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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 01:30 AM
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Re: Battery charging slow?

First, I'd like to start by saying that a chargers amperage rating is similar to the size of the pipes in your house. That is, when you turn on the faucet (plug into the charger) it will only provide what is necessary (a trickle to a spray) no more. Its the same reason your batteries last longer in a remote than in a vibrator. You are VERY correct in stating that Lithium batteries can be damaged by charging too quickly (as can ALL batteries). In fact, as a previous owner of a touch pro (original) I know this all too well. A "Feature" of the TP was that if you began drawing sooo much power (tethering) that the charger was just barely able to break even, once it heated up to a certain temperature it would STOP charging and only discharge.

This brings me to my main point. Any semi-intelligent phone (and probably ALL phones) have some sort of charging monitoring/control system. Usually it involves a combination of temperature sensing, draw sensing and charging sensing but in the end they all provide a correct voltage and correct AMPERAGE for the situation. Also worth noting is that our 3.7v batteries can't be charged directly from 5v from USB, it must be adjusted by the charging circuit down to 4.1-ish, MAYBE as high as 4.3 (I forget the exact figures, its late). It is both transformed and regulated before it EVER hits the battery.

Long story short, I've been mixing and matching usb chargers for years now and will continue to do so. Although I also bought a pair of nice cheap ebay batteries (desktop batt charger, 2 batteries, car charger + usb $30) so this is kind of a non-issue for me...
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 06:56 AM
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Re: Battery charging slow?

I hadn't thought about the phone having an internal regulator...that's an excellent point. Years ago I hooked up a laptop to an external battery by cutting the end off of the charging cable and plugging the bare wires directly into the battery. The external battery was much larger and stronger than the laptop's internal battery and the end result was that it fried the internal circuit so that the laptop would now only run while plugged in to the external battery. What was needed was a resistor / capacitor to downgrade the output to the correct levels (which we now have). I imagine this is what these new phones have. I am going to do a little research and see what I can find out.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-08-2010, 08:17 AM
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Re: Battery charging slow?

Originally Posted by ksfoster View Post
I hadn't thought about the phone having an internal regulator...that's an excellent point. Years ago I hooked up a laptop to an external battery by cutting the end off of the charging cable and plugging the bare wires directly into the battery. The external battery was much larger and stronger than the laptop's internal battery and the end result was that it fried the internal circuit so that the laptop would now only run while plugged in to the external battery. What was needed was a resistor / capacitor to downgrade the output to the correct levels (which we now have). I imagine this is what these new phones have. I am going to do a little research and see what I can find out.
A laptop and and a phone are 2 different beasts..a laptop receives a lot more charge then a phone..The power connector is there for mostly transforming AC to DC and regulates voltage...inside both laptops and phones as long as the voltage is same are a set of resistors to regulate it, but these have an allowed range..if you go over the allowed range it can fry. USB has a standard for up to 1A so there shouldn't be any issue as 1A charging is considered.

oh compuw22c, the TP overheating thing has to do when a li-on battery starts draining and charging a lot at the same time...thus causing over heating..then once TP reached a certain heat level it deactivates the charging to prevent damage...there was a mod to increase the allowed overheating limit. In the TP2, HTC was smarter and added a thing that once it reaches a certain heat level it stops charging, waits for it to cool down and begin again to charge to full in cycles. Aka this is a flaw in li-on batteries when they charge and discharge a lot at the same time... not really the rate at which it charges, at least in this specific instance.
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Last edited by gTen; 09-08-2010 at 08:19 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2010, 10:04 AM
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Re: Battery charging slow?

I have to agree with gTen on this issue. 1Amp charger will do no more harm to your battery than it did with your TP2 battery. Yesterday I did full discharge of the battery from 85% to the point of having phone shutdown. It took 6.5 hrs to charge the battery to full. My TP2 would charge from my PC in 2 hrs since I had a tweak in the rom for a quick charge. I was going on 8 months with the TP2 battery and never had any issues with shorter battery life. So use common sense, if charging overnight then use the lower rated charger. If you need a fast pick me up, as we all do at times, then use the 1Amp charger.
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Last edited by Timberwolf671; 09-09-2010 at 10:07 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-09-2010, 12:04 PM
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Re: Battery charging slow?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Aka this is a flaw in li-on batteries when they charge and discharge a lot at the same time... not really the rate at which it charges, at least in this specific instance.
I believe what we're talking about is essentially the same thing. The battery will heat itself up approaching that thermal cut-off point anytime the total power (in AND out) reaches a certain point for long enough to heat it up. The way I see it you can achieve it EITHER by USING tons of battery power while trying to charge it at (lets say "normal" speed with .7 amps) or by using a MODERATE (and/or overclocking) amount of power but charging it faster (1-2 amp charger).

If I were to tether my phone for 30 minutes and then plug it in, it will already be pretty hot. It won't take long after I plug it in for it to reach that temperature of diminished/deactivated charging. And it wouldn't have anything to do with the charger, just the total amperage both in AND out that the battery has flowing through it generating heat.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2010, 03:09 PM
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Re: Battery charging slow?

I noticed turning the phone off completely and wall charge it, it charges the fastest. From 0 to 100%in about 1hour 30 minutes. Just like prior tp,tp2 mogul devices.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-17-2010, 03:48 PM
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Re: Battery charging slow?

Originally Posted by sp4rtan5 View Post
I noticed turning the phone off completely and wall charge it, it charges the fastest. From 0 to 100%in about 1hour 30 minutes. Just like prior tp,tp2 mogul devices.
Yes..thats because the device isn't using up any energy while off..hence it charges faster...
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Old 11-08-2010, 03:21 PM
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Sometimes at full constant usage like mp3 player and youtube viewing and taking phone calls while charging it, takes me 7 hour to fully charge. Ridiculous! But I'll take it over any htc junk out there right now.

Sent from some where on Earth, sorrounded by llamas.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 12-11-2010, 11:53 PM
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Dear god! What a pos! Lol. Love the hardware gpu power. But charging is non existance. Best advice is to keep it plugged it any chance you get. Took me 12 hour to charge on heavy constant usage.lol. Using supafast 4g.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2010, 12:02 AM
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Re: Battery charging slow?

Originally Posted by Johnny.Bravo View Post
Here is what I know about Lithium-Ion batteries. The faster you charge them the shorter that charge will last. Additionally, constantly fast-charging Li-ion batteries will reduce the life of the battery. Therefore slow low-amperage charging is better not only for how long each charge will last, but also for the overall life of the battery. Perhaps Samsung looked at the battery life issues the EVO is having and decided to go with a lower amperage charger on purpose in improve overall battery performance.

So no, I would not use a 1000mA charger. Stick with the 700mA charger and plan ahead to make sure you have enough time to get a full charge.
wrong, this was for ni-cd and ni-mh. the only thing that adversely affects charging lithium (granted voltage is correct) is heat. lithium actually likes being charged even when not empty.
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