02-06-2010, 05:33 PM
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Re: |TP|ROM|6.5.5|WWE| * Energy 'Phoenix 2/Leo' (23529/21891) |Feb 6| Sense 2.1 & 2.
Originally Posted by NRGZ28
Welcome to my kitchen!
Here's what's on the menu today...
This is an HTC Herman CDMA ROM, based on Windows Mobile 6.5. The current build number and date can be seen in the title of this thread.
I always build my ROMs with three main goals.
- Eye candy.
- Speed!!
- Smoothness, consistency and good esthetics.
I preconfigure a lot of things in my ROM, because when I flash it on my phone, I want it ready to go, how I'd want it. So, expect the backlight to be set at the maximum brightness, the ringtone, sms/email and other notifications to already be set.
You will find a new ROM posted here every few days, as I always update them with the latest "ingredients" that come down the pipe, from either Microsoft or HTC. Because of that, I recommend learning to backup your settings with either Sashimi or UC (User Customization).
I usually make 2 versions of this ROM. If you don't see one in the download directory, it either means I haven't uploaded it OR I'm not making one for the current release yet.
Here are the different versions and what they mean.
- "Standard" includes the new Sense 2.1 along with the standard Windows Mobile 6.5 today plugin (Titanium*) and the Leo dialer
- "Titanium" only includes the Titanium today plugin. No Manila in this version. This also includes the regular HTC dialer
You will find TWO core versions of this ROM.
The 21891 Build is from the OEM COM2 Tree and is the most reliable and bug free release. I recommend you start with this first!
The 23529 Build that's the latest in the 6.5.5 series with the Start/Close buttons at the bottom. These builds are not as stable but they reflect the latest cutting edge technology from Microsoft.
You can "follow me" on Twitter for
the latest updates!
Latest status
February 6th, 2010 (Latest release):
- Builds 21891 and 23529 uploaded
- Brand new, the freshest available, 2011 packages throughout the whole ROM
- Facebook updated
- Facebook engine updated
- Removed Tweaks folder, merged some apps back in Tools folder
- Removed Widgets folder, merged Twitter widget in Internet folder
- Updated ROM theme with glossy bars
- More RAM available (lowered pagepool)
- Opera startup issues (no menu buttons) fixed
- Phone should not go to Today after sleep anymore and stay where you left it
- Moved "Marketplace" to Internet folder
- Blank space at the top of Sense when using custom wallpapers fixed
- Following packages have been updated:
- Contact Picker
- Contact Utility Engine
- DRM_Middleware
- HTCFontlink
- HTCFramwork
- HTCGeoService
- Setttings Improvement
- Shared Resources
- Social Networks Engine
- Start Icon Loader
- Text Selection
- HTC Messaging Client 2011
- JBed N5 Java back in
- Audio Manager Engine
- AppointMent Editor
- Picture Enhancement
- Think of this as a brand new ROM, as all the packages in it have been freshened up
January 27th, 2010:
- EnergyROM 2009 and Retro themes (in Today Settings) now set the correct taskbar graphics as well
- Reverted back to the 'signature' EnergyROM taskbar icons and of course the 1% battery display
- Updated MyPhone
- Updated Microsoft Live
- Updated taskbar/softkeybar graphics by cmylxgo
- Updated startup sound by dedblank
- Updated GL drivers for a smoother Sense experience
- New HTC Messaging client (1921 version)
- Incorporated HTC's SMS hotfix for faster loading of SMS's
- Cooked Titanium Only builds as well

January 18th, 2010:
- Updated to the latest 1920 Sense 2.1 VGA port
- Cooked in many of the issues(and fixes) found by JVH3
- New startup sound thanks to dedblank
- New theme and graphics thanks to... me
- New taksbar graphics thanks to cmylxgo
- Pyrobob's Leo dialer cooked in
- Opera 10 beta 2 cooked in
- Date on slider tab restored
- Sense 2.5 email tab cooked in
- 23518 and 21889 builds serve as bases for these new ROMs
- Bluetooth AD2P fix cooked in
- Quickmenu tweaked a little (for builds 2351

- Homescreen glow icons by cmylxgo
- Pure speed cooked in by... yours truly. Enjoy!
Thnaks for the efforts. Where is the file??? Not showing up???  