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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 12:53 AM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by thunderx2000 View Post
The only 2 ROM's that will give Energy a runs for its money is your's and indagroove. Indagroove is speedy but its missing a working footprints and messaging tab, your's is smoother, i didn't any problem other than the misaligned tab popups.
Thanks - that's a HUUUUUGE complement as I'm a big fan of both NRGz & Indagroove - their ROMs still serve as inspiration for what can be accomplished with a good kitchen, some dedication, and some creativity.

Footprints is an ongoing development project, it's the last LEO module that's just not working yet, probably because it's dependent on the LEO camera package, which won't work with Touch Pro of course. But I'm sure Kisja, Amarullz, & Captain Throwback will get it going.

I'm also still closely monitoring the 2.5 VGA landscape project from Rotastrain et. al., as soon as it's stable I'll cook it in.

There's also an Album 3.2 version with some great improvements (facebook connectivity, mainly) that is nearly ready, hoping to cook it in another version or two from tonight's update.

cheers - lunacie
thanks for hitting the thanks button!
Sprint Touch Pro on Verizon
lunacieROM - feat. WM & Manila 2.5.1921
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 12:54 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-24 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by jpucillo74 View Post
Anyone know how to change the softkeys on sense 2.5 to run programs? I know their are default actions within touch pro/diamond tweak. For some reason the HTC action screen doesn't work on here (or most roms) which sucks because I really like liks to different actions (new sms, new mms, etc) but I would like to run specific programs. More than likely I am over looking something due to my lack of brain cells that were cooked off over the years of over indulgance. Thanks
I don't offhand - it's a pretty deep hack from what I remember, but I'll see if I can't dig up a mod for that... no promises, though.
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 12:55 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-24 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

This is for anyone interested to know, there is a post of Psyki's first beta (Psyki Final) where it is explained it is a special build (provate stock). No disrespect intended to this thread or any since "All Chefs are UNIQUE and SPECIAL" in what they do and from which we learn from all of you Chefs. Just curious about this particular. Still I like a lot 2.5!!!
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  #164 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 12:56 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-24 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
I don't offhand - it's a pretty deep hack from what I remember, but I'll see if I can't dig up a mod for that... no promises, though.
Thanks lunacie, you are so accomodating
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 01:00 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-24 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by effortless View Post
I changed my background to an animated one and now it won't let me change to anything else. The two options under Menu>Home Wallpaper don't display pics to choose from anymore. They just go back to the home screen.

This is a known issue in Sense 2.5 VGA, but it's being worked on. There are two ways around this for now:

1) Open album, then hit the home hardbutton to go back home without closing album. Now try changing the bg pic, should work. Try couple times if it doesn't the first time. I have the same problem, as does pretty much everyone else!

2) Switch via registry:

Open dotFred taskmanager (comes in the ROM - just called taskmanager in the 'start' menu)

In the upper right hand corner of the program there's a drop down arrow, click that, opens a menu, all the way at the bottom (you'll have to scroll to it) is 'registry' which opens the registry editor.

Navigate to HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila and change the registry value for 'HomeBackgroundPath' to the path and filename of the background you wish to use, or delete the entire registry value if you want to go back to the default (but don't delete the whole key - just the path & filename).

A better, more permanent solution will come, but for now this is the only way.
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-24 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by GIZELLE View Post
This is for anyone interested to know, there is a post of Psyki's first beta (Psyki Final) where it is explained it is a special build (provate stock). No disrespect intended to this thread or any since "All Chefs are UNIQUE and SPECIAL" in what they do and from which we learn from all of you Chefs. Just curious about this particular. Still I like a lot 2.5!!!

No disrespect taken. While I don't think advertising other ROMs in a particular chef's thread is always appropriate, I certainly don't mind a single mention - just as long as it's not like a thread hijack.
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  #167 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 01:46 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-24 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

I am absolutely blown away by the stability of this ROM. My TP hasn't moved this fast since a Manila 2.1 ROM (NFS). I have absolutely no bugs to report other than the wallpaper issue reported above. I appreciatte the extra step on adding the landscape effect on Messaging even though kinda useless, but otherwise shows the potential and class of a great cook! Keep up the good work. My best ROM so far using Manila 2.5 !
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  #168 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 02:03 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-24 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by Sixfoota21 View Post
I am absolutely blown away by the stability of this ROM. My TP hasn't moved this fast since a Manila 2.1 ROM (NFS). I have absolutely no bugs to report other than the wallpaper issue reported above. I appreciatte the extra step on adding the landscape effect on Messaging even though kinda useless, but otherwise shows the potential and class of a great cook! Keep up the good work. My best ROM so far using Manila 2.5 !

Thanks a lot! I'm honored by the comment.
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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 02:58 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

Just uploaded a new build - 28008-25

More fixes, Google Maps 3.2..17 back on (3.3 coming - had some problems with it tonight), SetVolume (like HTC volume control) works by default now

check it out...

cheers - lunacie
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  #170 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2009, 03:55 AM
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Re: |ROM|12-05 << lunacieROM v28008-25 >> wm 28008 - Sense 2.5 <<

d/l 28008-25 twice .. unable to extract..file/link broken..anyone else having this problem?
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