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View Poll Results: Did you hit the unbootable cycle?
No, It all unlocked fine. 257 58.94%
Yes, but flashing a rom over it fixed it. 72 16.51%
Didn't work at all. 107 24.54%
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  #551 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 08:45 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
will i be able to unlock\flash my tp2 from sd card?
not sure about unlock....but flash, yea. people have already done it using the shipped rom nbh. you just name it RHODIMG.nbh.
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  #552 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 08:51 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by razorloves View Post
not sure about unlock....but flash, yea. people have already done it using the shipped rom nbh. you just name it RHODIMG.nbh.
so i need to find pc to unlock my tp2, never did it on tp, is it a hard process? you can pm me response if you can, i dont wanna clutter this thread. guess i shoukdve sent question in pm, sorry op.
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  #553 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 11:31 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

My guess is probably yes. once the unlocker is out that will be one of my first tasks to figure out. I got my TP2 a couple days ago so i am ready when the unlocker is and should have a guide in the works.
If I helped you feel free to buy me a beer https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=H82G7AW4ZWC5Q
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  #554 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 11:39 PM
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Post Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by cornelious2 View Post
My guess is probably yes. once the unlocker is out that will be one of my first tasks to figure out. I got my TP2 a couple days ago so i am ready when the unlocker is and should have a guide in the works.
thankyou sir, i think i have away to unlock via pc from a sprintstore buddy.
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  #555 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 09:59 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

ok the reason im doing all this is because for some freaking reason my touch pro from alltel was connecting via usb before i flashed it sprint, but now that its on sprint i can connect it via usb anymore to flash to cricket. well once i use the sspl it come up raph .25 then i hold down the buttons and restart then imediatlely shows comex but no "press power to flash" any way so i thought getting it to comex was good enough. well i want to flash it back to alltel stock so i renamed the nbh properly removed everything else off the sd card put that on. when i go to hold down the button again it comes up very quickly "no image file" then goes back to comex so its not loading the alltel stock that i have on my sd card. i have formated properly otherwise the first step wouldnt have worked. am i forgetting something i mean i put the a couple of different roms on the sd card and renamed them but still does the same thing, please help?
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  #556 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 10:54 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Can someone talk me through STEP by STEP on how to get my Touch Pro back to its original configuration as when I first bought it? I'm an idiot, but thanks so much for your help if you can provide it.

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  #557 (permalink)  
Old 10-28-2009, 11:00 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by cabindoor View Post
Can someone talk me through STEP by STEP on how to get my Touch Pro back to its original configuration as when I first bought it? I'm an idiot, but thanks so much for your help if you can provide it.

i never relocked any tp i sold or sent back, grab a stock rom from firstpage and flash it.
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  #558 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 12:28 AM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by arabdog View Post
ok the reason im doing all this is because for some freaking reason my touch pro from alltel was connecting via usb before i flashed it sprint, but now that its on sprint i can connect it via usb anymore to flash to cricket. well once i use the sspl it come up raph .25 then i hold down the buttons and restart then imediatlely shows comex but no "press power to flash" any way so i thought getting it to comex was good enough. well i want to flash it back to alltel stock so i renamed the nbh properly removed everything else off the sd card put that on. when i go to hold down the button again it comes up very quickly "no image file" then goes back to comex so its not loading the alltel stock that i have on my sd card. i have formated properly otherwise the first step wouldnt have worked. am i forgetting something i mean i put the a couple of different roms on the sd card and renamed them but still does the same thing, please help?
you either have the file names wrong (as posted in the first post its really easy to accidently name it wrong) or your not formatted correctly if there is literally nothing else on the sd card then theres really no risk of placing it in a folder accidently so it will be one of those two options. if while in file explorer the file looks like raphimg.nbh try removing the .nbh if it still doesn't work, try using nuestorage to format your sd card.
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  #559 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 12:30 AM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

Originally Posted by cabindoor View Post
Can someone talk me through STEP by STEP on how to get my Touch Pro back to its original configuration as when I first bought it? I'm an idiot, but thanks so much for your help if you can provide it.

follow my guides on the first post for the details but step 1 flash stock SHIPPED rom
step two relock
if you get a rom error then flash stock again (this is were having 2 sd cards can come in handy to leave the stock rom on a spare to easily flash a second time.)
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  #560 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 01:01 PM
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Re: unlock, flash and even relock your TP via the SD card!

ok i have tried just about everything the thing. the thing that gets me is in there first step when loading the unlocker it doesnt prompt me to press power to flash? i just goes straigh to the comex splash screen .37? but in between it switching from the .25 to .37 it says no image file! really quick. well how did it unlock from sd if there is no image file? i formated using windows xp and it formated it properly but i thought i tried getting nuestorage on the tp but once you install and soft reset the program doesnt show under settings at all? do you have a version that will work with this device? i dont know what else to do
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