A better method of scoring would have been to give 1 point to the lowest score 2 for the next lowest 3 for the next and so on then making the highest score out of 102. This will give you a better scoring solution however will not solve the debate of if enough tests were run. There is an even better formula for scoring that will account for which one won by how much but I don't remember that formula, this one however will accaount for the ones in the middle of the road.
Just my 2c, I'm very grateful for what you have done and am going back through the thread to thank all of your posts.
Originally Posted by SweetBearCub
Ok. Can you suggest a better method of scoring? I am aware that the variances in the radios other than the stock Sprint radio are slight but they are there, nonetheless. Even if the difference is slight, I'd want the radio that had the edge in whatever category I desire. (Signal, temp, battery life, etc..)