Originally Posted by Technology1
Thanks trol1374, I know that their is nothing wrong with this ROM, to many people got this ROM this time around, they know that it's good and everybody is saying the same thing about this ROM besides one person... The day of bad mouthing my ROM is over, I would be shame to come into a person's thread and try to create problems that are not in the ROM, it's really sad... By the way, I'm also running the "Quad Pod Mode with Spb, it's like another dimension....{LOL} 
Ok first of all Tech1 I am not saying anything bad or bad mouthin THIS version of your outersapce ROM. I asked a question which you simply refuse to answer and you wonder why people bad mouth you. You tell us we are lieing and noone else has problems, but you wont answer any questions when a problem arises?? Totally my fault, I knew I shouldn't have flashed to your ridiculous ROM. Your ROm is a great idea, but I doubt it was your idea, and someone who has grey matter between their ears should be cooking your ROMs for you man. Don't worry though, I will never flash ANY of your ROMs again because you offer no Tech Support...{LOL}
idiot man...