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  #321 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 07:08 PM
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Talking Re: ALL NEW! Next Generation 23004 MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphi

Originally Posted by a_c_s View Post
I finally installed the 23004 ROM last night and it's pretty solid...I have no issues dialing as far as I can tell, Facebook works perfectly fine, the Clear Storage Icon is where it should be...so not having a lot of the issues that somebody else listed earlier...I do have the minor bug that if you touch the top icon showing the time and battery, it does freeze the device as a previous posted recently mentioned...and when I launched TCPMP I got two quick one time error messages about particular plug-ins either not working or not being installed...one was related to large photos...but the program works fine playing my sitcoms and movies which is all I care about honestly...and seems to work fine with WVD as well...

Other than that, it's fast, the font is fixed, and generally pretty solid...also, I don't have the SPB Trial popping up at all...I did 2-3 versions ago, but not on the last two versions of the ROM...I agree this should be left to the user to install since you'll eventually need a key to keep it working anyway...

Other than that, glad to hear the cook is working feverishly on the next version during his vacation on the beach...

This is shaping up to be a really solid ROM imho...I think it's already the best that I've downloaded to date...
If you think that version was solid, wait until you get your hand on the new Tech1 MultiMedia7 Super ROM "StarShip version", see pictures in post #1.. Thanks for your comments, the dialer problem is no more, tap on the battery problem is no more.... The Saturn Liberty audio problem is gone with a all new built in digital decoders, again thanks a million....

Those one time false TCPMP error messages maybe VC1 codecs related, you will only see them once, just click OK....
Yet To Be Technology....!

Last edited by Technology1; 07-19-2009 at 07:13 PM.
  #322 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

i thought sling player was a paid app? and not freeware....
msg me if you need a fast download mirror =), its wat i do
  #323 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 08:30 PM
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Talking Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

I will be posting pictures of the new "TriPod/Quad Pod Mode in post #4, since it's now very user friendly... Concerning the SlingPlayer mobile Client above, that has really made my day, you can tell who don't own a SlingBox...{LOL}
  #324 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 08:49 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by nanoware View Post
i thought sling player was a paid app? and not freeware....
slingplayer is freeware, but you need to own a slingbox [about $90] to watch shows/movies on it.
Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
I will be posting pictures of the new "TriPod/Quad Pod Mode in post #4, since it's now very user friendly... Concerning the SlingPlayer mobile Client above, that has really made my day, you can tell who don't own a SlingBox...{LOL}
you dont have to be grumpy about it lol. I wasn't sure about it either. Not everyone knows about slingBox/player
  #325 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 08:56 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx View Post
slingplayer is freeware, but you need to own a slingbox [about $90] to watch shows/movies on it.
I think he's talking about sling player mobile application, which costs 30 dollars, or you can get a 30 day free trial. I think he was asking because warez are not allowed on this site, so tech1 better have the free trial version in his rom and in post 3.

I guess things haven't changed much. A person asks a simple question and tech1 replies in his pre-banned fashion.

Last edited by razorloves; 07-19-2009 at 09:01 PM.
  #326 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 09:07 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
I will be posting pictures of the new "TriPod/Quad Pod Mode in post #4, since it's now very user friendly... Concerning the SlingPlayer mobile Client above, that has really made my day, you can tell who don't own a SlingBox...{LOL}
lol... oh lord
LG Optimus S
  #327 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 09:17 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

I guess the application police are not very busy today? Actually, it must be the application "rent a cops" since they didn't even take the time to investigate if the app they were whining about was actually paid software or not....

Waaaahhhh......Waaaaahhhhhh....somebody call a wambulance.
  #328 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 09:22 PM
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Talking Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

All of you are wrong about SlingBox/SlingPlayer Mobile Client, go here and do your research http://www.slingmedia.com a strong and simple solution... The dude above could have done the same research before posting...! It's the license that cost not the app.... OMG here we go again, OH! no I'm out of here bye...!{LOL}
  #329 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 09:25 PM
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Talking Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by imkk View Post
I guess the application police are not very busy today? Actually, it must be the application "rent a cops" since they didn't even take the time to investigate if the app they were whining about was actually paid software or not....

Waaaahhhh......Waaaaahhhhhh....somebody call a wambulance.
You are correct, that's why I answered the way I did...!
  #330 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2009, 09:28 PM
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Re: ALL NEW! "STARSHIP VERSION" MultiMedia7 Super ROM BUILT IN Iphone3g {3D Graphics}

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
All of you are wrong about SlingBox/SlingPlayer Mobile Client, go here and do your research http://www.slingmedia.com a strong and simple solution... The dude above could have done the same research before posting...! It's the license that cost not the app.... OMG here we go again, OH! no I'm out of here bye...!{LOL}
Wait, does that mean he's gone for good....??? {LOL}
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