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  #2631 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 12:45 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Originally Posted by reigndropz View Post
I figured out that you can change this with the Advanced Config tool. Hopefully this helps someone else too
Yeah but it should be in the control panel like you said.

I will look into it later today.

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  #2632 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 12:55 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Originally Posted by jucytec View Post
That's a poor way to test...

You really have to pay attention to how many files are in \Windows\ for 21015 and 21042. you can easily see them in Active sync... Also... the delay you are seeing is caused by cachfilt.dll missing from the 21042 XIP. the 21015 version had the XIP made by FormerPalmOS which is far more optimized then the current one in 21042... He's currently on vacation and won't make the optimized version of 21042 Version of the XIP till he returns...
i see!! that's what the cachfilt.dll is for... learned something new today. thanks!

scott, this build 21042 is working great and stable so far! thanks again!!
  #2633 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 12:57 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Scott, I'm using the 21042 kitchen build with the 1.6 rev A and I increased the pagepool to 24. I'm also using the r4r manila. Now guess whats happening???!!?!? NOTHING!

No issues, its running superbly. Everything is. Just had to commend you once again. It sucks right now cuz they just released ANOTHER Rhodium package and im so itching to try it but I already know whats going to happen.......something isnt going to work and I'm going to have to re-flash again cuz I wont be happy.....but why do I STILL want to try it??? Flashing can be a bad experience for some....
  #2634 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 12:59 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Originally Posted by reigndropz View Post
Scott, I'm using the 21042 kitchen build with the 1.6 rev A and I increased the pagepool to 24. I'm also using the r4r manila. Now guess whats happening???!!?!? NOTHING!

No issues, its running superbly. Everything is. Just had to commend you once again. It sucks right now cuz they just released ANOTHER Rhodium package and im so itching to try it but I already know whats going to happen.......something isnt going to work and I'm going to have to re-flash again cuz I wont be happy.....but why do I STILL want to try it??? Flashing can be a bad experience for some....
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  #2635 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 01:32 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Hi - noob question - when I get to step 6 of 7 using SSK Version 1.6 Rev A Core Kitchen & Windows Mobile 6.5 Build 21189 Rev A, I select the .nbh file and it says Nothing found, Invalid, unknown or encrypted ROM file. Select another. I'm selecting the one it just created so what am I doing wrong? If I just click close it deletes the temp file and closes.
  #2636 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Originally Posted by Rickvette View Post
Hi - noob question - when I get to step 6 of 7 using SSK Version 1.6 Rev A Core Kitchen & Windows Mobile 6.5 Build 21189 Rev A, I select the .nbh file and it says Nothing found, Invalid, unknown or encrypted ROM file. Select another. I'm selecting the one it just created so what am I doing wrong? If I just click close it deletes the temp file and closes.

Make sure the nbh file you are opening is in the folder of the kitchen/rom folder. You may be using a different nbh and not realizing it.
  #2637 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 01:44 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Originally Posted by reigndropz View Post
Make sure the nbh file you are opening is in the folder of the kitchen/rom folder. You may be using a different nbh and not realizing it.
Thanks, but I double checked and it was scrosler.nbh in the RUU file and it had just been created.
  #2638 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Originally Posted by Rickvette View Post
Thanks, but I double checked and it was scrosler.nbh in the RUU file and it had just been created.

I know this was an issue with the older 1.6 kitchen. Are you sure you are using the latest one?
  #2639 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

Originally Posted by reigndropz View Post
I know this was an issue with the older 1.6 kitchen. Are you sure you are using the latest one?
Just downloaded from his site and unzipped. Put the 2 files into the kitchen and started. Both Rev A.

Last edited by Rickvette; 04-05-2009 at 02:15 PM.
  #2640 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: 4 APR 09 - UPD 23: SSK 1.6 Rev A - 12 OS'es to cook with, 9 Bonus ROM's!!!

As a relative n00b to cooking and Romz, I sided with SSK 1.5A (21015) and am running Radio 1.03.03v shipped VZW radio on VZW 6850.

With that said, I have been having the same phone not answering and missing calls even though the phone rings, the GUI doesn't let you hit the answer button, or there is such a delay it's rediculous....

Or...I have the phone on vibrate, but it's slient and doesn't even ring even though it's on vibrate (all notifications ON!)...

And last but not least, S2U2 doesn't auto-lock unless I remove the stylus and slide it back in....

So...which of Scott's AMAZING roms (they are cool) is the most stable, least issue, and what is the consensus on best RADIO in combo with said ROM, for the D.C/Bmore/VA area...

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