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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 10:41 PM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

I flashed 1.2 4 days ago and liked so much I went to 1.3 Sunday. Im overall very happy with it, and I just came from the mighty and silence roms. The only 2 things I noticed are sometimes when I hook it up to the charger it won't charge. It'll say 100% and when you unplug it goes back to where you started. Usually happens during the day when Im forceing roam if that helps...the other thing the screen brightness can be slow to respond up to 10 seconds after hitting power. Two things I can live with cuz I like the speed and resposiveness...great work!
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 10:59 PM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

I flashed 1.2 4 days ago and liked so much I went to 1.3 Sunday. Im overall very happy with it, and I just came from the mighty and silence roms.
Thanks for flashing my Rom and updating it. Happy you find it speedy and responsive.

I hook it up to the charger it won't charge

That is very odd....I wish I had a great answer as to why. What I have noticed is no matter what there always seems to be some kind of bug and they are always different for each user/phone. Not sure how forcing roam would play into that. Try going into settings tools, then battery and "toogle fastcharge". See if that makes any difference...shot in the dark...but you never know.

the screen brightness can be slow to respond up to 10 seconds after hitting power
Thats not right at all and would drive me nuts. Did V1.2 do this as well? Did you follow the LumosWizard for back light setup?

I know we all say this but you never know i people do it or not. Make sure you hard reset after ever flash.


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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2009, 07:34 AM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

I think the battery charging could have some thing to do with the car charger, it works fine on the home AC charger. The screen brightness started slow twice I resetup lumus so hopefully that takes care of that. I didnt notice it on 1.2. I always hard reset after a flash... I'll keep an eye on these things and let you know. Thanks again for the support!
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2009, 12:44 PM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

I think the battery charging could have some thing to do with the car charger, it works fine on the home AC charger. The screen brightness started slow twice I resetup lumus so hopefully that takes care of that. I didnt notice it on 1.2. I always hard reset after a flash... I'll keep an eye on these things and let you know. Thanks again for the support!
Thanks for the update. Hope the re-setup on Lumos helps with the backlight issue.
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2009, 03:29 AM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...54678&page=753 new sys
23041 check it out link posted
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2009, 11:09 AM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

Have it
Been playing around with it. Seems more stable and tons of bugs have been fixed. Still not 100% but getting near to it.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 02:19 AM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

I have a couple of problems which may be just that I am old and NooB:

1. I use Sprint and the ## codes don't work with the dialer. I ran across this in another forum which has a dialer that supposedly is fixed to allow us Sprint users to dial the codes. Not sure if it applies..but perhaps of interest.

2. I installed "yarboo" (a Yahtzee like game)...whenever I try to install it states I need Adobe Flash Lite to run. Does not this ROM have adobe in it? It seems Adobe pulled the cabs for 3.1 almost everywhere do I can't roll the dice.
EDIT: The game maker at xda had a download link for the Flash...now it works...told you I was old.

Otherwise..I tried a few other ROM's and I keep coming back to this one. It is stable and (except as noted above) works like a charm!

Last edited by Vegasden; 09-03-2009 at 02:24 AM. Reason: Changed because I didn;t look hard enuff
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 11:36 AM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

I use Sprint and the ## codes don't work with the dialer. I ran across this in another forum which has a dialer that supposedly is fixed to allow us Sprint users to dial the codes. Not sure if it applies..but perhaps of interest.
Thanks for the link Vegasden. Ill make sure I cook in the changes need to make the ## codes to work for you Sprint users. Gave you a BIG THANKS for that. Not bad for a noob eh...

I am working on a new Hybrid Rom that I should have out this weekend if all the testing goes well. Will take the best from two Roms and merge them together. Will be using some from this Rom 22001 and the 23017 build.

Fingers crossed
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 12:18 AM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

I just flashed to your latest rom. Whenever I go to Start>Settings>Personal>Input and change my input method, I have no "ok" button in the top right corner; only an X. Clicking the "X" where the "OK" should be does not save any changes I've made within that dialogue box. Seems to occur within different Winmo dialogue boxen as well.

Other than that, I'm diggin it. I've used Merdin's, Mighty's, and Silence. Mighty's been my favorite for some time now, but I'll give yours a chance.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 04:03 AM
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Re: [ROM] (08/29/09) [WM 6.5 22001 Titanium Only] **HAZE V1.3 ROM**

Heads up! there is a new version of Touch InCall Screen Tweak, it's v1.2.0 - Updated 3 Sep 09 with Battery Drain Fix.

Link to the page is HERE

Direct download for cab HERE


Direct download for UC cab HERE

If you find what I posted useful please Thank me.

Last edited by Vol22002; 09-04-2009 at 11:04 AM.
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