Just loaded MightyROM 5 earlier today and it's pretty nice. I was reading comments for days and thinking some of the negative ones might indicate real serious issues, but seeing the causes of concern in the ROM now for myself, I'm finding the few known issues to be for me very petty matters. Some involve features not even available before in the old MightyROM 4.16, so no worry if they don't work perfectly yet now. MightyMike can't do all of MS' work for them
![]() Overall I'm finding the new ROM is good and stable. Lots of new things to learn. Happy IE 8 is an improvement over the prior IE. I was thinking Opera was nearly unusable from some comments, but it's OK, any issues not such a big deal. I'm finding both Opera and IE are working on flash sites, although maybe IE works better with the newer version of flash. At this point, I may not install Skyfire, really no more need for it given how well IE 8 and Opera are performing for me. Glad I gave this ROM a fair shot. So far, it looks like a keeper. |
Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
What exactly is OEMAGW.dll for under HKLM/COMM/INTERNETSHARING/EXTENSIONS? I'm trying to do the ICS hack for tethering undetected.
HTC Touch Pro ------> HTC Touch Pro II ------>HTC Evo 4g
Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
I dont know if this has been mentioned already or not. I've been following this thread pretty religiously. I love MR5 so far but I have 3 problems.
1) When I have a missed call and I click the phone tab in titanium, instead of showing me the missed call it automatically calls the person. Is there a way to have it bring up call history? 2) When I get a new text, I click on the text tab in titanium and it brings up the threaded conversation. I reply to a message, then hit ok in the corner to close it. When I do that, the phone pretty much freezes up on the screen with all my different threaded conversations. Flipping it open to landscape or hitting the home key sometimes will jar it back into existence to where I can hit the task manager and close messaging that way. Any idea what is causing this? 3) When I have a new text, the led light flashes. It flashes and flashes regardless of whether or not I have deactivated the light under sounds and notifications. Has anyone successfully disabled the flashing scroll wheel light? In 6.1 roms, I could open the threaded conversation and then all messages would be automatically read and the light would shut off. Now I have to tap on the last message in the conversation in order for it to shut off. Any workaround? Thanks for any help. Mightymike, keep up the good work! |
Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
Thanks, that fixed it (i used spb mobile shell theme)
Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
anyone with verizon install this yet? how do you like it?
Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
i really just dont like the "OK" button on the top corner..anyway just to have it like the old way?
Also when i slide the keyboard out shouldnt the background rotate to landscape mode? It doesnt and cuts off some of the background. Last edited by Jnguyen87; 04-22-2009 at 05:36 PM. |
Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501
I know at least myself and Lordshadowz. No problem's with a pagepool of 8, runs great. Tried 6 at first but it was a tad bit sluggish for me and it looked like I had RAM to spare with multiple apps open. I might even go higher, I try to multitask a lot before a PP bump to make sure I don't have to close apps.
Phone history:
xv6700, smt5800, xv6850 (TP), xv6875 (TP2) |
To All Those With The "messaging" Bug...
....and you know who you are. You come back to your phone after a while and notice it says 'Messaging' where start is and the screen is not updated at all with notifications or the like. Some reported simply touching the screen fixes it. Some say the screen is frozen.
This is caused by the email program 'autochecking' your email. Setting the option to Manually send/receive fixes this issue....HOWEVER, if you are like me and need this option then there is another fix. Start > Settings > Today > 'Items' tab > Uncheck 'Today Timeout' This resolved the issue for me. FYI this should also work in Copper and Juicy roms as well. Dunno if this had been discussed yet as there are literally 10000+ posts. |
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