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  #661 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 02:15 AM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by l33tlinuxh4x0r View Post
does startup animation work with 21139? answer NO
P.S. Avast antivirus detects a file in the kitchen as a nutcracker trojan
Hmm unless something changed since the preview, startup animation should be working. I am downloading now but probably won't have a chance to test tonight.

I will also test for this "virus" with AVG when it gets fully downloaded. Probably a false positive.
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  #662 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 09:44 AM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by blankd3ckskat3r View Post
nobody answered my post from above; does anyone have a landscape vodafone tf3d or know how to add a landscape to it

Unless vodafone has a Touch Pro(I haven't looked), there won't be a landscape manila for it unless its custom made, which really isn't that hard if you want to do it yourself

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
Hey calcu, and anyone for that matter. Can you confirm if sports mode on camera is crashing/locking up the camera? I almost never use camera but I tried a couple times today and it starts to take pictures then stops and none of the pictures exist. I have to hit the home soft key to get it out of the camera mode.

I forgot to change a reg key for those modes which caused the lockups but it's been fixed in the new release

Originally Posted by rjmjr69 View Post
Hey anyone notice the black STA is missing the rgu file? Calk you have it please?

Black Slide to Answer missing rgu file

RGU file isn't needed as I used a provxml. They both do the samething, just at different times in the flashing process

Originally Posted by Isriam View Post
anyone interested in helping me convert a carrier OEM from ppckitchen to caulkin kitchen? The OEM works fine in ppckitchen but not caulkin's. Not sure what differences there would be but the rom does not boot after I create it using my custom carrier OEM.

The carrier folders rgu has the boot info, so you can't just drop in another carrier folder without that info, as it won't boot. Post the carrier info and I'll create one or just rename one and change the provxmls
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  #663 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 10:36 AM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Caclu, I didn't have a chance to check yet but in the 1.3.1 you just released, does it use the 21139 Sys still or did you go back to the 21109? I ask because you have the kitchen listed as 1.3.1 21109 and the sys 21139 as a seperate download.
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  #664 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 02:17 PM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
Caclu, I didn't have a chance to check yet but in the 1.3.1 you just released, does it use the 21139 Sys still or did you go back to the 21109? I ask because you have the kitchen listed as 1.3.1 21109 and the sys 21139 as a seperate download.
It shows 21109 on the phone.
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  #665 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
Caclu, I didn't have a chance to check yet but in the 1.3.1 you just released, does it use the 21139 Sys still or did you go back to the 21109? I ask because you have the kitchen listed as 1.3.1 21109 and the sys 21139 as a seperate download.

v1.3.1 has 21109 but I'm just about done with v1.4 which is a hybrid 21109/21139, HD manila, new sip(which you guys don't really use anyways) and a couple of other fixes/updates
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  #666 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 05:57 PM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Nice kitchen. I have a question about TV Out. I see some mention of it through thread, but I have not been able to get it to work. I read someting about a popup, but when I connect my cable nothing happens. I remeber seeing an item in settings in the stock rom, but don't see anything now. Has anyone had sucess with TVout? Are there any pointers you could give me? Thanks
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  #667 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 06:01 PM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by Calcu View Post
v1.3.1 has 21109 but I'm just about done with v1.4 which is a hybrid 21109/21139, HD manila, new sip(which you guys don't really use anyways) and a couple of other fixes/updates
Sounds good. I thought the 1.3.1 preview had 21139...least thats what it says in the About

That HD manila going to be a full functioning Manila or will we have to tap the screen to death, dance a jig and do a war dance to make it work?

Originally Posted by jasonfilmfan View Post
Nice kitchen. I have a question about TV Out. I see some mention of it through thread, but I have not been able to get it to work. I read someting about a popup, but when I connect my cable nothing happens. I remeber seeing an item in settings in the stock rom, but don't see anything now. Has anyone had sucess with TVout? Are there any pointers you could give me? Thanks
Sorry, I don't use TV out so I can not help.
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  #668 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 06:44 PM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

video out doesnt work. tried two cables. please help.
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  #669 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 07:25 PM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
Sounds good. I thought the 1.3.1 preview had 21139...least thats what it says in the About

That HD manila going to be a full functioning Manila or will we have to tap the screen to death, dance a jig and do a war dance to make it work?

It did but I choose to stay with 21109 for that release and use 21139 for v1.4. As for the HD manila, it does auto launch for me but landscape is still not working properly, so I need to fix that before I release it

Originally Posted by ramik911 View Post
video out doesnt work. tried two cables. please help.

Actually I just looked and the OEM for TV Out is missing, so that's probably why its not working. It will be in v1.4 but you can try this cab and see if it works, so you don't have to wait till v1.4 is released
Attached Files
File Type: cab TV Out.cab (178.4 KB, 25 views) Click for barcode!
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  #670 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 09:41 PM
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Re: [ Jan 27 \ OS 5.2.21109 v1.3.1 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by froader View Post
So far so good! Its even faster than 1.3.0.
I like how you got rid of the red item selector on the start menu, etc. Oops-spoke too soon. With TF3D enabled its back to VZW red. Its an easy fix I am sure.

That damn reminder notification - repeat is still selected and greyed out. Anybody know of a regedit?

Adding cities to TF3D is really fast now.

GPS is working with quick locks as prior - using QGPS and Google Maps.

I cooked with the black slide to answer and no problem with the corrupt ring tone yet. This is good!

Thanks and I am very impressed - Very fast and stable from what I have used. What was the biggest difference from 1.3.0 to this one?
I just wanted to add to this list of minor things that I have noticed.
A few times today WIFI turned on by itself?? So I just turned it off. I am pretty sure BT was on each time but cant be positive. I broke down and bought a Moto H12 BT headset for $30 since I have been sick in bed. I have been using a Pioneer BT receiver in my Tahoe for about a year now but not both of them. I felt well enough to run some errands today and the Pioneer paired and worked properly. When I came back inside and turned on the H12 that was previously paired it would not connect. It did show the services available but was not available as hands-free even when I told it to be. I just deleted it and repaired.
Even with these minor things I have really been enjoying using the Rom from your kitchen - Thanks!

Oh yeah I found a thread with a fix for the reminder notification repeat being greyed out - http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=49627
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