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Old 12-14-2009, 10:12 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
Thanks for the wonderful complements. Regarding the random shutdowns, can you describe when, how often, what you are installing, and maybe what you were doing when the phone shut down? I've never had this happen to me, so the only way I can get to the bottom of this is to get a little more info from users.

cheers - lunacie
Not a problem bro I know you put a lot of work into something you don't have to in order to help us all enjoy our phones more, so the compliments are well deserved!

Well I really can't describe why the phone shuts down randomly, I checked out the weather and made a phone call earlier and then when I went to use the phone later I noticed it was off so I had to use the soft reset button to turn it on. The cabs/programs I have installed are:

1. HTC Custom Manilla v2.1 weather database
2. Fix Manilla 2.5 clock flipping
3. HTC Calculator
4. Tsowen taskbar

I have had all these cabs/programs on here for a little while so I don't think they are causing it, like I said it's not a big deal, I know nothing is perfect and plus your working on a new version, trying to finish moving and all that, so if you figure something out great, if not I'll be okay and wait for your next release.
Quote: You Can Run But You'll Just Die Tired!!!

Last edited by KIOWA69; 12-14-2009 at 10:23 AM.
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