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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 12:44 AM
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[ROM][WWE][09/13/10] swinnROM 6.5.x 23563/23138/21914 [KITCHEN][CLEAN]

swinnROM 100821
CE OS 5.2.23563 (Build 23563.5.5.x)

Sprint Version

Generic Version (Use a Carrier CAB)

I have been making personal ROMs for a while now and since most of the chefs have moved to the TP2, I decided to release my custom ROM to the public. This is a clean ROM that was designed to show off Windows Mobile the way Microsoft intended.

This version uses the "experimental" 6.5.5 branch. It looks to be discontinued.

You must unlock your phone before flashing this ROM! For more information, click here.
You must install a carrier cab with the generic version. See below.

I am not responsible for any damage to your phone!

swinnROM 100913
CE OS 5.2.23138 (Build 23138.5.3.x)

Sprint Version

Generic Version (Use a Carrier CAB)

This version uses the "stable" 6.5.3 branch.

You must unlock your phone before flashing this ROM! For more information, click here.
You must install a carrier cab with the generic version. See below.

I am not responsible for any damage to your phone!

swinnROM 100821
CE OS 5.2.21914 (Build 21914.5.0.x)

Sprint Version

Generic Version (Use a Carrier CAB)

I know not everyone likes the 6.5.x versions, so I decided to offer a clean 6.5 ROM as well. The only difference between this and my main ROM above is the SYS. Office 2010 is included.

You must unlock your phone before flashing this ROM! For more information, click here.
You must install a carrier cab with the generic version. See below.

I am not responsible for any damage to your phone!

swinnROM Kitchen Files
You will need to download the kitchen plus a SYS package.
Enter Download Area

Sprint and Generic PagePool is set to 0MB.
You can change it by using the included PagePool Changer.
After flashing, the first boot takes some time so just be patient.

Carrier CAB Information:
I use Sprint's service and therefore I build and test it for that. The generic version does not have any carrier specific provisioning cooked in. It will require that you install a carrier CAB after flashing. You can find DCD's Carrier CABs here. Thank you DCD!

This ROM is designed by me for me using ervius's Visual Kitchen. Please report any problems you find. Use CABs to build it up to how you like it. I will update the ROM when I upgrade to a new build or fix any reported issues.
  • No, the ROM does not include Manila (or just about any other HTC package).
  • No, the ROM does not include Sashimi.
  • Yes, the ROM does include UC support.
  • Yes, the ROM is uncompressed for maximum speed. You ask, "If it's so clean, why is the file so big?" Well, it all depends on the compression. The uncompressed nbh is approximately 120MB. XPR compression of the same ROM is approximately 72MB. LZH compression of the same ROM is approximately 40MB.
  • Yes, I do plan on updating this for a while. Unless my TP breaks and it is replaced with something newer. I am waiting for Windows Phone 7 to arrive.
Thank You:
Thanks to bepe, ervius, Calkulin, Da_G, DCD, no2chem and everyone else making all this possible!

Included OEM Packages
 - Boot Launcher 1.0.1922.1510.1
 - Concurrence Manager 1.5.1922.2310.00
 - Data Disconnect
 - Data Roam Guard
 - Discretix DRM 1.0.20100113.00
 - DM Router
 - DRM Middleware 1.5.1922.2310.00
 - DShow 2.0.1919.3427.00
 - EngInfo
 - Field Test
 - Field Trial
 - Fuart
 - Google Location Service
 - HTC Framework 1.5.1922.3320.00
 - HTC Util
 - initProv
 - mHub 6.57.090121.E1
 - mHub VO 1.8.091221.X1
 - Mute
 - MyCPL
 - Phone Setting
 - PhoneExt Service
 - PictureEnhancement 1.50.1922.1924.00
 - Power Service
 - Redial
 - Resource Proxy 1.0.1922.2811.00
 - Sensor SDK 4.0.1911.2326.0
 - Shared Modules 1.01.1922.2524.00
 - Show Phone No
 - SmartTouch 1.0.32417.1
 - SMS Inbox Threading
 - Streaming SDK 2.7.1921.2819.00
 - TV Out Setting
 - zlibce_m
 - Bluetooth Setting
 - Camera 6.4.33477.0
 - Clear Storage
 - Device Info
 - GSensor Calibrator 1.1.1918.3824.0
 - HTC Settings
 - Key Lock
 - Power
 - Power Off Warning
 - Storage Low
 - Streaming Media 3.1.1918.3525.01
 - TV Out Popup 1.2.1921.3628.00
 - USB To PC PopUp 2.2.1917.1630.0

Included SYS Packages
 - AdobeFlash
 - AdobeFlashCodecs
 - AlarmSounds
 - Base
 - BaseApps
 - BaseAppsModules
 - Bluetooth
 - bronze
 - BronzeNonEA
 - browsingie
 - Bth_A2DP
 - Bth_HID
 - CHome
 - CommonNonEA
 - ConfettiCore
 - DRM
 - Enterprise
 - Entertainment
 - Lockscreen
 - LockscreenNonEA
 - MediaOS
 - MediaOSModules
 - Metadata
 - NetCF
 - OS
 - OSModules
 - Phone
 - PhoneRedist
 - ppgprov
 - Redist
 - RemoteDesktopMobile
 - Riched20
 - RingsAndAlerts
 - Shell
 - Skymarket
 - SMS_Providers
 - SqlCeMobile
 - VoiceCommand
 - Webview
 - WMWidgets
swinnROM History

 + Updated to build 23138.

 + Updated to build 21914.
 + Added build 23132.
 + PagePool back to 0.
 - Reverted to build 23563.
 ! Fixed panorama camera mode low memory error.

 + Updated to build 23569.
 + Added HTCFontLink.
 + Added AlarmSounds.
 + Added Rings and Alerts.
 + Added Office 2010 (Release).
 + Enhanced various icons.
 + Pagepool: Sprint is 24, Generic is 16.
 + Minor registry changes.
 ! Fixed SYM key.
 ! Fixed bluetooth disconnection.
 ! Fixed signal icons.
 ! Fixed camera templates.
 ! Turned autorotation off again (whoops).
 ! Fixed a bunch of little things.

 + Updated to build 23566.
 + Updated to build 21903.
 + Added Device Lock.
 + Updated OEM packages.
 + Minor registry changes.
 ! Fixed camera/camcorder icons.

 + Updated to build 23563.
 + Updated to build 21901.

 + Updated to build 23559.
 + Updated to build 21899.
 + Further kitchen re-organization.
 + Minor registry changes.
 + Default pagepool changed from 0 to 16.
 - Removed unneeded services.
 - Removed storage card encryption (was disabled already).

 + Updated to build 23557.
 + Changed SuspendResume to #777.
 - Removed MSIMAR.

 + Updated and re-organized OEM packages.
 + Added Raphael Keyboard Config.
 + Added HTC Framework.
 + Added custom battery icon to fix the stock icon.
 + Took out ceipui notification.
 ! Fixed word completion.
 ! Fixed obex.

 + Updated to build 23554.
 + Updated to build 21898.
 + Updated OEM packages.
 + Minor registry changes.
 - Removed HTC Application Service.

 + Updated to build 23551.
 + Added Google Location Service.
 + Added PictureEnhancement.
 - Removed HTC APM.
 ! Fixed "Pictures & Video" issues.
 ! Fixed keyboard browser button to load IE.

 + Updated to build 23549.
 ! Widgets can now just be tapped for installation.

 + Updated to build 23547.
 + Added UC support.
 + Added DRM Middleware.
 + Added Discretix DRM.
 + Added Streaming SDK.
 ! Fixed video playback issue.

 + Updated to build 23545.
 + Added Streaming Media Player.
 + Minor registry changes.

 + Added Clear Storage.
 + Added SMS Inbox Threading.
 + Added Storage Low.
 - Reverted EPST to v4.50.0.0.

 ! Fixed rotation problem with the camera.

 + Changed some icons.
 + Added EPST shortcut to control panel.
 - Removed Streaming Media Player.
 - Removed unneeded packages.

 + Initial public release.

Last edited by swinn; 09-13-2010 at 01:50 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 12:45 AM
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swinnROM CABs

swinnROM CABs

This post contains CAB files I have created to aid you with your swinnROM installation.
You can visit the full file archive here.

Be sure to reboot after installing any CAB that makes a registry change.

swinnROM 3 Row Start Menu.cab - This will install the stock 3 row start menu with big icons. Uninstallable.

swinnROM Automatic Data Disconnection.cab - This contains registry entries that will enable automatic data disconnection. The timeout is set at five minutes. These changes will improve battery life but you may experience a delay when answering the phone while data is active.

swinnROM Default Data Settings.cab - This contains registry entries to reverse the above modification. It will disable the automatic data disconnection, but will ensure the phone answers quickly.

swinnROM Disable AGPS.cab - This contains registry entries that will disable assisted GPS. Uninstallable.

swinnROM Reboot.cab - This will install a small program that will let you easily reboot your device from the start menu. Uninstallable.

swinnROM Reset FingerPressure.cab - When you do the screen alignment, it sets the screen sensitivity based on how hard you press it. This contains registry settings which will reset the sensitivity to the highest setting.

swinnROM Sounds.cab - This will install the stock alarms, alerts and rings. Uninstallable.

Arcsoft MMS (VGA).cab - MMS client that integrates into Windows Mobile. This is the one I personally use for Sprint. It has the other carriers configured but no guarantees that it will work. Please note that it is setup to use a storage card for photo and video storage. Uninstallable.

HTC QuickGPS 1.1.1917.3021.01.cab - Downloads satellite data for quicker GPS locks. If you disable AGPS, this is highly recommended. Uninstallable.

HTC Teeter 1.7.1918.3731.00.cab - Popular labyrinth game. Uninstallable.

swinn's Application List
The following list contains applications that I personally install.

OliveTree Bible Reader

ArcSoft MMS (Available Above)
Wifi Remote Access

Teeter (Available Above)

Resco Photo Album
Slingplayer Mobile

QuickGPS (Available Above)

Finger Keyboard
nue SIP Default
Resco File Explorer
swinnROM Reboot (Available Above)

Amarullz Blue/Black Theme
Chome Editor
Titanium Weather (TW & GPSRadar)
Titanium Notifications

Last edited by swinn; 05-20-2010 at 09:10 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 12:48 AM
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Re: [ROM] [3/3/10] swinnROM 100303 6.5.5 23541 CLEAN (Sprint Only)

thanks man
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: [ROM] [3/3/10] swinnROM 100303 6.5.5 23541 CLEAN (Sprint Only)

i´ll download.Thanks see you
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 12:59 PM
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Re: [ROM] [3/3/10] swinnROM 100303 6.5.5 23541 CLEAN (Sprint Only)

now i understand you don't plan on making a VZW ROM, but i was wondering, why wouldn't this work with Verizon? their both CDMA phones, couldn't i just install a Verizon Carrier Cab to enable data? just thinking out-loud sorry.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: [ROM] [3/3/10] swinnROM 100303 6.5.5 23541 CLEAN (Sprint Only)

It has the Sprint carrier information already cooked in. I've been thinking that I could just do a generic ROM for those on Verizon and let them use DCD's carrier cab. First, I'll need to go through my custom files and make sure I didn't put any Sprint stuff into them. I'll look into it tonight since I was planning on doing some work on the ROM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 09:43 PM
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Re: [ROM] [3/5/10] swinnROM 100305 6.5.5 23541 CLEAN (Sprint Only)

ha-ha! generic rom! lol.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 12:49 AM
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Re: [ROM] [3/5/10] swinnROM 100305 6.5.5 23541 CLEAN

I've uploaded the "generic" version. It contains no carrier specific provisioning so you will need to use a carrier cab. DCD's carrier cabs can be found here. I have not tested the generic version so let me know how it goes.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2010, 08:51 AM
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Re: [ROM] [3/6/10] swinnROM 100306 6.5.5 23541 CLEAN

Using the generic version and EPST will not open. When I attempt to open it, EPST just closes immediately. Other than that, nice ROM so far. Also there is no ClearStorage.

Last edited by ziptrx; 03-08-2010 at 10:13 AM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2010, 12:04 PM
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Re: [ROM] [3/6/10] swinnROM 100306 6.5.5 23541 CLEAN

Originally Posted by ziptrx View Post
Using the generic version and EPST will not open. When I attempt to open it, EPST just closes immediately. Other than that, nice ROM so far. Also there is no ClearStorage.
What code do you normally enter into the dialer to load epst? The shortcut is running ##778.

I put ClearStorage back in and thanks for trying out my ROM.
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