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  #1391 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 02:59 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by oldman View Post
I hope that you're going to put some Pro's and Con's to each of the varieties. I've been following all the threads, and right now, I can't tell you what the difference is between them....other than 21109 being newer.

Yeah that's all I know as well, and I usually ***-sume newer is better.

Scott did say that he thought 20764 was "A different breed of CE OS", citing he felt it was by far the most stable.

I will be running 21109/21109 with FormerPalm's XIP for a bit and see how it goes...
  #1392 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
Yeah that's all I know as well, and I usually ***-sume newer is better.

Scott did say that he thought 20764 was "A different breed of CE OS", citing he felt it was by far the most stable.

I will be running 21109/21109 with FormerPalm's XIP for a bit and see how it goes...
Thats what I am running now as well.

Will upload some new beta's for everyone soon.....

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  #1393 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 03:16 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Well restoring the backup made by SK Tools failed. The phone would still boot, but things were just messed up, as far as... it was like a patchwork thing going on. Hard to explain, but not worth doing, anyways.

So, I will try something different. I'm going to try with SPB Backup again. The great thing about SPB Backup is that when you restore a backup, it will detect if the ROM or even if the device is different. It will then prompt you to restore the backup using ROM or Device Upgrade mode, which seems to selectively NOT overwrite certain system files, but still will restore your installed programs and valid registry settings and stuff like that. This often leaves you with some things still needing to be 'fixed' though, like you might have to go into Settings and set your backlight timeout or other little things that you kinda have to dig around and find, but overall still saves TONS of time for not having to re-install and set up all your programs.
  #1394 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and


1.5 is running like a champ! Thanks! I've only noticed some minor issues like my Wsibar Advance 3 acts a little weird sometimes by closing programs on it's own. Also when I launch Teeter, it immediately minimizes it to the background and I have to pull it up from the WA3 tasks panel. I have noticed that my phone sometimes does not ring, but I get the voicemail notification afterwards, and I've also had a couple of random lockups here and there, but nothing crazy.

My Garmin Mobile XT locked within 15 seconds and has been running fine.

I'm not complaining, just reporting back as you asked.

HTC XV6875 - VZW Touch Pro 2
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  #1395 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Ok so I have noticed something odd with the Sound on my phone. I put it on vibrate for a while and then turn the sound on but no sound comes out of the phone. I have to soft reset it to get the sound back.

Also there are times when I can't get into my Inbox for email. I press Inbox but nothing happens. When this happens I can't even open a single email through TF3D.
My Device:VZW Droid X
My ROM of choice: Stock ROM for now

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  #1396 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 03:40 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Okay I had much better luck restoring a backup made with SPB Backup, from the original 1.2 SSK ROM, onto the hybrid SSK/FormerPalm, 21109/21109 ROM.

The only things that were not restored were my custom splash screen, the tsowen taskbar, and the cab I use to remove the HTC volume control. As far as I could tell all my Windows settings were restored properly. So... yay. Hopefully I won't have to spend the 3-4 hours reinstalling everything if this ROM with the restored backup runs stable throughout the day.
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Old 02-05-2009, 03:43 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by dimitri View Post
Ok so I have noticed something odd with the Sound on my phone. I put it on vibrate for a while and then turn the sound on but no sound comes out of the phone. I have to soft reset it to get the sound back.

Also there are times when I can't get into my Inbox for email. I press Inbox but nothing happens. When this happens I can't even open a single email through TF3D.

Just tried to recreate the vibrate / sound issue... not having much luck, mine works fine. Is there a certain amount of time you think it needs to be on vibrate before this happens?

As far as mail goes, i haven't had any issues since my lockup last night.
  #1398 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 04:00 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

just noticed this.
i have a jawbone bluetooth headset, everything works, it pairs

incoming calls i am able to pickup the phone by pressing the headset button but the audio is only on the phone speaker, no audio on the headset itself.

outgoing calls no problems on the bluetooth headset
  #1399 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 04:20 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
Well restoring the backup made by SK Tools failed. The phone would still boot, but things were just messed up, as far as... it was like a patchwork thing going on. Hard to explain, but not worth doing, anyways.

So, I will try something different. I'm going to try with SPB Backup again. The great thing about SPB Backup is that when you restore a backup, it will detect if the ROM or even if the device is different. It will then prompt you to restore the backup using ROM or Device Upgrade mode, which seems to selectively NOT overwrite certain system files, but still will restore your installed programs and valid registry settings and stuff like that. This often leaves you with some things still needing to be 'fixed' though, like you might have to go into Settings and set your backlight timeout or other little things that you kinda have to dig around and find, but overall still saves TONS of time for not having to re-install and set up all your programs.
This is exactly why I don't back-up. Instead I install from scratch using UC, and provxml in any other regedits / settings / ini files, option files etc. Only thing I re-do each time is Bluetooth device set-up and exchange e-mail account set-up.
ROM: WM6.5 nk.exe (Da_G), sys 23518 (Da_G), VZW OEM pack (scrosler)
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  #1400 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2009, 04:22 PM
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Re: +Feb 4+ *SSK 1.5 Preview!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by jude_b23 View Post
just noticed this.
i have a jawbone bluetooth headset, everything works, it pairs

incoming calls i am able to pickup the phone by pressing the headset button but the audio is only on the phone speaker, no audio on the headset itself.

outgoing calls no problems on the bluetooth headset
My Plantronics Voyager 855 does that from time to time. I turn it off and then back on and all is fine. Also have this issue sometimes when my phone is on vibrate. I chalked it up to a VC issue, not a ROM issue

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