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View Poll Results: Did you hit the unbootable cycle?
No, It all unlocked fine. 257 58.94%
Yes, but flashing a rom over it fixed it. 72 16.51%
Didn't work at all. 107 24.54%
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  #601 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

NOTE: some users have reported getting stuck in an unbootable loop(noting error messages about the flash "upgrade rom code error") after this step. simply flash any rom and you should get out of this cycle. below are linkes to the dumped stock roms, I grabbed the links straight out of imcokeman's thread so make sure you give him thanks if you use them.
link to his thread http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42741
if this note helps you please sent hotspace some thanks for figuring this out

I dont know if this has happened to anyone but it happened to me and I couldnt load a new ROM becauce activesync would not connect to my phone.
1. Take out memory card
2. Press the d-pad to get back to the tri color screen
3. unplug the USB,wait 5 secs and plug back in.
4. As soon as the Activesync arrows start spinning go aheah and start the flash. (You have to flash from the computer, get a ROM and load it up and Start flashing. It will recognize your phone)

I dont know how many people this happend to but it happened to me but now my phone is fine.!!!!
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  #602 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 01:21 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

you can just put a new rom on the sd card using a card reader and flash by pulling the battery on the phone. most people that use this method cant ever get the flash to work on the computer.
If I helped you feel free to buy me a beer https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=H82G7AW4ZWC5Q
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  #603 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 05:22 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

how will I know if the phone is relocked?
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  #604 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 05:44 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

remove/rename the nbh from the sd card then enter bootloader if you see the word cmonex your still unlocked if you just see 0000 were cmonex used to be your good.
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  #605 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 08:38 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

alright thanks
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  #606 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2009, 03:41 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

instead of .37.0000 i'm getting .40.0000?

I know .35 is verizon, what is .40?

I'm on a Sprint TP
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  #607 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2009, 04:33 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

.40.0000 is the newest sprint spl
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  #608 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2009, 02:48 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Oh boy! Looks like I pulled a stupid and downloaded the wrong phone version of the rom I wanted. Sorry about that. It should work now.

I have a TP that is already unlocked using the hard-SPL (it's 0.37), but I recently upgraded to Windows 7 64 bit.

I am unable to use the ROMUpdateUtility.exe that's included with several of the roms out there, because it will get to 1% and the phone resets and the updater gives me an error.

In summary:

1. My phone is already unlocked using the Hard-SPL method
2. In order to flash a rom from the microsd card do I have to do anything else besides rename the RUU_signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh and put it in the root of my storage card? (and obviously get it into bootloader mode).

I did this just this morning and whenever I got it to the tricolor screen, it would not detect the nbh file and it didn't try to load it. This in spite of having reformatted the microsd in fat 32, and making sure the file is exactly: RAPHIMG.nbh

Thanks. (For your info, i'm trying to flash MightyRom 6.0)

Last edited by moovius; 11-15-2009 at 10:12 PM.
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  #609 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2009, 05:15 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by moovius View Post
I have a TP that is already unlocked using the hard-SPL (it's 0.37), but I recently upgraded to Windows 7 64 bit.

I am unable to use the ROMUpdateUtility.exe that's included with several of the roms out there, because it will get to 1% and the phone resets and the updater gives me an error.

In summary:

1. My phone is already unlocked using the Hard-SPL method
2. In order to flash a rom from the microsd card do I have to do anything else besides rename the RUU_signed.nbh to RAPHIMG.nbh and put it in the root of my storage card? (and obviously get it into bootloader mode).

I did this just this morning and whenever I got it to the tricolor screen, it would not detect the nbh file and it didn't try to load it. This in spite of having reformatted the microsd in fat 32, and making sure the file is exactly: RAPHIMG.nbh

Thanks. (For your info, i'm trying to flash MightyRom 6.0)
usually when it doesn't find the file that means one of a few things.

the sd card is not formatted correctly (may be fat instead of fat 32 or used a non standard means of formatting it) try using nue storage to format it. sometimes it is really fat 32 just something about the format is not right for the SPL.

the file is not renamed properly. the stock rom loves to use its intelesense to rename the nbh file to RALPHIMG.nbh when I tried to make it RAPHIMG.nbh also if you renamed it using your phone WM hides extensions so if you see RAPHIMG.nbh using the file explorer you probably named it RAPHIMG.nbh.nbh

or similarly to this, if you have encryption activated all files now have .menc after them on your sd card leading back to them not being named properly.

lastly MANY people actually make a folder named root and put the file in there, root of any directory/drive/device is just the base level of the directory. in this case /storage card/RAPHIMG.nbh
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  #610 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2009, 10:13 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by cornelious2 View Post
usually when it doesn't find the file that means one of a few things.
Nevermind! I had the wrong phone version of rom downloaded.
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