Verizon
lunacieROM - feat. WM & Manila 2.5.1921
Radio: 1.12.34F
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  #292 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 10:12 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
Thanks for the wonderful complements. Regarding the random shutdowns, can you describe when, how often, what you are installing, and maybe what you were doing when the phone shut down? I've never had this happen to me, so the only way I can get to the bottom of this is to get a little more info from users.

cheers - lunacie
Not a problem bro I know you put a lot of work into something you don't have to in order to help us all enjoy our phones more, so the compliments are well deserved!

Well I really can't describe why the phone shuts down randomly, I checked out the weather and made a phone call earlier and then when I went to use the phone later I noticed it was off so I had to use the soft reset button to turn it on. The cabs/programs I have installed are:

1. HTC Custom Manilla v2.1 weather database
2. Fix Manilla 2.5 clock flipping
3. HTC Calculator
4. Tsowen taskbar

I have had all these cabs/programs on here for a little while so I don't think they are causing it, like I said it's not a big deal, I know nothing is perfect and plus your working on a new version, trying to finish moving and all that, so if you figure something out great, if not I'll be okay and wait for your next release.
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Last edited by KIOWA69; 12-14-2009 at 10:23 AM.
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  #293 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 03:54 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by KIOWA69 View Post
...Well I really can't describe why the phone shuts down randomly, I checked out the weather and made a phone call earlier and then when I went to use the phone later I noticed it was off so I had to use the soft reset button to turn it on...
One thing I noticed is that you have quite an old radio on your TP. I realize radios are highly dependent on location, so choosing one is not an easy task, but you may want to consider updating to something newer as I've heard about radio related issues with 6.5.x Of course I have no idea if this is what's causing problems, but it's something to think about.

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  #294 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
One thing I noticed is that you have quite an old radio on your TP. I realize radios are highly dependent on location, so choosing one is not an easy task, but you may want to consider updating to something newer as I've heard about radio related issues with 6.5.x Of course I have no idea if this is what's causing problems, but it's something to think about.

I appreciate the suggestion and once I get home today I'll look into how to update the radio, I have seen a thread with different radios so I'll look into that. I have thought about updating that for a while but guess I have been lazy and never updated with all the flashing I have done in the past, again thanks for the help!
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  #295 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 05:51 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

In-call volume boost? How can I fix this? The volume is really low in calls, ringer is loud.
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  #296 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 06:16 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by Farnz View Post
Love the Rom, probably the most stable out of the gate of any that I have tried. I do have one question, and it's a question I have posted before. Is there any way to get the GPS working on an Alltel phone? I pay for the Nav Plan, but I have NEVER been able to get GPS to work on my phone unless I have the factory ROM. One time, GPS worked on EnergyRom, but only if I wasn't in my home area. I have checked the location, com ports, etc. All of the normal stuff that needs to be done for GPS to work, but it just doesn't happen. I swear there is a setting somewhere that limits the power(signal strength) of the GPS chip. Just something to throw out if you have a chance in all of your "spare time". Thanks for such a great piece of software!
It's the latest Alltel radio (that get's flashed every time you flash to stock ROM so don't forget to change it after flash dance), GPS is busted in that radio, flash a different radio and VIOLA! working GPS.
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  #297 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 07:52 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by Urufu_Shinjiro View Post
It's the latest Alltel radio (that get's flashed every time you flash to stock ROM so don't forget to change it after flash dance), GPS is busted in that radio, flash a different radio and VIOLA! working GPS.
Excellent advice!

It's important to remember that you do _NOT_ need to use a radio specifically from your service provider (i.e. alltel, sprint, verizon) - I use a sprint radio even though I'm on the Verizon network, the Sprint radios seem to be the best performers for calls and battery life in my area.

For those that complain about poor battery life, flashing a different radio can make a HUGE difference there, too. There's no way to know until you try, so I recommend flashing various radios over the course of a month or so, taking some notes to see which ones get you the best signal (and with the best signal also comes best battery performance).

cheers - lunacie
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  #298 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 08:07 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by Farnz
Love the Rom, probably the most stable out of the gate of any that I have tried. I do have one question, and it's a question I have posted before. Is there any way to get the GPS working on an Alltel phone? I pay for the Nav Plan, but I have NEVER been able to get GPS to work on my phone unless I have the factory ROM. One time, GPS worked on EnergyRom, but only if I wasn't in my home area. I have checked the location, com ports, etc. All of the normal stuff that needs to be done for GPS to work, but it just doesn't happen. I swear there is a setting somewhere that limits the power(signal strength) of the GPS chip. Just something to throw out if you have a chance in all of your "spare time". Thanks for such a great piece of software!

I had this EXACT situation with my Alltel phone. It wouldn't work in my home area. Ever since I have been running NRG or Lunacie ROMs my GPS has been working, but there have been a few other things I do every time I flash.

1) install ppst2.01.cab and run it from /windows
2) update my phone by dialing *228 (PRI?)
3) Install the dcdcarrier cab (the 2008 version, 09 version messes up the toolbar)

Hope this helps, and get rid of that NAV plan, wasted money.
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  #299 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 08:30 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-14 << lunacieROM v28014-26 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

New lunacieROM 28014v26 is up, link on first page. Only the Mediafire link has it for now, uploading to Rapidshare mirror, but it's taking a while....

I still have to find an adequate fix for in-call volume, and there's a 'beta' watermark that shows up in the start menu that makes it look like the ROM will timebomb expire in May, but it will not for two reason:

1) the .dll has been fixed so there's no timebomb

2) you're going to flash my next release waaaaay before May anyway, so who cares?!?!?!

cheers - lunacie
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  #300 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2009, 09:00 PM
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Re: |ROM|12-14 << lunacieROM v28014-26 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
New lunacieROM 28014v26 is up, link on first page. Only the Mediafire link has it for now, uploading to Rapidshare mirror, but it's taking a while....

I still have to find an adequate fix for in-call volume, and there's a 'beta' watermark that shows up in the start menu that makes it look like the ROM will timebomb expire in May, but it will not for two reason:

1) the .dll has been fixed so there's no timebomb

2) you're going to flash my next release waaaaay before May anyway, so who cares?!?!?!

cheers - lunacie
Downloading now, in the mean time, any idea what's planned for the lite version? Just Titanium and Manila? What you thinking?
Sprint Touch ProIf we helped in any way, be sure to let us know.
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