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  #1801 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 10:32 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

will a 4.13 come out today? anxiously waiting
  #1802 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 11:29 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

Originally Posted by LilRico View Post
nah, that wont work, either will a hex editor. You're going to need a LUA de-compiler 1st, which works in DOS, edit it, and then compile it back up. It's the compiling part I had issues with. GL...
Is there something here that can help you out? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=433050 . It works great except you lose the HD people Tab.

The manila files are 2nd post page 5. I tried the file you are having problems with it worked in 4.12, but the only thing that showed up black was the alarm time. Is there another file used also?

Last edited by 06gmc; 03-08-2009 at 11:54 AM.
  #1803 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 11:35 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

I am having a problem with the text size in text messages. After I flashed, it was fine, but then it reverts to small type, hardly can read. So, I reflashed, and the text was fine, 10 minutes later, reverts back to small text. All my tweaks are for large text.....Any ideas on how to fix this?
  #1804 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 11:41 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

Originally Posted by 04orgzx6r View Post
Start>Settings>today> HTC black .... That should do it
thank you!
odd enough it was already on htc black, so i just went through all the other optins and when i clicked black it was black again thanks again
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  #1805 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 11:52 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

Originally Posted by ronc View Post
I am having a problem with the text size in text messages. After I flashed, it was fine, but then it reverts to small type, hardly can read. So, I reflashed, and the text was fine, 10 minutes later, reverts back to small text. All my tweaks are for large text.....Any ideas on how to fix this?
open the text msg, circle the pad clockwise with your finger.

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  #1806 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

That was easy, Thank you.
Originally Posted by jshaas2 View Post
open the text msg, circle the pad clockwise with your finger.
  #1807 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 11:56 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

Not sure what's happening, but in the past couple of days, I've had some random hard resets. Yes, hard resets.

First one happened when I tapped on the volume icon to bring up the system volume. I tapped on the icon, but nothing happened so I tapped on again. Still nothing. So then I tried doing other things like sliding through the tabs in TF3D. That lagged like crazy so I did a soft reset.

When I did the soft reset, it froze on the part where the HTC logo appears. I did another soft reset and let it sit there for an hour. When I came back, it was sitting there with the HTC logo again.

Took the battery out and let it sit overnight w/o the battery. After 24 hours, I put the battery back in. Pressed the power button and it powered on. When it got to the HTC logo, it froze again.

Finally, I tried another soft reset. I put the end of the stylus into the reset hole, pressed the reset button and left the phone on my desk. I sat there and watched it soft reset. It went through the normal bootup process, then suddenly reset again. This time it did a hard reset.

Ever since that first random hard reset, it has been hard resetting randomly everyday. I haven't tried flashing back yet to the stock ROM.

Anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this?
  #1808 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 11:58 AM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

maybe it is an app you installed

  #1809 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 12:36 PM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

I didn't have any apps. installed. Also, after the first random hard reset, I didn't reinstall any of my apps. and the random hard resets kept (and still keep) on happening. I don't have a memory card either.

I've already tried manually using the "Clear Storage" program with the "Also format NAND flash" checked. After that, I did a hard reset by holding volume down, power and the center button while the phone was powering on.

I tried those to make sure everything I ever had installed was wiped out. The phone still keeps on randomly hard resetting.

I guess it could be defective.

Last edited by IsLNdbOi; 03-08-2009 at 12:39 PM.
  #1810 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2009, 12:44 PM
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Re: |.February 25th, 2009.| |.MightyROM 4 . 12.| |.20765 - UC - 24MB PP.| [Standard/L

I am thinking about hard resetting my device today just because I like to flash and there isn't anything else out there worth it to flash to...so, is there any reason I should refrain from hard resetting and getting my phone set up again? Like 4.13?

Also, will 4.13 include the dst update or should I just include it in my sashimi .cab folder?

Last edited by lnchbx13; 03-08-2009 at 12:46 PM.
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