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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 07:04 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

Originally Posted by fdbryant3 View Post
MetroFLASH isn't offered in the New York area because that market is using AWS instead of CDMA.
AWS? that means i cant use a Sprint Touch Pro on Metro PCS in NYC? sorry am a GSM guy so i havnt gotten ahold of all these CDMA terms
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 07:33 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

Originally Posted by allthatinny View Post
AWS? that means i cant use a Sprint Touch Pro on Metro PCS in NYC? sorry am a GSM guy so i havnt gotten ahold of all these CDMA terms
Simple answer - no you cannot use a Sprint Touch Pro in NYC on MetroPCS.

More advanced answer. AWS is a specific band of frequency (1700) for voice and data like CDMA and GSM. A phone needs to built with an AWS radio in it in order to operate in an AWS market.

MetroPCS initally started using CDMA networks but the newer markets (NYC included) are AWS. If you want a touchscreen phone to use in NYC you might want to research the Samsung Finesse.

To make things even more complicated (or maybe simpler) MetroPCS is planning to start unrolling a 4G LTE network in 2010.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 07:57 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

Originally Posted by fdbryant3 View Post
Simple answer - no you cannot use a Sprint Touch Pro in NYC on MetroPCS.

More advanced answer. AWS is a specific band of frequency (1700) for voice and data like CDMA and GSM. A phone needs to built with an AWS radio in it in order to operate in an AWS market.

MetroPCS initally started using CDMA networks but the newer markets (NYC included) are AWS. If you want a touchscreen phone to use in NYC you might want to research the Samsung Finesse.

To make things even more complicated (or maybe simpler) MetroPCS is planning to start unrolling a 4G LTE network in 2010.
i know about 4G situation my dad told me about it but man that sucks so we stuck with the gay ugly phones they got
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 08:20 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

The Samsung Finesse is the very newest phone to be put on the MetroPCS network. It is similar to the Instinct and the Delve. I don't think it is particularly ugly but to each their own.

On the plus side MetroPCS is suppose to be releasing several advanced phones over the next few months.

Last edited by fdbryant3; 04-02-2009 at 08:22 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 09:20 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

they also sell a blackberry. with all the features
i flashed 2 pros and a diamond to metro, went to their store, they scanned the esn, and i was good to go.
however am in miami. i don't know about NY.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 11:43 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

Unforntunately, the Blackberry doesn't support AWS. Rumor has it they plan release an AWS version this later this year.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2009, 02:08 AM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

Originally Posted by fdbryant3 View Post
Unforntunately, the Blackberry doesn't support AWS. Rumor has it they plan release an AWS version this later this year.
ya i guess am stuck then, having new technology is great but when its limited like this, it sucks.

i gave thanks *the green button thanks* to everyone that helped me, thanks again to everyone that helped and try to help me
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2009, 07:30 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

i know this has been asked a few million times, and ive read the metropcs internet and mms settings sticky, but i cant for the life of me get it to connect. i have a sprint branded touch, makes calls and sends and recieves text, ive edited everything from the instructions. everytime i try to connect i get and incorrect user name and/or password, and then the log on to server screen with the user name in the correct field and password is blank. type in the password and check save password and it wont connect.

please help!
thanks in advance
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2009, 08:57 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

Try this
not my work, here is the original:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=448955

First let me say this was hard work to figure out! THANKS to KAREEM FOR THE HELP!!!
OK this is how to get wap and mms on the HTC VOGUE on metro!!!!
please sticky!!!!


1: Check your Windows\startup folder for "HTC_CM_Guardian.lnk", which is a shortcut to Windows\HTC_CM_Guardian.exe. If the shortcut exists delete it. If not then you probably have a newer Sprint ROM which doesn't have the shortcut to launch that application. It is still launching it in some other way however and I have not been able to figure it out from searching forums and the web. The general consensus is to replace the file with a dummy file that I've attached (extract from the zip). Download the attached file and replace "Windows\HTC_CM_Guardian.exe" with the dummy file which will prevent it from running.

NOTE: This file is what resets your Sprint connection to its default settings despite editing these settings. Disabling this file by deleting or replacing it is critical. You may need to use a program such as Resco File Explorer or another File Explorer utility to overwrite/delete/rename Read-Only or ROM files.

2: Rename the following files and folders:

Windows\iota.exe ---> windows\iotaOLD.exe
Windows\iotaconf.txt ---> windows\iotaconfgOLD.txt
Program Files\IOTA ---> Program Files\IOTAOLD

NOTE: renaming the IOTA folder is probably all that is needed however I found the files as well and renamed them for good measure and haven't had a problem.

3: Open your phone and enter ##778#, select "EDIT" and enter your unlock code.

4: Set the following values:

M.IP Settings:
MIP_MODE = Simple IP Only

M.IP Default Profile:
NAI = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Home Address = (just delete the values and save)
Primary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)
Secondary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)

HDR AN AUTH User Id = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PPP USER ID = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PPP PASSWORD = mymetropcs

5: Goto Connections and delete any existing connections and setup a new one using the following settings:

Number to dail = #777
Username: yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Password: mymetropcs
Domain: (Leave Blank)

Select Proxy Settings and enter the following values:
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (http)
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (wap)
wap.metropcs.net port:443 (secure wap)
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (socks)

6: Back in the "Connections" screen where you have two tabs at the bottom of the screen of "Tasks" and "Advanced", go to Advanced, click on "Select Networks" and select the name of the connection you just setup.

Example if you leave as Sprint then choose that one as your internet connection and do it for both settings.



Remove/Uninstall any existing MMS composer you have attempted to setup. Also a good idea to remove any registry keys it may have created that are left behind after the uninstall.

1: Install Arcsoft MMS version from Verzion.

2: Open your Messaging and click on the SMS/MMS option.

3: Click on "Menu" and select "MMS Options" then select the "Servers" tab.

4: Add a new server with the following settings:

Server Name: metropcs
Gateway: wap.metropcs.net
Port number: 3128
Server address: http://mms.metropcs.net:3128/mmsc
Send limit: 399K

5: Click "Done" and then set the new server as default.

6: Using a Registry Editor edit the following values:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]

ADD STRING -> "X-metropcs-MDN"="XXXXXXXXXX" ( Insert your 10 digit phone Number )
ADD STRING -> "X-DEVICE-MIN"="1XXXXXXXXXX" ( Insert your 10 digit phone Number WITH the 1 in front of it )


Last edited by djsonar; 04-03-2009 at 08:58 PM. Reason: more info added
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2009, 09:51 PM
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Re: MetroPCS Setup Help

Originally Posted by djsonar View Post
Try this
not my work, here is the original:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=448955

First let me say this was hard work to figure out! THANKS to KAREEM FOR THE HELP!!!
OK this is how to get wap and mms on the HTC VOGUE on metro!!!!
please sticky!!!!


1: Check your Windows\startup folder for "HTC_CM_Guardian.lnk", which is a shortcut to Windows\HTC_CM_Guardian.exe. If the shortcut exists delete it. If not then you probably have a newer Sprint ROM which doesn't have the shortcut to launch that application. It is still launching it in some other way however and I have not been able to figure it out from searching forums and the web. The general consensus is to replace the file with a dummy file that I've attached (extract from the zip). Download the attached file and replace "Windows\HTC_CM_Guardian.exe" with the dummy file which will prevent it from running.

NOTE: This file is what resets your Sprint connection to its default settings despite editing these settings. Disabling this file by deleting or replacing it is critical. You may need to use a program such as Resco File Explorer or another File Explorer utility to overwrite/delete/rename Read-Only or ROM files.

2: Rename the following files and folders:

Windows\iota.exe ---> windows\iotaOLD.exe
Windows\iotaconf.txt ---> windows\iotaconfgOLD.txt
Program Files\IOTA ---> Program Files\IOTAOLD

NOTE: renaming the IOTA folder is probably all that is needed however I found the files as well and renamed them for good measure and haven't had a problem.

3: Open your phone and enter ##778#, select "EDIT" and enter your unlock code.

4: Set the following values:

M.IP Settings:
MIP_MODE = Simple IP Only

M.IP Default Profile:
NAI = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Home Address = (just delete the values and save)
Primary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)
Secondary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)

HDR AN AUTH User Id = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PPP USER ID = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PPP PASSWORD = mymetropcs

5: Goto Connections and delete any existing connections and setup a new one using the following settings:

Number to dail = #777
Username: yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Password: mymetropcs
Domain: (Leave Blank)

Select Proxy Settings and enter the following values:
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (http)
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (wap)
wap.metropcs.net port:443 (secure wap)
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (socks)

6: Back in the "Connections" screen where you have two tabs at the bottom of the screen of "Tasks" and "Advanced", go to Advanced, click on "Select Networks" and select the name of the connection you just setup.

Example if you leave as Sprint then choose that one as your internet connection and do it for both settings.



Remove/Uninstall any existing MMS composer you have attempted to setup. Also a good idea to remove any registry keys it may have created that are left behind after the uninstall.

1: Install Arcsoft MMS version from Verzion.

2: Open your Messaging and click on the SMS/MMS option.

3: Click on "Menu" and select "MMS Options" then select the "Servers" tab.

4: Add a new server with the following settings:

Server Name: metropcs
Gateway: wap.metropcs.net
Port number: 3128
Server address: http://mms.metropcs.net:3128/mmsc
Send limit: 399K

5: Click "Done" and then set the new server as default.

6: Using a Registry Editor edit the following values:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]

ADD STRING -> "X-metropcs-MDN"="XXXXXXXXXX" ( Insert your 10 digit phone Number )
ADD STRING -> "X-DEVICE-MIN"="1XXXXXXXXXX" ( Insert your 10 digit phone Number WITH the 1 in front of it )


awesome thanks very much, i didnt think it was possible, but i was planning to buy my G/F a pda on metro pcs. and i wanted to have it setup on order for it to work succesfully ill be sure to click on your thanks. U ROCK!
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