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  #1651 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Originally Posted by knewBee4lyfe View Post
oh and how do i change the action button in the home page to phone? don't really want or need it...
Start>>Settings>>Diamond Tweak

Go about 2/3 the way down the menu, you should see the option under TouchFlo3D to map your soft buttons.
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  #1652 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Originally Posted by RavenTBK View Post
It got buried cause Kevan answered it.

It has something to do with the SYS version that he's using in 1.7+. You need to exit the thread and re-enter each time till all new messages are "read". Alternatively, without exiting the thread, you can click on the senders name for each new message (bold) to select it, thereby marking it read.
is this going to continue into v1.9 ROM? it makes me sad... haha, i love this ROM but i use this ALL the time and it bothers me... otherwise, i love the ROM KK!
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  #1653 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 12:22 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Quote: Originally Posted by RavenTBK
It got buried cause Kevan answered it.

It has something to do with the SYS version that he's using in 1.7+. You need to exit the thread and re-enter each time till all new messages are "read". Alternatively, without exiting the thread, you can click on the senders name for each new message (bold) to select it, thereby marking it read.
is this going to continue into v1.9 ROM? it makes me sad... haha, i love this ROM but i use this ALL the time and it bothers me... otherwise, i love the ROM KK!

this is htmlnote.dll located in sys/redist folder.

use an htmlnote.dll from a 19x sys and this issue is gone.
Attached Files
File Type: zip htmlnote.dll.zip (378.1 KB, 20 views) Click for barcode!
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  #1654 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 06:06 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Originally Posted by kevank View Post
Ok. It have been several weeks since I updated the ROM and I am going to start some work tonight. If someone has time can you go through the thread and make a list of issues, suggestions and new apps for me?


Guys I have to say that I'm pretty pissed at you. Yes, all of you, or at least the ones that have posted since, or seen Kev's message. That was posted TWO full days ago, and not one person has complied the list for Kev. You all say that you're so appreciative, and that this is best rom out there, but you can't take the time to help him out. We all benefit from his hard work, and that was the time to give a little back.

Yes, it does take some time to reread all the posts since the last release, and it is a bit of work. BUT, I think it pales in comparison to the amount of work it actually takes to cook this wonderful rom. You could've alleviated some of the work off of Kev, especially when he asks you to. AND with all the interest in TF3D2, I thought everyone would be jumping to help with a new release. Flame on me all you want, but you know I'm right.

Yes some of you may have had excuses, so this isn't directed at you. It's just as much as this thread is posted on and read, I can't believe SOMEONE hasn't already helped out.

Kev, I'm sorry that I haven't already done this myself, but I've been extremely busy and was also out of town on Saturday, and haven't been on this thread in a few days as well. I hope you haven't already compiled a list.

I've already started compiling, and I'm doing it now, and should have it up within the next 20-30 min.
If someone helps you out in any way, mind hitting the ?

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  #1655 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 06:32 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

heyyyy kev if you add the dll posted by mighty and add tf2 i think we would be set...

skyfire would still be a cool addition also lol

....and ok any clue why if im veiwing a picture that was taken in landscape but im veiwing it in portrait it shows it in landscape?....and then when i rotate the phone to lanscape the picture stays landscape then trn portrait?....its the opposite of what it should be....and also if i have a picture that turn landscape along with the phone after about 3 seconds it turns back to portait mode even though when you click on the screen all the buttons pop up like its in landscape....i can post screen shots with a description if it makes it easier to understand lol
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  #1656 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 06:40 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

I've gone through the past 36 pages and 352 posts since v1.8 was released, and apologize if I missed a bug/feature request.

Ok, here goes:

New version of Arcsoft
Tsowens' new taskbar- (post 3 has the new version)
Adding more program icons
VCN Enterprise Viewer
Helicopter Game
(I've used BatteryMon in the past with this ROM. I ended up un-installing it though, the one you include is fine, but it is nice.)

And here are a couple suggestions from me.
cleanRAM- new version
Persian Blue- a must have, bluetooth file sending manager
G-Trigger- the coolest app launcher ive ever seen, now supports more actions (new release today)
Nitrogen- really great mp3 player

These are just a few of the apps that I personally use and load onto this rom myself, so I thought I'd see what you think as well.

Bugs/Requests reported by users
  • I think it's been decided to remove Omniano completely and leave it up to the user to install if desired.
  • Broken shortcut for Action Screen. (softkey does work though)
  • I think also the Rhodium Finger Menu's are also desired over the FingerMenu you currently use.
  • Could the ABC mode be re enabled as the default instead of word complete when using the slide out keyboard?, it was starting to become a no landscape issue
  • Palringo give an error that is in not a ppc program.
  • Increase the MMS size limit to 4.9mb
  • Worldcard Mobile is broken
  • Start another thread for next version
And of course the TF3D 2, whenever you feel it is ready

Also, Mike posted the supposed fix for the text message issue, you might have already seen that by now.

If you need anything else, let me know (since no one else is apparently willing to help).

Last edited by GoodGets; 03-30-2009 at 06:58 PM.
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  #1657 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 07:31 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Also, the Internet Explorer shows the phone as a Diamond when it connects to Sprint website!
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  #1658 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 08:10 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Originally Posted by GoodGets View Post
I've gone through the past 36 pages and 352 posts since v1.8 was released, and apologize if I missed a bug/feature request.

Ok, here goes:

New version of Arcsoft
Tsowens' new taskbar- (post 3 has the new version)
Adding more program icons
VCN Enterprise Viewer
Helicopter Game
(I've used BatteryMon in the past with this ROM. I ended up un-installing it though, the one you include is fine, but it is nice.)

And here are a couple suggestions from me.
cleanRAM- new version
Persian Blue- a must have, bluetooth file sending manager
G-Trigger- the coolest app launcher ive ever seen, now supports more actions (new release today)
Nitrogen- really great mp3 player

These are just a few of the apps that I personally use and load onto this rom myself, so I thought I'd see what you think as well.

Bugs/Requests reported by users
  • I think it's been decided to remove Omniano completely and leave it up to the user to install if desired.
  • Broken shortcut for Action Screen. (softkey does work though)
  • I think also the Rhodium Finger Menu's are also desired over the FingerMenu you currently use.
  • Could the ABC mode be re enabled as the default instead of word complete when using the slide out keyboard?, it was starting to become a no landscape issue
  • Palringo give an error that is in not a ppc program.
  • Increase the MMS size limit to 4.9mb
  • Worldcard Mobile is broken
  • Start another thread for next version
And of course the TF3D 2, whenever you feel it is ready

Also, Mike posted the supposed fix for the text message issue, you might have already seen that by now.

If you need anything else, let me know (since no one else is apparently willing to help).
Thanks for the list. I started to go through the thread and just got pulled away by work. I think the Wordcard issue is linked to the camera software. This is my due to another bug I found:

External programs cannot seem to directly access the camera to take pictures. Right now I know this is true with MMS and PockeTwit. Qik accesses the video recorder just fine.
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  #1659 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 09:20 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Something really minor.

In Settings->System(Tab)->About->"Device name:", it is default to "Touch Pro"

But it is illegal to have blank in the device name. So it won't let you click OK at the top right after you run "About". You have to change the device name to something else first.
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  #1660 (permalink)  
Old 03-30-2009, 09:51 PM
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Re: [3-9-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.8 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21015 Build 21015] [UC]

Also, go take a video with your phone. Go to Album and watch that video. After finish playing, it will have the following error.

Windows Media
Cannot play the file because the specified network protocol is not supported. If you entered a URL to play the file, try a different protocol (such as HTTP). If you clicked a link to play the file, the link might not be valid.

Again, very easy to recreate. Just take a video with your phone and play it back.
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