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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

after getting used to the empirom battery,no other rom compares.
i charged my phone all night,unplugged it at 715.by 830 is was around 60percent.
no excuse for that at all,imo.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 05:40 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

On this rom I can go @ 10 hours till I have to charge (@ 18%). Depends on usage, for sure, but that's with moderate typical use. Also, lithium battery systems have a tendency to fall out of calibration pretty quickly, and since they ship with a 1/2 full battery the metering is messed up right out of the box! So even tho the meter states a specific percentage, the battery itself is actually at a different capacity. You can re-calibrate the meter by running the phone down near empty, then turn off the phone, recharge until full with it off. At that point the metering should be reset. This will not actually affect battery capacity, but will result in recharge circuit & phone using battery more efficiently.

As others have stated, backlight is #1 offender... I recommend working with Lumos (auto backlight utility) which is cooked into this rom. You can find it under start>tools and just run the calibration wizard again. This app, more than any other, helps with battery life.

This 28005 SYS is superfast, but definitley not as easy on power as earlier builds, or other COM branches.

But TP have lousy batteries, it's either slower performance or longer battery life, never seems to be both. I usually opt for speed!
thanks for hitting the thanks button!
Sprint Touch Pro on Verizon
lunacieROM - feat. WM & Manila 2.5.1921
Radio: 1.12.34F

Last edited by lunacie; 12-02-2009 at 06:04 PM.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 06:27 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

yeah i too prefer speed before batery life, anyways i have 2 batteries to play with, and thanks for considering making the Verizon Rom, a barebones and one with the basic needed appts will be fine,...

thanks again , love your rom so far...
ROM: MightyROM6_Herman
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 06:32 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

[QUOTE=lunacie;1380569]I've noticed slightly increased battery useage withe the 28005 SYS, but considering how screaming fast it is I'm more than ok with it, too.

I don't use Hotmail, so initially I don't have an answer, but I'm guessing if you do a site search on it you should see something. Is this where u sync via windows live? Is there a screen size issue? If so, taking a screencap and posting it here could help me determine a fix.

Not that this is a direct solution, but gmail is the best there is right now, especially since it has a true exchange server, as opposed to Hotmail's janky windows live hack (shame on MS for that). You could get a gmail account, it has a feature that will allow you to add other non gmail accounts so it can just download them, then set up activesync with google's exchange server and you've got the real deal - contacts, calendar, and mail all sync'd via exchange... for free!

i have no size issue or anything, it's just the auto sync'ing part. Other Rom's I setup Hotmail.com to sync every 30 mins. with this rom iT does not the the feature for setup. I have attched the screen for you where it was stuck at.
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File Type: jpg Screen01.jpg (5.6 KB, 13 views) Click for barcode!
Rom: Flashaholic
Carrier: Sprint
CPU: Overclocked @ 748.8mhz
" for hitting the Button!"
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 06:33 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
On this rom I can go @ 10 hours till I have to charge (@ 18%). Depends on usage, for sure, but that's with moderate typical use. Also, lithium battery systems have a tendency to fall out of calibration pretty quickly, and since they ship with a 1/2 full battery the metering is messed up right out of the box! So even tho the meter states a specific percentage, the battery itself is actually at a different capacity. You can re-calibrate the meter by running the phone down near empty, then turn off the phone, recharge until full with it off. At that point the metering should be reset. This will not actually affect battery capacity, but will result in recharge circuit & phone using battery more efficiently.

As others have stated, backlight is #1 offender... I recommend working with Lumos (auto backlight utility) which is cooked into this rom. You can find it under start>tools and just run the calibration wizard again. This app, more than any other, helps with battery life.

This 28005 SYS is superfast, but definitley not as easy on power as earlier builds, or other COM branches.

But TP have lousy batteries, it's either slower performance or longer battery life, never seems to be both. I usually opt for speed!
totally agree with your post and mostly about lumos, i been using that since i first got my tp lol it worked wonders on the stock rom

as far as a verizon rom that sounds splendid!!!!!! would love to see a bare bones version myself as we could always install what each individual prefers compared to maybe having a vzw rom with "loaded" apps that may not get even looked @ by some users

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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 06:37 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by lunacie View Post
On this rom I can go @ 10 hours till I have to charge (@ 18%). Depends on usage, for sure, but that's with moderate typical use. Also, lithium battery systems have a tendency to fall out of calibration pretty quickly, and since they ship with a 1/2 full battery the metering is messed up right out of the box! So even tho the meter states a specific percentage, the battery itself is actually at a different capacity. You can re-calibrate the meter by running the phone down near empty, then turn off the phone, recharge until full with it off. At that point the metering should be reset. This will not actually affect battery capacity, but will result in recharge circuit & phone using battery more efficiently.

As others have stated, backlight is #1 offender... I recommend working with Lumos (auto backlight utility) which is cooked into this rom. You can find it under start>tools and just run the calibration wizard again. This app, more than any other, helps with battery life.

This 28005 SYS is superfast, but definitley not as easy on power as earlier builds, or other COM branches.

But TP have lousy batteries, it's either slower performance or longer battery life, never seems to be both. I usually opt for speed!
liking the rom so far, just waiting for the moment for you to cook the rom for Verizion users.... Barebone will be fine just with the tweaks added and basic appts needed.....and no opera since i still thing the OperaMini is faster that any other one avaiable....
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 06:43 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

speaking of opera.......opera 10 beta 2 dropped
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File Type: cab Opera_Mobile_10_WM_beta_2.cab (4.58 MB, 13 views) Click for barcode!
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 06:44 PM
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Thumbs up Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by num5kull27 View Post
there are a few battery saving cab files lurking about for use on custom roms, i use two of them everytime i flash a rom, they seem to help out a bit,but you would have to try them on this rom to see if they would work,hell its worth a shot, the tp backlight is the biggest drawback, Maxx134_BatterySaving_ReducePollingIntervals.cab will adjust your backlight,if your not happy with where it sets,just adjust to your pref.
I have the Battery tweaks and hack in a cab form. But I'm not installing that yet. Going to do a test pilot for a couple of days to see how well this perform on stock. And I've already adjusted the blacklight using lumos which this Rom came with. Big ups on that
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 06:50 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<


what is the difference with using PagePool at 0(which is the way it is ) or if change to 6 ...
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2009, 06:52 PM
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Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<

Originally Posted by WAH View Post
after getting used to the empirom battery,no other rom compares.
i charged my phone all night,unplugged it at 715.by 830 is was around 60percent.
no excuse for that at all,imo.
I totally agree with on the battery lofe on EmpriRom, But I was getting bored with his Rom no update from Josh. If this Rom mixed together with EmpriRom battery life this Rom would be NASTY!!! But thats only a dream.
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