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  #1821 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 03:57 PM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Originally Posted by JAdderly View Post
Im d/l now deck...

Also i found this reg edit that help me phone response time get better when receiving a incoming call...if this is old sorry

hkcu/soft/microsoft/today/bubble.<----delete the entry pertaining to an image.(1st entry)
hkcu/soft/microsoft/today/toast.<---delete the first entry(references a image)

This will stop the annoying pop up bubble that stalls the call. He*l, your phone will even ring quicker without sitting there for 30 seconds and thinking about ringing...
Originally Posted by deck View Post
lookd like these are theme images, im looking a little deeper into this...


Hey guys, don't know if I did this multi quote thing correctly or not but it's on there so we'll see...

Just to let you know deck and the person who made this first post... I have done this already and I will be testing it out to see if it does remove the bubble and make calls come through faster, I was having a problem with that as well as it does drag out the time it takes to alert you when you are recieving a call...

If anyone needs help understand, when you get the the registry with the value you are trying to delete, Jadderly states to delete the first entry pertaining to an image as well as the next line states almost that also. This is what I found, the very first entry is "Default," I couldn't delete that so just leave that alone. The next entry which to me is the 2nd, show an icon with AB in red, along with the BubbleThemeImage... that's what you want to delete I believe. As any of them after that are further from the first entry, and have top/bottom/side values with blue text instead of the red texted icon for the actual Image(which is the 2nd entry for me if you include the "Default" entry.

Hope this is not confusing, hope this does help... I will report any problems with my phone shortly if I find one, if not I will post later on what I have discovered. Thanks for the info guys

Now if I can just get an answer about that sprint music store
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  #1822 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:11 PM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

I downloaded 205-s beta and when extracting, got a message that it was corrupted. It took 45 minutes uninterrupted through Rapidshare to download. So I don't know what to do now.
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  #1823 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:12 PM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

I don't use the Sprint music store, so can't help. Sorry.
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  #1824 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:28 PM
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Re: *ROM* *6/21* *SsS-ROMv0121* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by The420Dank View Post

Yes all this stuff has already been discussed. Sometimes you just have to read, back and foward. Sometime not even very far like a post above yours or after. If you don't read then how do you know if someone responds to you.
Thanks for being so very, very, very helpful. For some reason, I didn't get the first response to my question. But you apparently were reading it along with the other 1800 or so. Since you are so up on all of this, could you give me a primer on searching a thread for a problem? I've tried, but I usually come up with something just the opposite from what I want. Like when I want the DATA connection to stay on, others are trying to figure out how to keep it off. So please, enlighten.
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  #1825 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:32 PM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Np, disciple, thx for the response.

In response to your question, what you downloaded was an .NBH file. With that, you drop it into the 204S or lite, so basically you are using the RUU forlder from the 204 ROM to install the 205 beta2.

Inside the 204, or any version besides 205 for that matter, it should come with a RUU folder and the romupdate utility inside like normal. Look for the .NBH file inside the RUU folder and delete it, that .NBH is the ROM for the 204 or whatever version you chose. Now you just drop the single .NBH file that you just downloaded from the 205S beta 2 link and drop that .NBH into the RUU folder.

Hope that helps.
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  #1826 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:35 PM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Originally Posted by The420Dank View Post
Posts scroll by so fast but please please please please, can anyone tell me if their sprint music store works or not... I kept reading that it was but mine does not. Can anyone confirm this for me, thanks.

Sprint Music Store is working for me, and has been since v0121-S. I'm currently running the beta2. I'm able to search the music store, as well as purchase and download songs with no problem.

The only glitch I have is that when you try to preview the songs, there's no sound. But that doesn't really bother me cuz I usually know what I want and if I didn't I can listen to previews on my pc.

EDIT: It may be something that you've installed over the ROM. You might wanna delete any extra apps one-by-one to see which one is affecting the store. I know it's tedious, but usually works.
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  #1827 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:38 PM
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Re: *ROM* *6/21* *SsS-ROMv0121* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by discipler View Post
Thanks for being so very, very, very helpful. For some reason, I didn't get the first response to my question. But you apparently were reading it along with the other 1800 or so. Since you are so up on all of this, could you give me a primer on searching a thread for a problem? I've tried, but I usually come up with something just the opposite from what I want. Like when I want the DATA connection to stay on, others are trying to figure out how to keep it off. So please, enlighten.
Oh and no problem. I started out in this place also and it was very tedious in keeping up with what's going on and with what people say. With the search funtion, it seems to work just as much as google does. If I have a problem and I search in the forums and it doesn't find what I'm looking for, I then search in google from the search option and I get the same listings pretty much except all of them are not PPCGeeks. IMO, if you don't find it on PPCGeeks, you won't find it anywhere... That's not true in all cases I can say but mostly. Just use it to the best of your ability, try not to make the search topic too detailed, try to make it more general and see if anything comes up with the 3 words you chose to use. use the advanced feature to if possible. This is what I do and what works for me, it is in no way anything anyone has stated as to how to use the search function, hope this helps.

About your problem, sounds like one that I have not faced nor have I seen anyone face yet. Maybe it's an app or maybe you think it's off when it's not? I did read that you said it would stop streaming... what are you streaming? Videos, websites. I don't know too much as I am still new but I have a good understanding about a good bit now, thx to ALL of you guys...

I know that my connection icons go away when I am not using data, just no data is being transmitted until I use an app or function that transmits data, then I see the connection bars come up. By the connection bars I don't mean the actually 1-5 signal bars, but the 2 right/left arrow bars that come up above the signal bars and they are white. I noticed on other ROMs that after you stop using data for a minute, the bars go grey to show in-activity... I havn't messed with this 205S beta2 enough yet to see if the bars go grey or just dissapear completely. Whichever way it seems to work for me.

Answer those couple question for me about what you're trying to stream and what exactly happens, does it just stop? Could be the browser.

Last edited by The420Dank; 07-28-2009 at 04:43 PM.
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  #1828 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:38 PM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Originally Posted by The420Dank View Post
Np, disciple, thx for the response.

In response to your question, what you downloaded was an .NBH file. With that, you drop it into the 204S or lite, so basically you are using the RUU forlder from the 204 ROM to install the 205 beta2.

Inside the 204, or any version besides 205 for that matter, it should come with a RUU folder and the romupdate utility inside like normal. Look for the .NBH file inside the RUU folder and delete it, that .NBH is the ROM for the 204 or whatever version you chose. Now you just drop the single .NBH file that you just downloaded from the 205S beta 2 link and drop that .NBH into the RUU folder.

Hope that helps.
I was hoping I could get far enough to find the single .nbh file. But my Vista file extraction stopped just short and said the file was corrupted.

I got the following WinRAR diagnostic message:
! C:\ROMS\SsS-ROM_0205-BETA2.rar: CRC failed in RUU_signed.nbh. The file is corrupt
! C:\ROMS\SsS-ROM_0205-BETA2.rar: Unexpected end of archive

Anyone have any thoughts? Did a "search of this thread" on the beta being corrupted. Nothing by my previous post.
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  #1829 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:46 PM
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Re: *ROM* *6/21* *SsS-ROMv0121* *WM6.5(21501.5.0.70)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.0* *

Originally Posted by The420Dank View Post
Your problem sounds like one that I have not faced nor have I seen anyone face. Maybe it's an app or maybe you think it's off when it's not? I did read that you said it would stop streaming... what are you streaming? Videos, websites. I don't know too much as I am still new but I have a good understanding about a good bit now, thx to ALL of you guys...

I know that my connection icons go away when I am not using data, just no data is being transmitted until I use an app or function that transmits data, then I see the connection bars come up. By the connection bars I don't mean the actually 1-5 signal bars, but the 2 right/left bars that come up above the signal bars and they are white. I noticed on other ROMs that after you stop using data for a minute, the bars go grey to show in-activity... I havn't messed with this 205S beta2 enough yet to see if the bars go grey or just dissapear completely. Whichever way it seems to work for me.

Answer those couple question for me about what you're trying to stream and what exactly happens, does it just stop? Could be the browser.
Thanks for responding. I am streaming radio stations that stream through Windows Media Player (WMP). Lots of stations are doing this and there are sites like www.thestreamcenter.com/pda that have quick links for streaming. I don't think it is the browser since the link opens the WMP and streams throug that. What has been my experience is that the stream is non-stop unless you hit a bad cell area where you phone coverage would drop too. But recently the stream stops and that's what the WMP message is. Not 'buffering', but 'stopped'.

I thought I fixed the issue by using Advanced Conguration Tool and changing the DATA Connection from "enabled" to "always on". Well, it's always on, but the stream still stops. I'm perplexed.

Also, my experience is that not many are using their Touch Pro like this. But I do like streaming radio. It's convenient when it works kind of like having SAtellite radio. On the road it has been handing to give me hours of uninterrupted talk radio (I can be a junkie). Thanks for helping.
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  #1830 (permalink)  
Old 07-28-2009, 04:48 PM
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Re: *ROM* *7/18* *SsS-ROMv0204* *WM6.5(23007.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila* *EzInput2.1* *U

Originally Posted by tgmuhammad View Post

Sprint Music Store is working for me, and has been since v0121-S. I'm currently running the beta2. I'm able to search the music store, as well as purchase and download songs with no problem.

The only glitch I have is that when you try to preview the songs, there's no sound. But that doesn't really bother me cuz I usually know what I want and if I didn't I can listen to previews on my pc.

EDIT: It may be something that you've installed over the ROM. You might wanna delete any extra apps one-by-one to see which one is affecting the store. I know it's tedious, but usually works.

I am pretty sure that I did try to use the sprint music store when the ROM was just installed and I still got the same error. You are not installing a music store but you are using the one that comes with the ROM right? You do nothing else to update your radio or any other preference so that you can access the sprint store with any ROM you decide to use?

When I click the store it opens up the opera browser, does it do that for you to? For me, instead of going to music store, it just tells me that I have been redirected due to no connection or . I also have a JAVA version that when I try to install give me an error near the end as well.

If you say it's working then I believe you cause that's what I've read. I am gonna try restoring data and first thing is I'm gonna try sprint music store, if that doesn't work then I'm gonna flash calkulin's ROM and see if I can atleast get my already purchased songs, then I'll go back to SSS. Otherwise I don't see any other way around it if sprint musc store doesn't work for me.

Thanks so much for the response TGMuhammad.
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