Originally Posted by rawdikrik
I do like the Tachi Dialer over the old HTC Dialers....
(and thanks for answering me... Its appreciated)
... But I use Throttle Lock and really dont like the Slide to answer interfering with the locking program.
Also... If you disable the HTC dialer and Reset... You will notice a significant drop in mem usage.
Yeah I noticed the weird thing... but was happy, because it was one less thing to change. I HATE the Rhodium SMS page and quickly put it back to windows style.
Yep the HTC dialer will use about 10 megs extra RAM. Not really an issue on our devices, but for VZQ people or Diamond users.... 10 megs is a lot! lol
Originally Posted by chazybaz13
Found a little bug, probably caused by user error- So I used the cabs to install HTC Album (2.5?) with the social networking engine and installed the fix to internal storage. now when I use the People tab and try to change a contacts picture, this is all it shows in HTC Album:
HTC Album works when I tap on it through the start menu and shows all of my camera shots. Weird.
I cooked in Album 3.0 for a reason.. and that's for it to be more compatible with the new manila. If you install 2.5 then you wil have to live with that feature not working 100%. (not really a bug, since you changed the way I designed the ROM to work).
Originally Posted by BenS
I see that Jakdillard is using build 21806, I smell update!
Nah... 21806 has weird "typing" issues, so I wont be updating to that build
Originally Posted by cpnichols
I happily agree with you. This rom is very solid. Well thought out. The people on the thread are also really helpful. I pray that this thread remains clean and useful, and not turn into 1000s+ pages of random information.
To be honest, I wish that this forum would take some of the most popular roms and make a sub forum for each of them.
Now there's a bright idea.
Originally Posted by cmylxgo
Awesome work dude

Looks like you went crazy with the color swoosh.. lmao :P
Originally Posted by proxcee
I did manage to find one thing wrong. The battery icon at the top always stays at 100%...never gives the true power status. Other than that...no major issues.
If that was true, you'd see people scream up and down about it all over the thread. So it's something YOU did
Originally Posted by amztwin
Is it just me, but with the tachi dialer i get a static line and freezing when i open the phone and it goes into landscape. Also I have flashed three times to see if i had a bad flash and i keep getting repeat results. My last question is can this dialer do the new conference feature that is in the tp2.
(I posted before but never got an answer, sorry for the double post)
The tachi dialer doesn't work in landscape at the moment