Re: |ROM|11-30 << lunacieROM v28005-22 >> wm 28005 - Sense 2.5 <<
On this rom I can go @ 10 hours till I have to charge (@ 18%). Depends on usage, for sure, but that's with moderate typical use. Also, lithium battery systems have a tendency to fall out of calibration pretty quickly, and since they ship with a 1/2 full battery the metering is messed up right out of the box! So even tho the meter states a specific percentage, the battery itself is actually at a different capacity. You can re-calibrate the meter by running the phone down near empty, then turn off the phone, recharge until full with it off. At that point the metering should be reset. This will not actually affect battery capacity, but will result in recharge circuit & phone using battery more efficiently.
As others have stated, backlight is #1 offender... I recommend working with Lumos (auto backlight utility) which is cooked into this rom. You can find it under start>tools and just run the calibration wizard again. This app, more than any other, helps with battery life.
This 28005 SYS is superfast, but definitley not as easy on power as earlier builds, or other COM branches.
But TP have lousy batteries, it's either slower performance or longer battery life, never seems to be both. I usually opt for speed!
Last edited by lunacie; 12-02-2009 at 06:04 PM.