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  #4091 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 07:41 AM
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Re: Donation Request

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
So here's the thing. I want a TP2 and I have a buddy at a Sprint service center who may be able to help me with the new replacement procedure, but I REALLY want to keep my TP. I can't afford full price for the TP2 (I'm not eligible for any upgrade discount), and I definitely have more TP roms in me but if I lose my TP they will be gone for good

So I'm asking for donations. I am EXTREMELY grateful to those that have donated and supported PsykiROM since day one, you guys have no idea, seriously. Thanks guys!

Please PM me for a special treat after you've donated

Psyki, i'm due for an upgrade November 1st. I'll probably get the TP2. I'd be more than willing to donate my TP1 to you if you decide to go with the replacement procedure.
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  #4092 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 11:24 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
Weather app? Well there's the weather tab in manila, and with the last two updates it determines your position via GPS/AGPS so there's no need to input your city (except in rare cases). The rom I'm working on also has Titanium weather if that's your thing. Want a sneak peak? *cough* donate *cough*

But don't you need to input your location in order for weather to show up in the calendar?
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  #4093 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 12:21 PM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
But don't you need to input your location in order for weather to show up in the calendar?
Oh right, you do have to select a city to have weather show up in your calendar. Thanks for the reminder.

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  #4094 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

psyki i dont mind donating at all and when i can afford to ill gladly do so. i guess what i was referring to is how you used gps with the weather. now that i have the tp2 and cant load your rom theres a lot of option i miss using.
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  #4095 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:33 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by djspencer View Post
psyki i dont mind donating at all and when i can afford to ill gladly do so. i guess what i was referring to is how you used gps with the weather. now that i have the tp2 and cant load your rom theres a lot of option i miss using.
I think all you need is the HTCGeoService, GoogleLocationService and AGPS_Confirmation (I think you already have that one), I can give you the cabs but I have no idea if it will work. I'd ask in the TP2 forum or look around XDA.

Only one person has donated so far but I've got a rhodium rom practically ready to go when I get it (and hspl, heh).
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  #4096 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 08:31 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

In my opinion there's no race to get a TP2 until its unlocked. I know.... everyone's talking about it and its all pretty exciting. The fact is I don't want to run 6.1 no matter how cool the phone is. Until its either unlocked or HTC releases 6.5 I'm in no hurry. Its just everyone is talking about it makes us want it even more. I don't think its a lot better the TP1. I'm just going to work it, I took the screen protector off my phone, its been locking up at night. I will talk to sprint again in a couple weeks, get it replaced and keep running that until they replace it. Its all just a game and I play to win.

Oh ya I assume you've been getting my donations they are small but its something. I'm afraid if I give too much you will certainly bye a TP2 (like you said) and leave us in the dust.

Last edited by zone23; 10-16-2009 at 08:34 AM.
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  #4097 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 08:46 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

hey Psyki, the rom is great=D>, i love your work. the only issue i have is with some programs (resco, WVD, S2V, and others) it seems like the touch screen sensitivity is different. its like i have to push and hold to make a selection and its very annoying. i read that you like to use resco and didnt' know if you have experinced this problem that i have. Some others have mentioned it before but i havn't seen any responses to this issue. i have hard reset and only installed resco to see if it was any other app that i installed, but it still had the problem. thanks for any help. i look forwad to your next release! donation comin your way soon!
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  #4098 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 10:36 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
In my opinion there's no race to get a TP2 until its unlocked. I know.... everyone's talking about it and its all pretty exciting. The fact is I don't want to run 6.1 no matter how cool the phone is. Until its either unlocked or HTC releases 6.5 I'm in no hurry. Its just everyone is talking about it makes us want it even more. I don't think its a lot better the TP1. I'm just going to work it, I took the screen protector off my phone, its been locking up at night. I will talk to sprint again in a couple weeks, get it replaced and keep running that until they replace it. Its all just a game and I play to win.

Oh ya I assume you've been getting my donations they are small but its something. I'm afraid if I give too much you will certainly bye a TP2 (like you said) and leave us in the dust.
I hear ya but hspl is right around the corner. The reason I'm asking for donations is specifically so I can keep my TP1 and I don't have to replace it outright. PM me with your email address, I have no idea who's donated as I don't know your real names lol.
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  #4099 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 10:44 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by gebo View Post
hey Psyki, the rom is great=D>, i love your work. the only issue i have is with some programs (resco, WVD, S2V, and others) it seems like the touch screen sensitivity is different. its like i have to push and hold to make a selection and its very annoying. i read that you like to use resco and didnt' know if you have experinced this problem that i have. Some others have mentioned it before but i havn't seen any responses to this issue. i have hard reset and only installed resco to see if it was any other app that i installed, but it still had the problem. thanks for any help. i look forwad to your next release! donation comin your way soon!
I'm aware of the Resco issue and it pisses me right off. At least I tweaked it so it works, at first you couldn't even scroll using your finger.

I'll take some thanks in liu of donadtions!
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  #4100 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 11:53 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 29] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

i think it was a badtime to ask for donations with the forums going down every 5 min, lol...hopefully when the forums become more stable again people will read this thread and open their wallets .

i too am having problems scrolling with finger in resco, seems like everytime i try i just open a folder or file instead

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