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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 01:31 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

Originally Posted by quadjacks View Post
DCD, will you include the new manilla in your rom?
seriously?! read the post right above yours please.

i'd also like to remind everyone again that this base is completely unsupported, I do not have time anymore, etc etc, and donators may email me directly for support. i'm not making custom 6.1 roms, manilla roms, my kitchen with somebody elses front end and my cabs collapsed in for no reason other than taking a difficult route to reproduce the rom i've already posted, etc. the only donator thus far has not asked for any support.

i just want to reiterate that before these special requests get out of hand... i have already provided everything you need to produce whatever rom you want on your own with a little work and reading.

Last edited by dcd; 08-08-2009 at 01:36 PM.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

Originally Posted by dcd View Post
seriously?! read the post right above yours please.

i'd also like to remind everyone again that this base is completely unsupported, I do not have time anymore, etc etc, and donators may email me directly for support. i'm not making custom 6.1 roms, manilla roms, my kitchen with somebody elses front end and my cabs collapsed in for no reason other than taking a difficult route to reproduce the rom i've already posted, etc. the only donator thus far has not asked for any support.

i just want to reiterate that before these special requests get out of hand... i have already provided everything you need to produce whatever rom you want on your own with a little work and reading.
thanks DCD for the softie you have provided. i agree with all that was said except, a lil reading. i think everyone here knows that there is no such thing as a LIL reading. most of all, all of the contridictions, one post says one thing, then seven hundred pages later says another. ETC, ETC. anyway thanks for all you've done!
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 05:14 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

Originally Posted by dcd View Post
seriously?! read the post right above yours please.

i'd also like to remind everyone again that this base is completely unsupported, I do not have time anymore, etc etc, and donators may email me directly for support. i'm not making custom 6.1 roms, manilla roms, my kitchen with somebody elses front end and my cabs collapsed in for no reason other than taking a difficult route to reproduce the rom i've already posted, etc. the only donator thus far has not asked for any support.

i just want to reiterate that before these special requests get out of hand... i have already provided everything you need to produce whatever rom you want on your own with a little work and reading.

Thanks DCD i totally agree with you thanks for the kitchen it rocks!!!!

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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 08:01 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

Originally Posted by Jboot View Post
Thanks DCD i totally agree with you thanks for the kitchen it rocks!!!!
Can you point me towards some info on working with a kitchen like this? I have checked ppckitchen and all I can really find is creating your own rom from their base kitchens. It would be awesome if I could take my favorite rom and customize it just how I want it.
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2009, 09:20 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

well I was talking about replacing the white keyboard with black really so as to keep it base... finger keyboard i really just meant as I always check for updates so sorry for my mis-posting/phrasing about that, as for shutdown options, I kinda think it should be totally replaced anyway... I mean im still baffled as to why MSFT hasn't replaced it a while ago since they are updating the UI, why not have something like shutdown/restart/standby in the first place
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 03:02 AM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

Originally Posted by dcd View Post
the only donator thus far has not asked for any support.
thats real sad to hear you've only had 1 donator so far, i can't thank you enough and show my appreciation for all the great work you've given us since my titan days. if it wasn't for you and sero at the time i would have never enjoyed so many mobile hours with my phone so i made a small donation just now.
times are tough for me right now so i'm sorry if its not much but i've had that sitting in my paypal account for a while but i hope u can buy a burger or beer on me at least once

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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 03:05 AM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

Originally Posted by Kane3162 View Post
additionally you seen any hints in the WM builds of a better power button option? I know I can do it myself and replace the function, but I love the pxshutxp(is that it i cant remember) and always with they had something defaut like that built in
install the attached cab to turn ur power button into psshutxp, i love that function on any rom i use and with this cab its a peice of cake
Attached Files
File Type: cab psShutXP Power Key - TP.cab (214.0 KB, 22 views) Click for barcode!
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 03:06 AM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

Does anyone know how to flash w/o the usb cord. im having some connection problems

thanks for your help
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 03:10 AM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

have u tried reading the sticky in this forum
Originally Posted by cornelious2 View Post

Now that the hard part is over lets move on to flashing. Once you unlock your phone, flashing is basically the same concept. The only real difference now is that your phone is unlocked so you don’t need to use the SSPL. Since we do not need this anymore we need to know how to access the phones proper boot loader. Doing this is quite simple.

Hold the power button and volume down while soft resetting your phone. Continue to hold volume down and power until you see a screen that has 3 colored bars covering the top 2/3s of the screen. (thanks for the typo catch razor)

If you have a file named RAPHIMG.nbh on your sd card this screen will only flash briefly and then give you a message that says press power to flash. Now, lets soft reset our phones at this point to start the prep for flashing your phone.

To flash a custom rom from the sd card first you need to find the nbh file from whichever rom you want to flash. The tricky part is that the chief might package it in any number of ways.

In zip/rar form, self-extracting exe, in an RUU folder, any combination of the above (and more) or just as the nbh file. Either way it is your responsibility to figure out how to get this nbh. More often than not pocket rar can open up any compression/packaging methods.

Once you have the nbh file out of the rom package you need to name it RAPHIMG.nbh *note* depending on the environment you are in when you do this (on your phone, on the computer from an sdcard, using something other than file explore ect.) you may or may not see file extensions. Depending on what you are supposed to see on you sd card it will either show up as RAPHIMG or RAPHIMG.nbh. This file needs to be placed directly on your sd card in the same fashion as the unlocker nbh from the above guide (on the root of the storage card).

Now that we have the nbh file named correctly on the sd card now comes time to perform the flash. Hold power and volume down while soft resetting. Keep holding power and volume down until you see the screen briefly flash the red green blue screen prompt you with a grey screen that says basically press power to flash or enter to quit. Press power and you will see a loading bar. When it gets all the way across it will stop at this point. Once you see “update succeeded” and not before. You can soft reset your phone. Congratulations your phone is now custom. Now all that is left is to set up your contacts and apps the way you like them.
if thats too confusing then read this

Originally Posted by jakdillard View Post

Flash from microSD Card (Thanks to MadlyAlive):

1. Make sure you backup anything that is necessary to your day to day operations! At a minimum, please perform an ActiveSync to Outlook or your Exchange server prior to flashing!
2. Rename the custom ROM NBH file from RUU_Signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh
3. Copy RAPHIMG.nbh to the root of your microSD Card.
4. Hold the Volume Down and Power button simultaneously. While you're still holding those 2 buttons, press the reset button with your stylus.
5. When your Touch Pro tells you to do so, press the power button to begin the flash process. If you do not get the message to press the power button to flash, there is a mistake in the name of the NBH file or you do not have the file at the root of your microSD card.
6. When flashing is complete, perform a soft reset.

Last edited by t0mmyr; 08-09-2009 at 03:12 AM.
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 08-09-2009, 11:13 PM
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Re: dcd's hermann ROM & kitchen 2.00

anyone on VZW and getting MMS messages? I get a message saying that it needs to switch connections and my menu choices are yes or now. When I click yes to dl it doesn't do anything.

I am using GC Arsoft

I have loaded the carrier cabs etc, text messages and everything else work fine
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