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  #791 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 11:26 AM
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Re: ALL NEW! STARSHIP7.7 VERSION MultiMedia Super ROM BUILT IN SlingPlayer DigiTal Mo

Originally Posted by HawaiianPunchMan View Post
I'm afraid that did not work for me.
Well then your HTC is bad you should send it back man...{LOL}{LOL}{LOL}=D>
It's an HTC EVOlution!

Audiovox 6700> Samsung i760> HTC Touch Pro> HTC Touch Pro2> HTC HeRooted> HTC EVOlutionized!
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  #792 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 11:33 AM
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Talking Re: ALL NEW! STARSHIP7.7 VERSION MultiMedia Super ROM BUILT IN SlingPlayer DigiTal Mo

Originally Posted by HawaiianPunchMan View Post
I'm afraid that did not work for me.
You check marked all the blocks in the file associations area of the TCPMP player, it's got to work, that's the Only way you can make the TCPMP player the default player.... OK! I know the deal, just cheched it out, by default the WebTV uses the windows media player, nothing we can do about that, sorry.....
Yet To Be Technology....!

Last edited by Technology1; 07-28-2009 at 11:45 AM.
  #793 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: ALL NEW! STARSHIP7.7 VERSION MultiMedia Super ROM BUILT IN SlingPlayer DigiTal Mo

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
Thanks trol1374, I know that their is nothing wrong with this ROM, to many people got this ROM this time around, they know that it's good and everybody is saying the same thing about this ROM besides one person... The day of bad mouthing my ROM is over, I would be shame to come into a person's thread and try to create problems that are not in the ROM, it's really sad... By the way, I'm also running the "Quad Pod Mode with Spb, it's like another dimension....{LOL}
Ok first of all Tech1 I am not saying anything bad or bad mouthin THIS version of your outersapce ROM. I asked a question which you simply refuse to answer and you wonder why people bad mouth you. You tell us we are lieing and noone else has problems, but you wont answer any questions when a problem arises?? Totally my fault, I knew I shouldn't have flashed to your ridiculous ROM. Your ROm is a great idea, but I doubt it was your idea, and someone who has grey matter between their ears should be cooking your ROMs for you man. Don't worry though, I will never flash ANY of your ROMs again because you offer no Tech Support...{LOL}
idiot man...
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  #794 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 11:38 AM
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Talking Re: ALL NEW! STARSHIP7.7 VERSION MultiMedia Super ROM BUILT IN SlingPlayer DigiTal Mo

Originally Posted by trol1374 View Post
I don't know Tech, nor anyone else on this board. I'm just a curious user who just started flashing.
I flashed to this ROM and haven't had any problems except for the ones I created, but was able to fix them.
The person that isn't seeing the options pop up when he plugs in his computer needs to check the settings for connections to pc. Because by default I have no problem with this ROM prompting for it. (active sync, disk drive, internet share).
I like the multi today screens option. It lags a little, but almost every computer does that. Nothing that unbearable or annoying. Maybe because I'm running spb shell with it?
There are lots of built in items with this ROM and I have enjoyed exploring it. I'm keeping this ROM, I really like it.
I will be putting up pictures in post #4 of the "TriPod/Quad Pod", the fourth dimension via Spb Mobile Shell...
  #795 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 12:23 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! STARSHIP7.7 VERSION MultiMedia Super ROM BUILT IN SlingPlayer DigiTal Mo

Originally Posted by heydjbobby74 View Post
Ok Tech, one thinig I have already noticed is that when I plug my TP into my PC, I don't get the menu that allows me to

Active Sync
Disk Drive
Internet Sharing

I like to use Internet sharing and disk drive. I always sync my windows media to my TP, and using Vista, the only way I have found to do it is if I use my TP as Disk Drive.
Is it possible for you to add that? I am trying to be constructive here.

edit: I do love that almost everything I use is built in! i.e. sprint nav...
I do not have this problem. I would help you but seeing your last post you should read that instead... Only thing I'll say is do a HR and hope...

Originally Posted by heydjbobby74 View Post
Ok first of all Tech1 I am not saying anything bad or bad mouthin THIS version of your outersapce ROM. I asked a question which you simply refuse to answer and you wonder why people bad mouth you. You tell us we are lieing and noone else has problems, but you wont answer any questions when a problem arises?? Totally my fault, I knew I shouldn't have flashed to your ridiculous ROM. Your ROm is a great idea, but I doubt it was your idea, and someone who has grey matter between their ears should be cooking your ROMs for you man. Don't worry though, I will never flash ANY of your ROMs again because you offer no Tech Support...{LOL}
idiot man...
I'm glad that you will no longer be using his ROM... That means us supporters can continue getting the good shnit with less bandwidth. So, I prefer you go tell all your little friends to follow your steps. I could give a flying fruitcake who the hell made the XIP/Build of this ROM. It's freakin great, except for all the people in the thread who are too moronic to move their cursor to the top right corner of their browser (Search)... I'm sure that just the way he learned to cook these builds he could learn (and probably knows already) to make his own ROM from scratch. But as most of the poeple in this site don't know, there are some of us whom are adults and have things to do and money to make... So we cannot spend our whole time in dedication for a little project that will be obselete for us [the ROM maker in general] come September with the CDMA TP2.

Tech1, may I suggest an ignore list on your first post so that us more experienced users won't help these filthy mannered persons like docsim, docisin (which btw i believe are the same person...docsim made a new account and was posting as him), etc....
Djbobby though I think you are a hypocrite for still using his ROM, I'm going to make a post after this one. Hopefully this will help with people that get these laggy results or incomplete functionality.
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  #796 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 12:31 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! STARSHIP7.7 VERSION MultiMedia Super ROM BUILT IN SlingPlayer DigiTal Mo

Originally Posted by Tilde88 View Post
I do not have this problem. I would help you but seeing your last post you should read that instead... Only thing I'll say is do a HR and hope...

I'm glad that you will no longer be using his ROM... That means us supporters can continue getting the good shnit with less bandwidth. So, I prefer you go tell all your little friends to follow your steps. I could give a flying fruitcake who the hell made the XIP/Build of this ROM. It's freakin great, except for all the people in the thread who are too moronic to move their cursor to the top right corner of their browser (Search)... I'm sure that just the way he learned to cook these builds he could learn (and probably knows already) to make his own ROM from scratch. But as most of the poeple in this site don't know, there are some of us whom are adults and have things to do and money to make... So we cannot spend our whole time in dedication for a little project that will be obselete for us [the ROM maker in general] come September with the CDMA TP2.

Tech1, may I suggest an ignore list on your first post so that us more experienced users won't help these filthy mannered persons like docsim, docisin (which btw i believe are the same person...docsim made a new account and was posting as him), etc....
Djbobby though I think you are a hypocrite for still using his ROM, I'm going to make a post after this one. Hopefully this will help with people that get these laggy results or incomplete functionality.

I am no longer using Techs ROM. So have fun being another one of his Lemmings!
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  #797 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 12:35 PM
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WebTV Fix for TCPMP

So I fixed the problem with the WebTV app not finding TCPMP. It appears it was looking in the wrong file dir. I went ahead and edited the Setup.xml so you can use it with TCPMP. If anyone is interested just unzip and replace in the WebTV root dir.
Attached Files
File Type: zip WebTVSettings.zip (275 Bytes, 18 views) Click for barcode!
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  #798 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 12:38 PM
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Talking Re: WebTV Fix for TCPMP

Originally Posted by HawaiianPunchMan View Post
So I fixed the problem with the WebTV app not finding TCPMP. It appears it was looking in the wrong file dir. I went ahead and edited the Setup.xml so you can use it with TCPMP. If anyone is interested just unzip and replace in the WebTV root dir.
Very good, you are the man, yeah...
  #799 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! STARSHIP7.7 VERSION MultiMedia Super ROM BUILT IN SlingPlayer DigiTal Mo


I never have problems with any of the newer released Tech1 ROMS... Some people do... Here is how to prevent lag in your flashed ROM.

A pre-script side note: I recommend using a pagepool of at least 20 and at max 28.
1. Put your phone in bootloader. Easiest way is to take out the battery put it back in, then press Volume Down and Power at THE SAME time. Be sure NOT to have a RAPHIMG.nbh in your Storage Card. Leave these two buttons pressed until the tricolored screen comes on. On the bottome it will say Serial. LEAVE THE BATTERY COVER OFF.
2.Plug your phone into USB. The bottom of the screen will say USB now rather than Serial.
3.Open up the RUU.
4.Begin the Flash process.
5.Be ready to take out the battery as soon as the computer resets the device, preventing it from powering up.
6.Put the battery back in, but DO NOT POWER YOUR PHONE UP YET!
7.Press Volume Down, the Center buttone on the D-Pad, and power in that order but do not let go of any of the buttons until a screen pops up. Note that if your device vibrates you did it wrong. This screen will say that you will be restoring your phone to its factory settings.
8.Press Volume UP after reading the info on the screen, and let it restore (takes 2 seconds literally).
9. Allow the device to reset itself.
10.LET THE PHONE DO ITS FULL customization. This means DO NOT press any button rather than tapping the screen to prevent the device from turning off. DO NOT RESET WHILE IT IS DOING ITS THING!
11. While you are doing the screen calibration, be sure to watch the crosshair, if it moves laggy or slow or glitchy go back to step 6, and do it again until you get it right.

Still not running right? Ask here for help first and I'm sure that Tech1 will help you. Otherwise, I would be glad to help where I can. Lol, consider me an unofficial technical assistant :-p

I have been flashing his old ROMs trying to emulate some of the errors some people have posted on whichever specific ROM it may have been. Only 4 of said errors were actually ROM specific. I have yet to find something corrupt on the newest version.
As to the people who are afraid to post here, I don't see why. Tech is not a wrongful person... He's just a kind and religious person from what I have observed. Surely, he does not put up with peoples' malice...
Come one guys, we're all mature persons... Just like when someone confronts you on some stupid shnit, look him in the face, see that he's just not worth it and walk away... That's what he's doing... Sifting out people that are just on edge to grab attention...
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  #800 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 12:47 PM
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Re: WebTV Fix for TCPMP

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
Very good, you are the man, yeah...
See what we have here? Some progression from a USER!!!! ZOMFG whatz0rz? PPLZ CAN do tHe HELPingz TTOOoo!??

Way to go bro... I personally dont use it but others do and its nice of you to help them, other than trash talk.

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